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Personal project.

go-database is a library made for mysql which provides a set of extensions on top of jmoiron/sqlx such as a querybuilder, profiler, context & transactions for performances. This is not an ORM.
I plan to support pgsql in the future.

➡ features

  • Opening connection with environment variables :
    • Global variables DATABASE_*
    • Aliases variables for multiple connection DATABASE_ALIAS_*
  • Opening connection with Environ
  • A pool to manage all connections opened
  • Transactions
  • Profiling & Context
    • Log out queries as string (formated) ordered by execution time grouped by context to detect slow queries.
      Example : You can profile an application that uses goroutines such as webserver.
  • Query builder for complex query at the SQL layer
  • This is not an ORM (yet)

➡ install

go get

➡ usage

Below is an example which shows some common use cases for go-database.

# .env file configuration (default settings)

# You can use DSN

# Or use specfic variables
package main

import (

    b ""

type User struct {
    ID   uint64
    Name string

func main() {
    // Opening a new connection based on environment variables.
    // By default, the connection is postponed until there is an action. 
    db, err := database.Open()
    if err != nil {

    // Example of builder
    s := b.Select{
        Table: "users",
        Where: b.ParseWhere("id < ?", 10)

    println(s.String()) // SELECT * FROM users WHERE id < ?

    // Mapping through a map
    // (faster than structscan if you look for performance)
    out := []User{}
    db.SelectMap(&s, func(values map[string]any){
        out = append(out, User{
            ID:   values["id"].(int64),
            Name: string(values["name"].([]byte)),

    // More faster than previous one.
    out2 := []User{}
    db.SelectSlice(&s, func(values []any) {
        out2 = append(out2, User{
            ID:   values[0].(int64),
            Name: string(values[1].([]byte)),

    // Using raw query
    out3 := []User{}
    db.QuerySlice(builder.NewQuery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id < ?", 10), func(values []any) {
        out3 = append(out3, User{
            // ...

    // Using upsert
    i := builder.Insert{
        Table: "users",
        Values: builder.H{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "John",
        OnUpdateKeys: builder.Keys{"name"},

➡ opening a new connection

With environment variables

With environ

➡ closing all connections

func main() {
    // Defering the close in your main ensure closing 
    // the connection before exiting the program.
    defer database.Close()

    // your code...

➡ transactions

Support of transactions.

// tx, err := db.Tx() 
tx, err := db.Tx(sql.LevelSerializable)
if err != nil {

// use tx to run some requests.


// You can't use tx anymore, else an error will occur.

➡ profiling & context

➡ statements


s := builder.Select{
    Table: "users",
    Columns: builder.ParseColumns("id", "name"),
    Where: builder.ParseWhere("id > ?", 1),
    OrderBy: builder.ParseOrderBy("name ASC"),


The columns can be read by key name.

// Parse 1 row only. 
    out := User{}
    n, err := db.SelectMapRow(&s, func(v map[string]any) {   
        // If there is more than 1 row, an error occur.
        // `n` return 0 or 1.
        outRow.ID = v["id"].(int64)
        outRow.Name = string(v["name"].([]byte))

// Parse multiple rows.
    out := []User{}
    n, err := db.SelectMap(&s, func(v map[string]any) {
        // `n` contains the number of rows returned.
        out = append(out, User{
            ID:   v["id"].(int64),
            Name: string(v["name"].([]byte)),


The columns can be read by indexes from the Column clause (same order).
Note: Slice is faster than Map. Prefer use Slice when the columns have always the same order.

// Parse 1 row only
    out := User{}
    n, err := db.SelectSliceRow(&s, func(v []any){
        // If there is more than1 row, an error occur.
        // `n` return 0 or 1
        out.ID = v[0].(int64)
        out.Name = string(v[1].([]byte))

// Parse multiple rows
    out := []User{}
    n, err := db.SelectSlice(&s, func(v []any){
        out = append(out, User{
            ID:   v[0].(int64),
            Name: string(v[1].([]byte)),



// Example of Insert
i := builder.Insert{
    Table:      "users",
    IgnoreMode: false, // False by default
    Values:     builder.H{
        "name": "John",

println(i.String()) // INSERT INTO users(name) VALUES(?) 

r, err := db.Exec(&i)


// Example of Insert with upsert mode.
i := builder.Insert{
    Table:        "users",
    Values:       builder.H{
        "id": 15,
        "name": "John",
    OnUpdateKeys: builder.Keys{"name"},

println(i.String()) // INSERT INTO users(id, name) VALUES(?, ?) 
                    // ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name = VALUES(name) 

r, err := db.Exec(&i)


// Example of Update
u := builder.Update{
    Table:  "users",
    Values: builder.H{
        "name": "John",
    Where: builder.ParseWhere("id = ?", 1) // Used to initiate the value (if needed)
    // To initiate empty value :
    // builder.NewWhere()

// You can also use where like following :
// u.Where.And("id = ?", 1)

println(u.String()) // UPDATE users SET name = ? WHERE id = ?

r, err := db.Exec(&u)


// Example of Delete
d := builder.Delete{
    Table: "users",
    Where: builder.ParseWhere("id = ?", 1) // Used to initiate the value (if needed)
    // To initiate empty value :
    // builder.NewWhere()

// You can also use where like following :
// d.Where.And("id = ?", 1)

println(d.String()) // DELETE FROM users WHERE id = ?

r, err := db.Exec(&d)


Go databases manager (Context, Transactions & Profiler) w/ an intuitive SQL Builder on top of sqlx. Performances oriented.








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