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Coverage analysis with support for padding
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GabeAl committed Oct 30, 2018
1 parent c1f9aec commit 3764125
Showing 1 changed file with 256 additions and 0 deletions.
256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions embalmlets/bcov.c
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
#define VER "v0.92"
#define USAGE "bcov in.alignments.b6 in.table.txt OUT_PREFIX [<VAR>] [PAD <X>] [SPLIT]"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>

typedef struct {char *S; uint32_t L, *U,*C;} Record;
typedef struct T T;
struct T { char *s; uint64_t i; T *left, *right; uint32_t **Uc, **Cc; };
static inline T* T_add(T *t, char *s, uint64_t l, uint64_t *i) {
if (!t->s) {
*t = (T){memcpy(calloc(l+1,1),s,l),(*i)++,0,0,0,0};
return t;
int cmp = 0, j = 0;
for (char *ts = t->s; j < l; ++j) if (s[j]!=ts[j]) {
cmp = ts[j]-s[j]; break;}
do {
if (cmp > 0) {
if (!t->right) {
t->right = malloc(sizeof(T));
*t->right = (T){memcpy(calloc(l+1,1),s,l),(*i)++,0,0,0,0};
return t->right;
} t = t->right;
} else if (cmp < 0) {
if (!t->left) {
t->left = malloc(sizeof(T));
*t->left = (T){memcpy(calloc(l+1,1),s,l),(*i)++,0,0,0,0};
return t->left;
} t = t->left;
cmp = 0, j = 0;
for (char *ts = t->s; j < l; ++j) if (s[j]!=ts[j]) {
cmp = ts[j]-s[j]; break;}
} while (cmp);
return t;
static inline void writeNodes(T *t, char **f, uint32_t ***GU, uint32_t ***GC) {
f[t->i] = t->s, GU[t->i] = t->Uc, GC[t->i] = t->Cc;
if (t->left) writeNodes(t->left, f, GU, GC);
if (t->right) writeNodes(t->right, f, GU, GC);
static inline int cmp(const void *a, const void *b) {
Record *A = (Record *)a, *B = (Record *)b;
return strcmp(A->S, B->S);
static Record * crBST_XAT(char *key, uint32_t li, Record *D) {
Record *p = D;
while (li) {
uint32_t w = li >> 1;
char *ref_s = p[w+1].S, *key_s = key;
while (*key_s == *ref_s++)
if (*ref_s == '\t' || !*key_s++) return p+w+1;
if (*(ref_s-1) < *key_s) p += w+1, li -= w+1;
else li = w;
char *ref_s = p->S, *key_s = key;
while (*key_s == *ref_s++)
if (*ref_s == '\t' || !*key_s++) return p;
return 0;
char FILEN[4096] = {0};
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
puts("This is BURSTcoverage (bcov) "VER);
if (argc < 4) {puts("Usage: " USAGE); exit(1);}
int inf, inm = -1, DO_SAMP = 0;
long PAD = 0;
FILE *outs, *outu, *outbs, *outbu;
char *mm_inf, *mm_inm;
double vf = 1.0;
struct stat sb; uint64_t sz_inf, sz_inm = 0;

if (argc > 4 && !strcmp(argv[argc-1],"SPLIT")) --argc, DO_SAMP = 1;
if (argc > 5 && !strcmp(argv[argc-2],"PAD"))
PAD = atoi(argv[argc-1]), argc-=2, printf("Padding %ld bp\n",PAD);
if (argc > 4) vf = atof(argv[argc-1]);
inf = open(argv[1],O_RDONLY);
inm = open(argv[2],O_RDONLY);
outs = fopen(FILEN,"wb");
outu = fopen(FILEN,"wb");
outbs = fopen(FILEN,"wb");
outbu = fopen(FILEN,"wb");

if (inf==-1 || inm==-1 || !(outs && outu && outbs && outbu)) {
puts("I/O ERROR. Check filenames."); exit(2);}
fstat(inm,&sb); sz_inm = sb.st_size;
mm_inm = mmap(0,sz_inm+2,PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_PRIVATE,inm,0);
if (mm_inm[sz_inm-1] == '\n') mm_inm[sz_inm-1] = 0;
madvise(mm_inm, sz_inm+2, MADV_WILLNEED);

fstat(inf,&sb); sz_inf = sb.st_size;
mm_inf = mmap(0,sz_inf+4096,PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_PRIVATE,inf,0);
if (mm_inf[sz_inf-1] == '\n') mm_inf[sz_inf-1] = 0;
if (!sz_inf) {puts("B6 file is empty. Exiting."); exit(1);}


// Begin parsing block
uint32_t rLines = 0, rSz = 1000, nRecs = 0;
Record *Recs = malloc(sizeof(*Recs)*rSz);
char *ptr = mm_inm-1;
do {
Recs[nRecs].S = ++ptr;
ptr = strchr(ptr,'\t');
if (!ptr) {printf("ERROR: map [%u]\n",nRecs+1); exit(1);}
if (nRecs >= rSz) Recs=realloc(Recs,sizeof(*Recs)*(rSz*=2));
Recs[nRecs++].L = atol(ptr+1);
} while (ptr = strchr(ptr+1,'\n'));
printf("Parsed %u records in map\n",nRecs);


// Prepare global structure
uint64_t whole = 2 * 128 * nRecs + 256;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nRecs; ++i) whole += Recs[i].L << 1;
uint32_t *HugeBlk = calloc(whole,sizeof(*HugeBlk)), *HgPtr = HugeBlk;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nRecs; ++i)
Recs[i].U = HgPtr + 128, Recs[i].C = Recs[i].U + Recs[i].L + 128,
HgPtr = Recs[i].C + Recs[i].L;
// Parse b6 and increment
ptr = mm_inf;
char *next = 0, *semi, uprv = 1;
uint64_t six = 0, N = 0;
T *SampT = calloc(1,sizeof(*SampT)), *node = 0;
uint32_t cnt = 0;
do {
if (!(cnt++ & 16383)) printf("Processed %u...\r",cnt);
int tab = 0;
char *q_begin = ptr, *q_end, *r_begin, *r_end;
while (tab < 1) tab += *ptr++ == '\t';
q_end = ptr - 1, r_begin = ptr;
while (tab < 2) tab += *ptr++ == '\t';
r_end = ptr - 1;
while (tab < 8) tab += *ptr++ == '\t';
long rs = atoi(ptr), re;
while (tab < 9) tab += *ptr++ == '\t';
re = atoi(ptr);
Record *match = crBST_XAT(r_begin, nRecs, Recs);
next = strchr(ptr,'\n');
if (!match) {
fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: couldn't find ref: ");
char unex;
if (!next) unex = 1;
else {
char *q = q_begin, *n = next+1;
while (q <= q_end) if (*q++ != *n++) break;
unex = q <= q_end;
--rs, --re;
rs -= PAD; re += PAD;
rs = rs < 0 ? 0 : rs;
re = re >= match->L ? match->L : re;
uint32_t *C = match->C, *U = match->U;
for (uint32_t s = rs; s < re; ++s) ++C[s];
if (uprv && unex) for (uint32_t s = rs; s < re; ++s) ++U[s];

if (DO_SAMP && (semi = strchr(q_begin,'_'))) {
node = T_add(SampT,q_begin,semi-q_begin,&six);
if (!node->Cc) {
node->Uc = malloc(sizeof(*node->Uc)*(nRecs+1));
node->Cc = malloc(sizeof(*node->Cc)*(nRecs+1));
uint32_t *HugeBlk = calloc(whole,sizeof(*HugeBlk)), *hp = HugeBlk;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nRecs; ++i)
node->Uc[i] = hp + 128,
node->Cc[i] = node->Uc[i] + Recs[i].L + 128,
hp = node->Cc[i] + Recs[i].L;
uint32_t *C = node->Cc[match-Recs], *U = node->Uc[match-Recs];
for (uint32_t s = rs; s < re; ++s) ++C[s];
if (uprv && unex) for (uint32_t s = rs; s < re; ++s) ++U[s];
uprv = unex;
} while ((ptr=next) && ++ptr);

uint32_t ***GU = malloc(sizeof(*GU)*six), ***GC = malloc(sizeof(*GC)*six);
char **SampS = malloc(sizeof(*SampS)*six);
if (DO_SAMP) writeNodes(SampT,SampS,GU,GC),
printf("%lu samples found.\n",six);

// Write output files; uniq and shared coverage tables
printf("Consolidating %u records...\n",cnt);
fprintf(outs,"#Coverage\tDataset"); fprintf(outu,"#Coverage\tDataset");
fprintf(outbs,"#Coverage\tDataset"); fprintf(outbu,"#Coverage\tDataset");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < six; ++i) fprintf(outs,"\t%s",SampS[i]),
fprintf(outu,"\t%s",SampS[i]), fprintf(outbs,"\t%s",SampS[i]),
fputc('\n',outs), fputc('\n',outu), fputc('\n',outbs), fputc('\n',outbu);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= nRecs; ++i) {
// Shared
uint32_t *C = Recs[i].C, *U = Recs[i].U, L = Recs[i].L;
uint64_t tot = 0; uint32_t btot = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for simd reduction(+:tot,btot)
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < L; ++k) tot+=C[k], btot+=C[k] != 0;
if (!tot) continue; // skip reference
for (char *r = Recs[i].S; *r != '\t'; ++r) // write ref name
fputc(*r,outs), fputc(*r,outu), fputc(*r,outbs), fputc(*r,outbu);
double mean = (double)tot/L, bmean = (double)btot/L;
double ssd = 0, d;
#pragma omp parallel for simd reduction(+:ssd)
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < L; ++k) d=(double)C[k]-mean, ssd+=d*d;
fprintf(outs,"\t%.4f",mean > sqrt(vf*ssd/(L-1)) ? mean : -mean);

// Unique
tot = 0, btot = 0, ssd = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for simd reduction(+:tot,btot)
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < L; ++k) tot+=U[k], btot+=U[k] != 0;
mean = (double)tot/L, bmean = (double)btot/L;
#pragma omp parallel for simd reduction(+:ssd)
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < L; ++k) d = (double)U[k]-mean, ssd+=d*d;
fprintf(outu,"\t%.4f",mean > sqrt(vf*ssd/(L-1)) ? mean : -mean);

// Loop over all samples as well
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < six; ++j) {
uint32_t *C = GC[j][i], *U = GU[j][i];
tot = 0, btot = 0;
// Shared
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < L; ++k) tot+=C[k], btot+=C[k] != 0;
mean = (double)tot/L, bmean = (double)btot/L, ssd = 0;
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < L; ++k) d = (double)C[k]-mean, ssd+=d*d;
fprintf(outs,"\t%.4f",mean > sqrt(vf*ssd/(L-1)) ? mean : -mean);
// Unique
tot = 0, btot = 0, ssd = 0;
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < L; ++k) tot+=U[k], btot+=U[k] != 0;
mean = (double)tot/L, bmean = (double)btot/L;
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < L; ++k) d = (double)U[k]-mean, ssd+=d*d;
fprintf(outu,"\t%.4f",mean > sqrt(vf*ssd/(L-1)) ? mean : -mean);
fputc('\n',outu), fputc('\n',outs), fputc('\n',outbu), fputc('\n',outbs);

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