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Tero Lindeman edited this page Mar 20, 2015 · 1 revision

klystrack has a simple clipboard. To select pattern rows, program commands or sequence data, hold down Shift and move the cursor with the cursor keys. Ctrl-C copies the data and Ctrl-V pastes the clipboard contents starting from the cursor. Ctrl-Insert and Shift-Insert also work.

Ctrl-J pastes data overwriting underlying data only if the pasted data is nonzero (e.g. note is set, command is set etc.).

Ctrl-B and Ctrl-E can be used to set the selection start and end to the current cursor position, respectively. Ctrl-X and Shift-Delete clear the selected area. Ctrl-D deselects.

The clipboard system works mostly as expected, however there are a few peculiarities. In the pattern editor, it is possible to copy the entire pattern by pressing Ctrl-C when nothing is selected. In the instrument editor the instrument parameters will be copied (and pasted) when not editing the program.

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