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Build Status


Why ?

What ?! A new Qt is out ?! Raaaah... I need to download that new version, and reinstall my rig with the newest version This is gonna take me all the night long again... Yeah... Installing Qt can take long hours and require you to know how to install how to configure the modules and where to find all the binaries. Because I am myself a so lazy (yeah, I know you are :-), I created Installer to ease the transition from one version of Qt to another version smoothly. Just launch the install.

Install and example

Installer can be called with 0 or 2 parameters. When called with 0 parameter, Installer will default the installation to the last (Stable or Unstable) version of Qt. You can call installer the following way

$ git clone
$ cd Installer
$ cd scripts
$ bash

Or if you want to install a specific version of Qt on your computer, you might just want to specify a specific version as arguments to the script.

$ git clone
$ cd Installer
$ cd scripts
$ bash X.Y X.Y.0

Example :

The following command will install the Qt 5.10 initial release on the machine. The different steps included are the Package development, the installation of the .run file and the creation of the environment variable.

$ git clone
$ cd Installer
$ cd scripts
$ bash 5.10 5.10.0

Launch Qt

To launch Qt creator, from the scripts directory, use the following commands to navigate to the Qtcreator directory

$ cd Qt/Tools/QtCreator/bin/
$ ./qtcreator


Please note that Installer keeps a repository of offline .run files. You might just want to remove those you don't want to reinstall this soon. The repository is located on your home directory with the name 'repo'


Your contribution can be as simple as testing that a new version of Qt works or by opening an issue, and sending a pull request (the pair...) so that I can merge it to the master branch

Supported versions

Currently, the following versions have been tested :

Qt version Status
5.11.1 Build Status
5.10.1 Build Status
5.9.5 Build Status
5.8.0 Build Status
5.7.1 Build Status
5.6.3 Build Status
5.5.1 Build Status