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Alex Bikadorov edited this page Apr 27, 2017 · 4 revisions

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How can I use it?

Java 8 (JRE) is required. Download load it here (OpenJDK8 packages are available for every major Linux distribution).

  • Linux/Mac: Download the zip-file, extract it somewhere and run the KontalkDesktopApp.jar
  • Windows: Download and run the KontalkInstaller exe file.

Now, export your key from the Android App, transfer it to your computer (e.g. with a USB-Connection) and select it in the import wizard. Done!

Can I use the Desktop version without the Android App?

Currently not. Kontalk is primarily a mobile messenger therefore the Desktop client is only meant to be an addition to your Android App. However, we're working on making the key-transfer between the Kontalk clients easier...

Can I chat with plain XMPP/Jabber contacts?

Yes. You can add any XMPP contacts to the desktop client just by entering their JID and start chatting right away. After synchronizing the contact list these contacts will also be available in the Android app.

Unfortunately chat encryption will likely not be possible due to protocol incompatibility.

What about security?

By default all messages are send encrypted and signed with OpenPGP (RSA 2048). This can be set on 'per receiver' basis for each contact.

But note that private key and messages are saved unencrypted on your computer! Other applications can read them, so be aware of malware.

Another potential risk is the server you are connecting to, as the client receives public keys from it. Make sure it can be trusted.

Somebody sent me a message, which client will receive it?

That depends on which client is online:

  • when both (Android/Desktop) are online, both receive it
  • otherwise the first client that connects will get it

We know this can be improved...

I found a bug, what to do?

Please check the current issues and create a new one if necessary. An attached log file is always helpful. You find it here:

  • Windows: {user dir}\Kontalk\debug.log
  • Linux: {user dir}/.kontalk/debug.log

Note: the log file can contain private/personal information. Remove these information or send it directly to me (, PGP supported).

Where is all my data (configuration, messages, etc.) stored?

In one folder:

  • Windows: {user dir}\Kontalk
  • Linux: {user dir}/.kontalk