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SCUEP - Simple CUE Player

A simple terminal music player for GNU/Linux.

This branch is depricated

Complete rewrite and redesign is (slowly) happening in branch ffsql. It features a much nicer technical design, using a completely custom backend.

The player in this branch is perfectly funcional even if quite unpolished. However the codebase has far outgrown itself, it was never supposed to become a real music player!

Pretty picture


  • Supports playback for basically every file type imaginable (libmpv)
  • Terminal interface with ncurses
  • Metadata parsing for common filetypes (libtag)
  • CUE parsing and metadata
  • Unicode aware
  • Simple fifo api for remote control
  • sxiv style file marking
  • vim style controls and search

Todo until first release:

  • Image here!
  • Deduplication tools
  • Sane way to reorder playlists


  • Man pages
  • Improve extensibility (eg a program to query metadata of current playing track)
  • Improve and add some basic missing vim/sxiv controls
  • Improve looks
  • Improve everything

Features in consideration:

  • Metadata caching? Only useful with massive playlists (several thousand items) and slow drives
  • Consider multimedia key integration for some desktop enviroments (you have to bind scuep-remote yourself currently)
  • Key rebinding
  • Support for other *nix systems
  • Switch to a more minimal backend.

Feel free to open up a issue for feature requests, even if its already listed here.

Goals (and more todo):

  • A player that can read metadata and play most filetypes, and not much else
  • Simple but powerful controls to allow you to sort your music efficiently
  • Simple shell-friendly APIs to allow you to make the player do wahtever you wish


Scuep can load massive playlists, largest tested is 60 000 tracks. 55 megabyte memory usage and player remained perfectly responsive. Loading such massive playlists however can take a while, and there is no caching mechanisms in place currently.

Another music player? Why?

This player was originally made pretty much to play only CUE+TTA because CMUS CUE support seems to be broken for Gentoo. I didn't exactly like how CMUS behaved in the first place, and didn't feel like hunting for a minimal but powerful player that still supports the obscure formats I need.

If you already use MPV or other generic media player for playing your music, this player is for you. It's not much more than a fancy MPV frontend and a playlist manager.


The player can only play playlists of files, and those playlists cannot be modified much at runtime. To load a new playlist, shuffle, or anything else, the program must be restarted with a new playlist.

The player does not have a concept of a library. You are given the freedom to manage your library yourself, with tools provided or already installed. No obscure database formats, only dead-simple playlists.

Playlists and startup

The player must be provided a playlist on first startup.

scuep-media-scanner /path/to/your/music >> ~/new_playlist

scuep ~/new_playlist

Playlists can be piped to the program.

shuf ~/new_playlist | scuep -

The provided playlist is saved to ~/.config/scuep/playlist. If no new playlist is provided, the player will resume from previous state.

Playlist format is just list of absolute paths to files with the exception of CUE:

/home/bob/Music/another song.mp3
cue:///home/bob/Music/awesome album.cue/1
cue:///home/bob/Music/awesome album.cue/2

Where CUE URLs are:

cue://<path to file>/<track number starting from 1>

CUE sheets

To scan for CUE sheets, use scuep-cue-scanner.

Note, even though the player is designed for CUEs, usage of alternatives is preferred. Many CUE sheets you will find are just plain invalid, if the media is eg just regular flac files, use them instead.


--nosave Don't save state (new playlist, playing track, marked itmes ..). You should still not run multiple instances of it, all will attempt to listen the same fifo file for remote control.

-, -i Read playlist from stdin

--debug Enable logging with syslog, as an alternative to printf debugging ;)

File marks

Marking files allows you to perform operations on a subset of the current playlist. See controls and commands below.

Marks are saved to ~./config/scuep/marks to allow the player to remember them over restarts.

General controls

Please suggest improvements!

Command Action
 0-9  Repeat following command where reasonable
j, k, Down, Up Navigate playlist
Enter Play selected item
z  Play previous
 c Toggle play/pause
 b Play next
 +, = Volume up
 - Volume down
 m Toggle mark on selected item
 M Toggle marks on all items
dM Unmark all items
D  Disable all marked items
/ Enter search
 n, N  Find next or previous item *
: Enter command (see Commands)
 Esc  Cancel search/command, refocus on currently playing file
Left, Right Seek 5 seconds
l Clear out the display, fixes corruption
p Display properties
  • Either an item matching search, if no search active, find a marked item

Disabled items

Items are rendered in red and prefixed with a #. These items will be skipped when playing. If you deselect all, the player will get really confused.


:q Quit. CTRL+C works too currently.

:m/searchterm Marks all items that contain the search term. Note: Performs a basic case insensitive substring search, no regex etc

:volume <integer> Set volume in range 0 - 100. Number can be prefixed with + or - for relative control.

:append <path> Aliases: a, addto Append selected items to file. Does not check for duplicates.

:mfile <path> Mark all items that appear in a playlist

:!command Enter a shell command, where % is a path or url of an item. The command is run for every single marked item, one by one. If there is no marked items, the command is run once for currently selected item. Example usage: :!echo '%' >> ~/new_playlist;

BUG: $ and ' are valid characters in filenames and can break single and double quotes. This is not handled properly currently. Do not use this command unless you know what you're doing.

Playback control commands:

:prev :next :pause

Usage examples

To play eg. only a specific album in your current playlist, :m/Album Name (Mark matching) , M (Reverse marks) , D (Disable marked)



Playback can be controlled externally with

scuep-remote <command>

You can run any command listed in Commands. Examples: scuep-remote next scuep-remote volume -5

Communication is done with a FIFO in ~/.config/scuep/fifo


  • Check dependencies
  • Clone the repo and cd to it
  • make
  • sudo make install (Installs to /usr/local/bin)


  • sudo make uninstall

Use the same Makefile you used to install. There's been very little testing of distribution and Makefile itself may change.


All should be in repositeries of most distributions, if not already installed. Scripts in opt/ may have additional requirements.




A simple terminal music player for GNU/Linux






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