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kristianmandrup edited this page Jan 15, 2011 · 2 revisions

The Cream project is again stable and working since version

I need to create example Rails 3 apps for each of the ORMs supported and also demonstrating use of various role strategies and routing customization, all using the latest version of Cream ( or higher). Any help in this regard is appreciated!

Please let me know if you have suggestions for improvements or find bugs etc.

I am currently using Cream in a real world web app product under development using mongoid. This has in turn required more focus on making sure that cream really works, is stable and that all the functionality applies in “real-life” scenarios and not just pass whatever specs I have added.
Using this approach I also keep discovering new scenarios not handled by the framework, these scenarios often seem standard enough that a general solution will/should be implemented.

As more options are added to handle more customization and scenarios, I am considering allowing a yaml file to be passed as the configuration file instead of using options. This way it would be easy to reuse an “option set” across multiple applications etc.