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serinin - multicast HTTP request

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Getting started

With pre-compiled binary

  1. Download an archive from

  2. Extract serinin from the archive and isntall to one of directories in your PATH

  3. Copy serinin_config-sample.json from the archive as serinin_config.json

    cp serinin_config-sample.json serinin_config.json
  4. Edit serinin_config.json which copied at step 3. See below section for configuration

  5. Start serinin

    $ serinin -config /usr/local/etc/serinin_config.json

    -config option gives a path of configuration file, the default is serinin_config.json in current directory.

From source code

  1. Download, build, and install with:

    $ go get -u
  2. Copy serinin_config-sample.json as serinin_config.json

    $ cp $GOPATH/src/ serinin_config.json
  3. Edit serinin_config.json which copied at step 2. See below section for configuration

  4. Start serinin

    $ serinin

    It starts with serinin_config.json in current directory.


  -config string
        path of configuration file (default "serinin_config.json")
  -handler int
        override max_handlers configuration if larger than zero
  -monitor int
        enable monitoring (poll system metric in each N's second)
  -storetype string
        override store_type configuration if not empty
  -worker int
        override worker_num configuration if larger than zero

How to tuning

  1. determine -handler depending your CPU and network speed
  2. determine -worker. It would be better that multiply number of -handler by number of endpoints
  3. for -storetype, binmemcached is best for now


See config.schema.json for the schema of configuration. It is wrote in JSON Schema format.

Commentary Configuration

  // listen port of serinin HTTP server (mandatory)
  "addr": ":8000",

  // timeout for graceful shutdown (mandatory)
  "shutdown_timeout": "30s",

  // number of active handlers on serinin HTTP server. (optional)
  // overridable by `-handler` option.
  "max_handlers": 16,

  // number of workers to access endpoints. (optional)
  // overridable by `-worker` option.
  "worker_num": 96,

  // default timeout for accessing endpoints (optional)
  "http_client_timeout": "500ms",

  // information of endpoints. key is endpoint's name,
  // value is information of an endpoint.
  "endpoints": {

    "ep1": {
      // URL of an endpoint (mandatory)
      "url": "",

      // Timeout for an endpoint. (optional)
      // default is same with "http_client_timeout".
      "timeout": "1s",

    "ep2": {
      // ...(snip)...

    // add endpoints at here as you need

    // store type to store responses from endpoints. (mandatory)
    // possible values are:
    //  * "binmemcache" - use memcached as store with binary protocol.
    //  * "redis" - use redis as store.
    //  * "memcache" - use memcached as store with text protocol.
    //      bit unstable under high load.
    //  * "gocache" - in memory cache, just for benchmark.
    //  * "none" - not store, just for benchmark.
    "store_type": "binmemcache",

    // one of store type configuration is mandatory,
    // depending on choice of "store_type".

    // configuration for "binmemcache" store type.
    "binmemcache": {
      // addresses of memcached nodes. (mandatory)
      "addrs": [ "" ],

      // life time for endpoint's responses (mandatory)
      "expire_in": "60s",

      // number of connection per memcached nodes. (optional)
      "conns_per_node": 100,

    // configuration for "redis" store type.
    "redis": {
      // address of redis-server (mandatory)
      "addr": "",

      // password for connecting redis-server (optional)
      "password": "abcd1234",

      // redis's database number, default is zero (optional)
      "dbnum": 0,

      // life time for endpoint's responses (mandatory)
      "expire_in": "60s",

      // size of connection pool. (optional)
      // it would work better that `handler * (endpoints + 1)`
      "pool_size": 100,

    // configuration for "memcache" store type.
    "memcache": {
      // addresses of memcached nodes. (mandatory)
      "addrs": [ "" ],

      // life time for endpoint's responses (mandatory)
      "expire_in": "60s",

      // max number of idle connections (optional)
      "max_idle_conns": 200,

    // configuration for "gocache" store type.
    "gocache": {
      // life time for endpoint's responses (mandatory)
      "expire_in": "60s",


See for design document.