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A simple and lightweight tool to manage your monorepo.


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A simple and lightweight tool to manage your monorepo.

Warning: This automatically updates your local package's package.json


npm i comptroller


comp <command> [options]

help                      Show this message
update [root-directory]   Update all subpackages of package found at [root-directory]
link [root-directory]     Create symlink in node_modules for each subpackage found at [root-directory]
version                   Print Comptroller version

--prune -p                Remove unused dependencies from subpackges' package.json
--self -s                 If set, only the root package will be updated
--log                     Turn on logging (when resolving dependencies)
--commonjs --cjs          CommonJS (ie. node.js require) module dependencies
--typescript --ts         TypeScript (ie. import/export) module dependencies
--es6 --mjs               ES6 (ie. import/export) module dependencies

How it works



Comptroller's update command analyzes the packages in a given directory and identifies static require calls via detective

You can configure Comptroller to identify other dependency formats (via specific detectives), such as:

To enable these detective, simply add configuration options for:

  • es6modules
  • typescript
  • amd
  • source files to accept as source files
"comptroller": {
  "es6": true,
  "typescript": true,
  "amd": true,
  "source": "**/*.{js|jsx|mjs|tsx|ts}",
  "detective": {
    "commonjs": {
      "parse": {
        "plugins": ["objectRestSpread"]
    "typescript": {
    "es6: {

Use the detective entry to provide configurations for each type of detective (dependency format) that you are using. Configuration directly under detective will be used for all detectives as a fallback.

The following detective configuration will thus apply for all detectives.

  "detective": {
    "parse": {
      "plugins": ["objectRestSpread"]

Using this dependency information, Comptroller is able to update each package's package.json to include these dependencies (Comptroller ignores Node.js builtin modules by default).

Comptroller finds these modules in the project root's package.json (or a specified file) and adds the defined version to the subpackage's package.json.

If a module is required but doesn't exist in the root package.json a warning is issued.

If a module in the root package.json has a different version than one used in the subpackage package.json then it's version is updated in the subpackage.

If a dependency is listed in the subpackage package.json but not found in the package source, a warning is issued.

If a require call is found that references a local package, Comptroller locates the specified package's package.json. It then updates the issuing package's package.json dependencies with the version information of the specified package.


Comptroller's link command creates symlinks in the root node_modules directory to each child package. These symlinks are stuctured to match the names provided in each package's package.json replicating the same structure that an npm install would create.

This enables require calls to local packages without the need for to specify relative paths or to npm install or npm link them.



Turn on logging.


Comptroller's prune option takes all those extraneous dependencies found by the update command and delivers them to the void.


Comptroller's self option switches from managing subpackage dependencies and inherits to only managing the top level dependencies.

Module dependency types


Search for CommonJS module dependencies (node.js require). Default: true (ON). Alias cjs


Search for ES6 module dependencies. Default: false (OFF). Alias mjs


Search for TypeScript (ES6 module) dependencies. Default: false (OFF). Alias ts


Search for AMD module dependencies. Default: false (OFF)

The nitty gritty

Comptroller's power is it's simplicity and flexibility.


Comptroller has a cascading configuration scheme. This means that your root package's configuration will cascade through to its child packages, as long as they don't override the configuration themselves.

If all of your packages share the same configuration, you only need to declare your configuration in the root package, but if any of your subpackages deviate from the norm just specify its own custom configuration within it's package.json and it'll be right as rain!

The subpackage's configration will seamlessly override the root configuration.

Currently the only place to specify your config is in a package.json, but this is likely to expand to accomodate a variety of workflows.

  "name": "my-fancy-package",
  "version": "0.4.2",
  "author": "Some Body",
  "homepage": "",
  "comptroller": {
    "modules": {
      "es6": true,
      "ts": true,
    "source": "**/*.{jsx?,m?js,tsx?}",
    "ignore": "**/node_modules/**",
    "exclude": [
    "inherits": [
    "detective": {
      "parse": {
        "plugins": ["objectRestSpread"]
  "dependencies": {
    "need-this": "1.0.0",
    "and-this": "1.2.0"

Module types

The module types to enable for dependency lookup can be set under modules

"comptroller": {
  "modules": {
    "es6": true,
    "ts": true,

They can also be set directly as keys under comptroller (to be used only for simple cases)

"comptroller": {
  "es6": true,
  "ts": true,

Source and Dev dependencies

The source and dev entries are used to set which files to search for dependencies and devDependencies respectively.

For convenience, we allow a pipe | operator (make it more clear to the eye), which internally is substituted with , to be compatible with node-glob format.

"comptroller": {
  "source": "**/*.{jsx?,m?js,tsx?}",
  "dev": "**/*.{jsx?|m?js|tsx?}" // alternative syntax using | separator

Typescript and TSX

For typescript, TSX will be parsed correctly only if the file extension is .tsx or you have set detective options to enable it specifically. Please see typescript-eslint-parser for details.

We recommend sticking with file extensions as the options used internally by the eslint-parser could change.

"detective": {
  "useJSXTextNode": true,
  "ecmaFeatures": {
    "jsx": true // can also auto-detect by supplying filePath option below


Inheritance is the tool that saves you from the mundane maintainence of a multitude of package.json files throughout the life of your project. This is like the swiss army knife version of Lerna's 'fixed/locked' mode.

While it's perfect for keeping your package versions in sync, it can be used for any field in your package.json (including dependencies, but we'd recommend against that.

Comptroller has bigger plans for your dependencies). It also has the added benefit of being able to opt in/out of any field inheritance globally or locally per each subpackage.

Do you wan't to keep all package versions in sync? Simply inherit the version field. Do all of your packages share the same homepage? Do the same with the homepage field. Did one of your packages mature and deserves its own homepage?

Simply stop inheriting the homepage key for that package and provide it with its with its own. The possibilities are endless!

Dependency management

Comptroller's dependency management allows you to manage your dependencies at the top level only. Comptroller will intelligently analyze the invoked dependencies in your packages' source files and add (and remove, with the prune option) them from each package.json as needed.

This will ensure that all of your packages' dependencies stay in sync and helps you avoid heavy downloads by pruning out any unused dependencies hiding in the corner.

With Comptroller, keeping all of your packages' dependencies perfectly managed is only 14 keystrokes away! comp update -p.

But we know the world isn't perfect (if it was there'd be no use for a tool like this), which is why Comptroller allows you to opt out of dependency management for specific named dependencies.

If one of your packages relies on a different version of a specific dependency, exlude that dependency in the package's configuration and Comptroller will look the other way when it sees it.

Updating your packages

Let's say the package.json above belongs to the root package. Now if you have a child package with the below package.json:

  "name": "@my-fancy-package/my-fancy-module",
  "version": "0.4.1",
  "dependencies": {
    "need-this": "0.1.0",
    "dont-need-this": "1.2.3"

And the below index.js:


A call to comp update will log this in your terminal:

Updating remote package 'need-this' from 0.1.0 to 1.0.0 in package '@my-fancy-package/my-fancy-module'

Adding remote package 'and-this@^1.2.0' to package '@my-fancy-package/my-fancy-module'

DISABLED: Removing package 'dont-need-this' from '@my-fancy-package/my-fancy-module'

Updating field version from "0.4.1" to "0.4.2" in package '@my-fancy-package/my-fancy-module'

Adding field homepage as "" to package '@my-fancy-package/my-fancy-module'

Adding field author as "Some Body" to package '@my-fancy-package/my-fancy-module'

And update the package.json like so:

  "name": "@my-fancy-package/my-fancy-module",
  "version": "0.4.2",
  "author": "Some Body",
  "homepage": "",
  "dependencies": {
    "need-this": "1.0.0",
    "and-this": "1.2.0",
    "dont-need-this": "1.2.3"

Oops! We have a dependency in our package.json that appears to be unused!

Comptroller won't just go deleting your dependencies williy nilly, it must be given the right to do so by issuing the command with the --prune or -p option.

comp update -p

Removing package 'dont-need-this' from '@my-fancy-package/my-fancy-module'
  "dependencies": {
    "need-this": "1.0.0",
    "and-this": "1.2.0",

Whew! That's better πŸ˜‰. Now we're free to just develop our project and not worry about managing our dependencies and metadata.

Note that this works just as well with sibling package dependencies, it just seemed unweildy to add an example for this here.

Link's Awakening

The link command is like a super simplified version of Lerna's bootstrap command (step #2). It doesn't take a very aggressive approach, but it gets the job done well.

It's kind of like if npm link worked on all subpackages at once and only impacted the project scope rather than the global scope.

Let's pretend you have a project with three subpackages named

  • @my-fancy-package/my-fancy-module
  • @my-fancy-package/my-other-fancy-module
  • my-not-so-fancy-module.

A call to comp link will ensure that the top level node_modules includes:

β”œβ”€β”€ @my-fancy-package
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ my-fancy-module
β”‚Β Β  └── my-other-fancy-module
└── my-not-so-fancy-module

Now you can have no fear that your interdependent packages will function exactly as they will in the wild (and you'll have only burned ~0.017 calories in the process)!

Running scripts

The npm scripts are run using ez binary from scripteasy which uses a scripts.yml file with simple YAML entries for each script supported:

test: nyc mocha --recursive


The tests are written using mocha and chai spiced up with some sinon, proxyquire and other useful libs.

Currently only tests commonJS dependencies. Please add tests and file structures to cover testing for the other module formats supported.

scripts.yml includes the following test scripts:

testcjs: nyc mocha test/commonjs --recursive
testts: nyc mocha test/typescript --recursive
testamd: nyc mocha test/amd --recursive
testes6: nyc mocha test/es6 --recursive

The package.json file is set up with npm scripts to call the configured scripteasy scripts via ez

"scripts": {
  "test:ts": "ez testts",
  "test:typescript": "ez testts",
  "test:amd": "ez testamd",
  "test:es6": "ez testes6"

This means you can run npm run test:ts to run all typescript test suites :)

To enable logging while running a test suite, set LOG="ON"

$ LOG="ON" TS="ON" npm run test:typescript

Running tests


  • Use CJS="ON" to force cjs dependency parsing to be turned on
  • test/commonjs all common js test suites
  • test/makepkg/fs-common.js mock file structure

Run individual test suite

  • Detective $ nyc mocha test/commonjs/detective.js
  • Package $ nyc mocha test/commonjs/package.js
  • Comptroller $ nyc mocha test/commonjs/comptroller.js


  • Use ES6="ON" to force es6 dependency parsing to be turned on.

Follows same structure/conventions as for CommonJS.


Use TS="ON" to force cjs dependency parsing to be turned on.

Follows same structure/conventions as for CommonJS.


Use AMD="ON" to force amd dependency parsing to be turned on.

Follows same structure/conventions as for CommonJS.


A simple and lightweight tool to manage your monorepo.



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