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korhore edited this page Aug 27, 2013 · 19 revisions

Welcome to the Wall-E wiki!


Wall-E Eva

Wall-E tries to give a flower to Eve, and also hopes to hold some day her hand. It would not be easy. Lets make remote controller for a robot based on that metaphora. Wall-E follows Eva.

Easy to control

Wall-E runs forward to reach Eva

If distance to Eva increas, Wall-E must run faster just to that direction where Eva is. Leftmost is pointing controller, where you can set Eve in any point. In the middle there is tradional speed controller and direction controller. There is also realdevuce motor status and connection indicator. Rightmost controller controls motors directly. You can use any controller you want, but pointing controller is fastest way to control this kind of device. Wheels don't yurn, but motor in the left and righ can move with different speed to get the device to turn and they can move independently forward and backward. Pointing the left in the middle of the pointing controller makes right motors run foewad and left mptrorn run backward ti device turns in a place. It is not so fast to set motors using with traditional speed and direction controller or direct notor controlling controller.

Wall-E has reached Eva

If Eva is near Wall-E, it can stop running. Motors are stopped.

Real Wall-E robot is made from old and cheap pieces

In the real world there is no Eva, but just Arduino Pirate 4WD car.

Real Wall-E

It is controlled by Romeo board in the lower layer of the device, which can control motors in the wheels.

Paspberry PI on the upper layer

In the upper laye the is Raspberry PI, which listens those Remote devices and controls Romeo.

Wall-E seen from back, USB-cable is connected with Raspberry PI and Romeo

RaspBerry Pi and Romeo are connected using USB-cable.

Battery box and Raspberry PI seen in the upper layer

We need power for motors and Romeo board and there are 5 AA Battery Accus, giving 5*1.2V = 6V, just enough to get the thing running. Raspberry needs its own power, so in the upper layer the is a simple power box with 4 AA Accus, giving 4.8V, just enough for Raspberry.

All peaces are cheap.

Free for Open Source Projects

There may be other devices that you wan't to control. You are free to use this code to make your own controller, is your project is Open Source -project, because this one is.

Commercial usage

If your plan commercial usage of this code, contact me.


Download last release of server (Pasrberry PI + Arduino Romeo + Pirate 4WD) and client (Nokia N900) from download page. You can also compile client and install it into device. To install server follow intruction in INSTALL-file.