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This command will show a brief message detailing how to access help, which is achieved by doing /cs help.

####### Command Usage /chatsuite help [TOPIC]
/cs help
/cs help afk
/cs help whisper

####### Aliases /chatsuite help, /cs help, /csh

####### Permissions node

/chatsuite afk

This command will toggle your AFK status with a default message (if no parameters are provided), or a message of your choosing. If you receive a whisper while AFK, this message will be shown to the person who whispered you. If you wish to enter a message with multiple words, you must enclose them in quotation marks, as below.

####### Command Usage /cs afk "Hey man, I'll be right back!"
/cs afk brb

####### Aliases /cs afk, /csa, /csafk

####### Permissions node chatsuite.afk

/chatsuite whisper

This command will whisper a message to another user (provided you have permission). This message can only be seen by the other user and yourself. For a single word message, you can simply send that word. For multiple words, you must enclose them in quotations.

####### Command Usage /chatsuite whisper [PLAYER] "MESSAGE HERE"
/cs whisper Player "Hey man, let's go kill some Spiders!"
/csw Player "I have a feeling it's going to get dark down there."
/csw Player sup

####### Aliases /chatsuite whisper, /cs whisper, /csw

####### Permissions node chatsuite.whisper

/chatsuite list

This command will list any channels you are currently in.

####### Command Usage /chatsuite list /cs list /csl

####### Aliases /chatsuite list, /cs list, /csl

####### Permissions node chatsuite.list

/chatsuite channel create

This command will attempt to create a channel (if it doesn't exist). It takes two parameters, channel name and access type. It requires the permission chatsuite.create. Access type can be public or private. If a channel is private, someone that is currently inside the channel must issue an invite to another person in order for them to be able to join.

####### Command Usage /chatsuite channel create [NAME] [TYPE]
/chatsuite channel create MyChannel private
/csc create MyChannel private
/cscc "The Awesome Channel" public

####### Aliases /chatsuite channel create, /cs channel create, /csc create, /cscc

####### Permissions node chatsuite.create

/chatsuite channel invite

This command invites the specified player to your current channel, or the channel you provide as a parameter.

####### Command Usage /chatsuite channel invite [PLAYER] [CHANNEL]
/chatsuite channel invite Player MyChannel
/cs channel invite Player MyChannel
/csc invite Player MyChannel
/csci Player "The Awesome Channel"

####### Aliases /chatsuite channel invite, /cs channel invite, /csc invite, /csci

####### Permissions node chatsuite.invite

/chatsuite channel join

This command allows you to join any public channel, or any private channel you have been invited to join. It requires the permission node chatsuite.join.

####### Command Usage /chatsuite channel join [CHANNEL]
/chatsuite channel join MyChannel
/csc join MyChannel
/cscj "The Awesome Channel"

####### Aliases /chatsuite channel join, /cs channel join, /csc join, /cscj

####### Permissions node chatsuite.join

/chatsuite channel leave

This command allows you to leave any channel you are currently in. It requires the permission node chatsuite.leave. It cannot be used to leave channels you are not in.

####### Command Usage /chatsuite channel leave [CHANNEL]
/csc leave MyChannel
/cscl "The Awesome Channel"

####### Aliases /chatsuite channel leave, /cs channel leave, /csc leave, /cscl

####### Permissions node chatsuite.leave

/chatsuite channel say

This command will send a message to the channel you specify (provided you're currently in that channel), and switch your active channel to the target specified.

####### Command Usage /chatsuite channel say [CHANNEL] "[MESSAGE HERE]"
/csc say MyChannel "Howdy guys, how are you?"
/cscs "The Awesome Channel" "Oh come on, that creeper came out of nowhere!"

####### Aliases /chatsuite channel say, /cs channel say, /csc say, /cscs

####### Permissions node chatsuite.say

/chatsuite locale

This command will attempt to change the user's locale to the one specified.

####### Command Usage /chatsuite locale [LOCALE]
/chatsuite locale en
/cs locale en

####### Aliases /chatsuite locale, /cs locale, /cs loc

####### Permissions node chatsuite.locale

/chatsuite debug

This command will toggle debugging to the console on or off.

####### Command Usage /chatsuite debug [true|false]
/chatsuite debug true

####### Aliases /chatsuite debug, /cs debug, /csd

####### Permissions Node chatsuite.debug

/chatsuite reload

This command will reload all files and re-register all online players.

####### Command Usage /chatsuite reload
/cs reload

####### Aliases /chatsuite reload, /cs reload

####### Permissions Node chatsuite.reload

/chatsuite version

This command will print the current ChatSuite version (including build number).

####### Command Usage /chatsuite version
/cs version

####### Aliases /chatsuite version, /cs version, /csv

####### Permissions Node chatsuite.version

/chatsuite user prefix

This command will allow you to give the specified player a prefix. It will add the specified prefix in front of the specified players name. You may also add color codes into your prefix, check the example below.

####### Command Usage /chatsuite user prefix Jacksta20 &f<&4Awesome-Guy&f>&7

####### Aliases /chat user prefix, /cuser prefix, /prefix

####### Permissions node chatsuite.user.prefix

/chatsuite user suffix

This command will allow you to give the specified player a suffix. It will add the specified suffix after the specified players name. You may also add color codes into your suffix, check the example below.

####### Command Usage /chatsuite user suffix Jacksta20 &f<&4The-Great&f>&7

####### Aliases /chat user suffix, /cuser suffix, /suffix

####### Permissions node chatsuite.user.suffix