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Easy stack traces


$ npm install --save blame

As of version 2.0.0 Blame (mostly its dependencies) requires NodeJS 4 or higher. If you are 'stuck' on NodeJS 0.10 - 0.12, you will need to specify the version (the latest in the v1 range is 1.5.9).

$ npm install --save blame@^1.5.9


var blame = require('blame'),
	stack = blame.stack();

//  stack contains the full stack-trace leading up to the invocation of `blame.stack()`


By default there is a 10 line cap on the stack traces within node.js and io.js, Blame does not meddle with this setting by itself as it is widely considered a good default setting (and it truly is). If you feel this is getting in the way of your debugging/reporting, feel free to set the limit to your liking, for example Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity will never cap the stack trace.

Note that changing this setting has to be done very early on in your application.



Create a JSON-like structure from a given or created error-stack and wraps it inside a BlameResult object.


The BlameResult contains all of the data found in the error stack and provides several methods to quickly reduce the stack trace, note that all of these methods work with the obtained stack trace order, this means that the items are sorted top down, e.g. first refers to the first item on the list of items in the stack trace (meaning this was the final call) before the Error was created and/or blame.trace() was invoked.

.message (string)

The message taken from the Error, if no Error was provided to blame.stack this will contain an empty string.

.trace (array)

As of version 1.5.0 The trace method is deprecated (you'll receive a proper notice for this), please use the .stack method.

.stack (array)

The stack-trace of the error/backtrace, the format is:

	"file": "/path/to/file.js",
	"line": 1234,
	"column": 12,
	"call": "Object.functionName"

(call may be null if the trace was not called from within a function scope)

.filter(pattern [, max]) (BlameResult)

Create a new BlameResult containing only the items which match given pattern

  • pattern must be one of: string, RegExp (will be cast to RegExp if it is not)
  • max is an optional limit of the number of items in the returned BlameResult

.after(pattern [, max]) (BlameResult)

Create a new BlameResult containing only the items after given pattern (like from but excluding the match(es)).

  • pattern must be one of: string, RegExp (will be cast to RegExp if it is not)
  • max is an optional limit of the number of items in the returned BlameResult

.from(pattern [, max]) (BlameResult)

Create a new BlameResult containing only the items from given pattern (like after but including the match(es)).

  • pattern must be one of: string, RegExp (will be cast to RegExp if it is not)
  • max is an optional limit of the number of items in the returned BlameResult

.before(pattern [, max]) (BlameResult)

Create a new BlameResult containing only the items before given pattern (like until but excluding the match(es)).

  • pattern must be one of: string, RegExp (will be cast to RegExp if it is not)
  • max is an optional limit of the number of items in the returned BlameResult

.until(pattern [, max]) (BlameResult)

Create a new BlameResult containing only the items until given pattern (like before but including the match(es)).

  • pattern must be one of: string, RegExp (will be cast to RegExp if it is not)
  • max is an optional limit of the number of items in the returned BlameResult

.first([max]) (BlameResult)

Create a new BlameResult containing only the first N items

  • max is an optional limit of the number of items in the returned BlameResult

.last([max]) (BlameResult)

Create a new BlameResult containing only the last N items

  • max is an optional limit of the number of items in the returned BlameResult

.item([index]) (ResultItem)

Obtain a single item from the BlameResult trace. The argument may be any valid index of the stack trace array, but also:

  • false, null, 0 (and ommitting) > first item (top stack trace entry)
  • true > last item (bottom stack trace entry)

.steps (array)

This (excluded from enumeration) property contains all the steps taken to have the .trace-items, every time one of the BlameResult methods are called as new BlameResult is created with a new step containing the arguments used to create the new result. Each step is in the format:

{"<after|from|before|until>": <pattern>, "max": <max>}
// or
{"<first|last>: <max>}"}

.toString (string)

Both BlameResult and BlameItem now support the toString method, the format is slightly more compact than a new Error().stack call.



Message: <message>
	* <file> @<line>:<column>
	* <call> [<file> @<line>:<column>]



	<file> @<line>:<column>
	<call> [<file> @<line>:<column>]

If you would like to add some flair to the stack traces, all of the templates used are fully customizable, please refer to the templating tutorial and the templating example.


.context([before [, after]]) (string)

Provide a excerpt from the file with a simple pointer to the line which was responsible for the invocation of the stack item

  • if before is ommited or its numeric value resolves as false-ish, it will default to 3
  • if after is ommited or its numeric value resolves as false-ish, it will default to the numeric value of before or else 3

(Yes, this does mean that there is a minimum of 3 lines total)


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