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Setting up a PS4 controller

kpa-home edited this page Sep 7, 2016 · 1 revision

###This wiki is how I was able to get my ps4 controller to work with my Raspberry Pi 3. I am using a Bluetooth dongle due to the freezing issues caused by the on-board Bluetooth.

First I disabled the on-board Bluetooth.

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Paste this at the bottom of the config file.

#Disables On-Board Bluetooth

If you don't need to update you should still reboot after updating the config.txt

This is what I do with a fresh install.

sudo apt-get update 

sudo apt-get upgrade

The upgrade will take some time. I like to reboot after I've upgraded.

sudo reboot

sudo apt-get install python3-dev

sudo pip install ds4drv

##Now we need to allow a normal user to create a new joystick


sudo mv 50-ds4drv.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

sudo udevadm trigger

##Now Let's Test

ds4drv --hidraw --led 000008

Alternitevely you can just do 'ds4drv --hidraw'. I added '--led 000008' for a less bright led on the controller.

You will need to put the PS4 controller into pairing mode. You can do this by holding down the SHARE button & the PS button at the same time. It will starting flickering. It takes mine about 5 seconds to connect.

Once your controller connects go ahead and exit. CNTL + C to stop the test..

##Now we need to make sure ds4drv boots with the Pi

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

And just after “# By default this script does nothing.” we add:

/usr/local/bin/ds4drv --hidraw --led 000008 &

Again you can leave out the '--led 000008' if you want the brighter blue lit up on the controllers LED

It will look like:

# By default this script does nothing.
/usr/local/bin/ds4drv --hidraw --led 000008 &
exit 0

##Now Reboot Your Pi3

Make sure the controller is off. Once the Pi3 completely boots up and shows the window that says no controllers are detected go ahead put the PS4 into pairing mode again by holding down the SHARE button & the PS button. You will have to setup the controller the 1st time you get to the first menu(Just Once). You can turn the controller off by holding down the PS button for about 10 seconds. You can then turn it back on any time you want.

##Hope This Helps

It took me about a week to find the scattered bits and pieces of this wiki. Hopefully this helps! Please add to if you find a better/easier way.

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