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Add pinoJS logs to nuxt

📖 Release Notes

Why pinoJS?

  • Server and browser support
  • Fast
  • Easy to use and setup
  • JSON structured logs


  1. Add nuxt-pino-log dependency to your project
yarn add nuxt-pino-log
npm install nuxt-pino-log
  1. Add nuxt-pino-log to the modules section of nuxt.config.js
// nuxt.config.js
  modules: [
    // Simple usage

    // With options
    ['nuxt-pino-log', { /* module options */ }]


  1. In nuxt middleware
export default ({ $logger }) => {
  // This will be appear in the browser and server terminal
  $'Logging in middleware')
  1. In nuxt component, store and pages

See the example folder for more.


  1. Following are the default configurations provided to the logger:
defaults = {
    disabled: false,
    disableClientSide: false,
    disableServerSide: false,
    skipRequestMiddlewareHandler: false,
    skipErrorMiddlewareHandler: false,
    clientOptions: {
      browser: {
        asObject: true
  1. The above default configurations can be customized by passing options through nuxt.config.js file as following:
nuxtPinoLog: {
    // To disable all the logging
    disabled: true,

    // To disable client side loggging
    disableClientSide: true,

    // To disable server side logging
    disableServerSide: true,

    // Settings to determine if default handlers should be
    // registered for requests and errors respectively.
    // Set to `true` to skip request logging
    skipRequestMiddlewareHandler: true,
    // Set to `true` to skip error logging
    skipErrorMiddlewareHandler: true,

    clientOptions: {
        // configure pino client with the configrations from
    serverOptions: {
      // configure pino server logger with the configrations from
    // configure `pino-http`, see more
    pinoHttpOptions: {
      serializers: {
        res: (res) => ({
          statusCode: res.statusCode,

Headers redaction

You may want to redact some headers, that you don't want to appear in the logs. nuxt-pino-log provides a default list that you can use and even extend.


// nuxt.config.js
const { redactDefault } = require("nuxt-pino-log");

module.exports = {
  nuxtPinoLog: {
    serverOptions: {
      name: "Logger",
      redact: redactDefault,

Pretty logs

Because the logs are json, during development you may want to make them prettier and more developer friendly. You can use pino-pretty for that.

yarn add --dev pino-pretty

Configure your dev in your package.json

// package.json
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "nuxt example | pino-pretty"


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies using yarn install or npm install
  3. Start development server using npm run dev


MIT License

Copyright (c) KPN