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Trusebruse edited this page Nov 24, 2012 · 3 revisions

Each message here can be customized to your taste (or language), and any value can be written as a list or a single string.

  - 'You are now marked as &Aaway&F:'
  - '&B%msg'
  back: 'You are now &Aback&F.'
  generic: "I'm away right now."
  channel_switch: '&6You are now chatting in: &A%c'
  channel_exists: '&CThat channel already exists!'
  not_in_channel: "&CYou aren't in that channel!"
  channel_does_not_exist: "&CNo such channel exists!"
  channel_invite: "&6You've been invited to join &9%c &6(&A/cscj %c&6 to accept)"
  list_channels: '&A%num&B: &6%c'
  no_such_locale: "&CThat locale doesn't exist!"
  locale_changed: "&ALocalization changed to: &BEnglish"
  invalid_target: &CThe target specified (&3%target&C) doesn't exist.
  permission: &CYou do not have permission to do that.
  header: '&A=== Help: &B%t &A==='
    - '&A=== Help: &BMain &A==='
    - '&AAliases: &B%aliases'
    - '&A/cs help &B[topic]&A - &FDisplays help on the specified topic'
    - '&A/cs help &Bafk&A - &FDisplays AFK command usage and help'
    - '&A/cs help &Bwhisper&A - &FDisplays Whisper command usage and help'
    - '&A/cs help &Bchannel&A - &FDisplays Channel command usage and help'
    - '&A=== Help: &BAFK &A==='
    - '&AAliases: &B%aliases'
    - '&A/cs afk "&Bmessage here&A" - &FWill set you to AFK with the'
    - '&Fprovided message'
    - '&A/csa &Bgone&A - &FOne word messages will work, but for multiple words, &B"you need quotations"&F (as above)'
    - '&A=== Help: &BChannel &A==='
    - '&AAliases: &B%aliases'
    - '&A/csc &Bjoin channel&A - &FJoins the specified channel, or creates one'
    - '&A/csc &Bleave (channel)&A - &FLeaves the specified channel, or your current channel'
    - '&A/csc &Binvite (player) (channel)&A - &FInvites the specified player to the channel'
    - '&A/csc &Bcreate (channel) (type)&A - &FCreates the specified channel. Type can be &6PUBLIC&F or &6PRIVATE&F'
    - '&A/csc &Bsay (channel) "[message here]"&A - &FSends a message to the specified channel'
    - '&A=== Help: &BWhisper &A==='
    - '&AAliases: &B%aliases'
    - '&A/csw Player "Howdy, Player!" - &FWhispers "Howdy, Player!" to the specified player'
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