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krasserm edited this page Apr 2, 2012 · 12 revisions


Please note that the latest version in master is based on SBT 0.11.2. The following will be updated soon to reflect those changes.


  • An installation of sbt
  • An installation of git (optional, only needed if you want to clone the repository)


To get the scalaz-camel sources either download a source distribution package or clone the repository.

Download sources

The latest scalaz-camel release can be downloaded from here. After download, unpack the archive, go to the created directory and run the build.

Clone repository

To clone the scalaz-camel repository run

git clone git://

go to the created scalaz-camel directory and enter

git checkout [branch-name|tag-name]

to checkout a certain branch or tag. If you want to work on the master branch you can skip this step.


To build the project, run the tests and publish the scalaz-camel artifacts to the Ivy cache run

sbt update
sbt test
sbt publish-local

Project Setup

To use scalaz-camel in your project, use the following sbt project configuration.

import sbt._

class Project(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info) {
  lazy val scalazCamelCore = "scalaz.camel" % "scalaz-camel-core_2.9.0.RC1" % "0.3"

This will add the scalaz-camel-core dependency to your project. To additionally add the scalaz-camel-akka dependency together with some optional Camel depedencies, use a project definition like

import sbt._

class Project(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info) {
  val AkkaRepository = "Akka Repository" at ""
  val CamelVersion = "2.7.0"

  lazy val scalazCamelAkka = "scalaz.camel" % "scalaz-camel-akka_2.9.0.RC1" % "0.3"
  lazy val camelSpring = "org.apache.camel" % "camel-spring" % CamelVersion
  lazy val camelJms = "org.apache.camel" % "camel-jms" % CamelVersion
  lazy val activemqCore = "org.apache.activemq" % "activemq-core" % "5.3.2"

Intellij IDEA

To prepare scalaz-camel for importing into IntelliJ iDEA, just run

sbt idea

from the scalaz-camel root directory. This will generate the IDEA project descriptors.