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re-added agenda widget
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hypetsch committed Oct 22, 2016
1 parent 601e5b3 commit 2b88259
Showing 1 changed file with 181 additions and 0 deletions.
181 changes: 181 additions & 0 deletions www/tablet/js/widget_agenda.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
var Modul_agenda = function () {

function init_attr(elem) {

elem.initData('max' , 100);
elem.initData('c-term', 'c-term');

this.addReading(elem, 'c-term');

for( var i = 1; i <='max'); ++i) {
var num = ("00" + i).slice(-3);
var reading;

reading = 't_'+num+'_summary';
elem.initData(reading, reading);
this.addReading(elem, reading);

reading = 't_' + num + '_bdate';
elem.initData(reading, reading);
this.addReading(elem, reading);

reading = 't_' + num + '_btime';
elem.initData(reading, reading);
this.addReading(elem, reading);

reading = 't_' + num + '_edate';
elem.initData(reading, reading);
this.addReading(elem, reading);

reading = 't_' + num + '_etime';
elem.initData(reading, reading);
this.addReading(elem, reading);

reading = 't_' + num + '_location';
elem.initData(reading, reading);
this.addReading(elem, reading);

reading = 't_' + num + '_source';
elem.initData(reading, reading);
this.addReading(elem, reading);

function init_ui(elem) {

function getDate(elem, datename, timename) {
var d = elem.getReading(datename).val.split('.');
var t = elem.getReading(timename).val.split(':');
return new Date(d[2], d[1] - 1, d[0], t[0], t[1], t[2]);

function diffDays(date1, date2) {
var diff = new Date(new Date(date2.getYear(), date2.getMonth(), date2.getDate())
- new Date(date1.getYear(), date1.getMonth(), date1.getDate())
return Math.floor((diff / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24));

function prettyPrintDate(date) {
var text = "";
switch (diffDays(new Date(), date)) {
case 0: text += "Heute" + ", "; break;
case 1: text += "Morgen" + ", "; break;

text += date.eeee() + ", " + date.getDate() + "." + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "." + date.getFullYear();
return text;

function readCalendarConfig(elem, source, setting, defaultValue) {
try {
var cfg ='config');
var val = eval("cfg." + source + "." + setting);
if (val && val != "")
return val;
return defaultValue;
catch (e) {
return defaultValue;

function update_cb(elem) {

function update(dev,par) {

me = this;
// update from normal state reading
me.elements.filterDeviceReading('c-term', dev, par)
.each(function(index) {

var elem = $(this);
var text = '';
var count = elem.getReading('c-term').val;

// render container
text += '<div class="container padding" style="overflow:hidden;">';

if( count == 0 )
text += '<div data-type="label">Keine Termine</div>';
else if (count >'max'))
count ='max');

var currentDate = new Date(2000, 1, 1);
for( var i = 1; i <= count; i++ ) {
var num = ('00' + i).slice(-3);

var summary = elem.getReading('t_' + num + '_summary').val;
var bdate = me.getDate(elem, 't_' + num + '_bdate', 't_' + num + '_btime');
var edate = me.getDate(elem, 't_' + num + '_edate', 't_' + num + '_etime');
var source = elem.getReading('t_' + num + '_source').val;

// check if new day
if( diffDays(currentDate, bdate) != 0 ) {
text += '<div class="center container padding inline top-narrow-10">';
text += '<div class="left-align small darker" style="width:100%; border-bottom:1px solid #393939">';
text += me.prettyPrintDate(bdate);
text += '</div>';
text += '</div>';

currentDate = bdate;

var icon = me.readCalendarConfig(elem, source, "icon", "");
var color = me.readCalendarConfig(elem, source, "color", "");
var abbr = me.readCalendarConfig(elem, source, "abbreviation", "");

if( icon != "" && icon.substr(0,3) == "fa-" ) {
icon = "fa " + icon;
abbr = "";

text += '<div class="center container padding inline top-narrow-10">';
text += '<div class="center large white ' + icon + '" style="line-height:30px;background-color:' + color + '; min-height:30px; width:35px;">';
text += abbr;
text += '</div>';
text += '<div class="" style="padding-left:5px; width:100%; min-height:30px; background:rgba(0, 0, 0, .08);">';
text += '<div class="left-align bold">' + summary + '</div>';
text += '<div class="left-align small darker">';

var durationDays = diffDays(bdate, edate);
if (durationDays == 1 && bdate.getHours() == 0 && bdate.getMinutes() == 0 && edate.getHours() == 0 && edate.getMinutes() == 0)
text += 'Ganzer Tag';
else if (durationDays == 0)
text += bdate.hhmm() + ' - ' + edate.hhmm();
text += bdate.hhmm() + ' - ' + me.prettyPrintDate(edate);

text += '</div>';
text += '</div>';
text += '</div>';

// close container
text += '</div>';

elem.html( text );

// public
// inherit all public members from base class
var me = this;
return $.extend(new Modul_widget(), {
// override or own public members
widgetname: 'agenda',
init_attr: init_attr,
init_ui: init_ui,
update: update,
update_cb: update_cb,
prettyPrintDate: prettyPrintDate,
getDate: getDate,
readCalendarConfig: readCalendarConfig,
diffDays: diffDays

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