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Ko Takagi edited this page May 7, 2019 · 6 revisions

This is a document for using WordPress plugin "Simple Slug Translate".

Table of Contents

Registering Language Translator

About Language Translator

Simple Slug Translate can translate the post, page, category and taxonomy slugs to English automatically.

The translation engine is powered by Watson Language Translator.

You need to apply for an IBM Cloud Lite account and get your own API key of Watson Language Translator. For free plan, you can translate up to 1,000,000 characters per month.

This plugin uses the API key to query the translation engine. The API key are not used except for query!


  1. Unless you already have one, go ahead and create a free IBM Cloud Lite account. Open a web browser, and visit setup_01
  2. Enter your profiles and click Create Account. setup_02
  3. Temporary registration is completed. To complete your registration, check your email. setup_03
  4. Click the confirmation link in your email, and your account will be activated. Click Log in. setup_04
  5. Enter your email address and password and login. Note: You will be automatically logged in as soon as your account registration is complete. setup_05
  6. Click Catalog. setup_06
  7. Click Language Translator in the catalog. setup_08
  8. Choose a location Dallas (other than Dallas), select Lite plan, click Create. Note: If you want unlimited, please select other plan. setup_09 setup_10
  9. Click Manage. setup_11
  10. Make a note of the value by clicking the Copy API Key and URL button for the credential. Used for plug-in settings described later. setup_15


Installation Instructions

You can install Simple Slug Translate directly from the WordPress admin panel.

  1. Navigate to the Plugins -> Add New and search for "Simple Slug Translate"
  2. Click Install Now
  3. Click Activate

You can also install manually.

  1. Upload the simple-slug-translate directory to the plugins directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.


  1. Navigate to the Settings -> Simple Slug Translate.
  2. Enter the API key, Endpoint URL (obtained at the time of previous registration), and select Source language(e.g.: When using Japanese ja - Japanese). Click Save Changes. usage_1
  3. The settings are correct if the following message appears on the screen after saving. If you get an error message, please check the setting value of API Key and Endpoint URL. usage_1
  4. When you will update the post, then the post slug will be automatically translated into English. The page, category and taxonomy as well. usage_2