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Extensions for dom-testing-library

API extensions to dom-testing-library for easier DOM testing.

Designed specifically to facilitae form and field testing, including changing and submitting field values.

Can be used with react-testing-library. See React with Jest example below.

Philosophy and design considerations

A core philosophy of this extension library is to better allow accessing elements by id or name as they are way less volatile reference markers.

Personally I like to use generators to generate most of my application artifacts from various schemas. Hence I don't know or care what labels will go in. This means that the core philosophy of "testing by end user usage" doesn't really suit my application development style, as I don't care about what the user sees at the end... until the end!

I personally tend to focus first on infrastructure and leave the UI/UX concerns including labels/text to the final stages of development (ie. "skinning").

Methods such as getByText and getByLabel are thus pretty useless to me, except perhaps for E2E testing at the end. Sure, you could somehow reference the same labels being injected, but why depend on that? And only works if the injection mechanism is "fixed" and not subject to change later, unless you then abstract away the mechanism with yet another wrapper :P

I much prefer to inject texts, labels, UI framework, theming etc. much later in the dev process. The key os to maintain flexibility with regards to i18n and other such cross cutting concerns.


WIP: Under development. Has yet to be "battle tested" and is thus not published on npm just yet.

Currently using this library in react-app-builder

Quick start: react-testing-library

See learning-material


This library has no dependencies. It can be used directly with DOM elements, such as for js-dom.

PS: Might rename it later to not have the react name as it is really not React specific.


import { apiFor, eventsApi } from "dom-testing-lib-extensions";


import { fireEvent } from "react-testing-library";

use eventsApi to generate generic wrappers for fireEvent and other library specific methods

const config = eventsApi({ fireEvent });
const api = apiFor(container, config);

The api returned exposes the following methods:


// return a DOM element by selector
  parent, // parent selector
  element, // DOM element
  field, // DOM element
  tag, // tag name, such as: select
  id, // id of element
  testId, // data-testid value
  name, // name of element
  type // type of field, such as password or text


// retrieve a map of elements. Optionally execute an effect on each element
elementsFor(obj, effect);


const elementsMap = {
  name: {
    // firstName field element selector
    name: "firstName",
    type: "text",
    value: "no name"
  age: {
    // age field element selector
    testId: "age",
    value: 32

// set value of each
api.elementsFor(elementsMap, (api, opts) => api.setValue(opts));


retrieve a dedicated form field value change API

// => { changeValue(value, opts), setValue(value) }


Set field value attribute for element matching elementBy selector. Pass value option

setValue({ name: "age", value: 32 });

Note: Can also handle checked option, passing it to setChecked


Set field checked attribute for element matching elementBy selector. Pass checked option (true for checked, false unchecked)

setChecked({ name: "married", checked: true });


Notify DOM that value attribute for element matching elementBy selector has been changed to a given value. Pass value as value option

changeValue({ name: "role", value: "admin" });

Find element matching elementBy selector by default using: type: 'submit' and element: 'button'. If button found, clicks it, triggering form submit.


Notify DOM that checked attribute for element matching elementBy selector has been changed to a given status (checked or unchecked). Pass checked status as checked option

changeValue({ name: "married", checked: "true" });


Generic change method that can be used with either checked or value option

change({ name: "role", value: "admin" });
change({ name: "married", checked: "true" });


Convenience method for setChecked with checked: true

check({ name: "married" });


Convenience method for setChecked with checked: false

uncheck({ name: "married" });


Convenience methods to set or change multiple field inputs by iterating a map of property set configurations.



const elementsMap = {
  name: {
    // firstName field element selector
    name: "firstName",
    type: "text",
    value: "no name" // use setValue
  age: {
    // age field element selector
    testId: "age",
    value: 32 // use setValue
  married: {
    // age field element selector
    testId: "age",
    checked: true // use setChecked

// set value of each


const elementsMap = {
  name: {
    // firstName field element selector
    name: "firstName",
    type: "text",
    value: "no name"
  age: {
    // age field element selector
    testId: "age",
    value: 32
  married: {
    name: "married",
    checked: true // will fall back to use changeChecked instead

// set value of each


Call onChange DOM event with the list of selectedOptions as the target. An option in selectedOptions is set to state selected if it matches any value in the list passed in the selected option, such as java or c# in this example.

api.changeSelected({ name: "languages", selected: ["java", "c#"] });


Similar to setSelected but simply sets state of options. Doesn't specifically call onChange DOM event. Set option elements of a multi select to be in state selected for each matching values in the list passed via selected option, such as java or c# in this example.

api.setSelected({ name: "languages", selected: ["java", "c#"] });


api.setUnselected({ name: "languages", unselected: ["java", "c#"] });


api.clearSelected({ name: "languages" });


api.clearValue({ name: "firstName" });


Execute function on matching field

api.withField({ name: "firstName" }, field => ( = "color: red"));


Submit using first submit button element (with type="submit")


Submit using first submit button element (with type="submit") that has a parent element with id="payment-options"

api.submit({ parent: "#payment-options" });


Reset the values of all elements in the form

api.reset({ name: "loginForm" });

Example Scenario

Imagine we have a person form with fields to update

  • name
  • age

The personForm is created via a factory function that returns an object, consisting of:

  • an internal state pointer
  • the form Component
import { render } from "react-testing-library";
import { createPersonForm } from "./person/form/factory";

const personForm = createPersonForm({
  // some configuration
  // ...
  state: {
    // form state config here

For testing we use render from react-testing-library to give us the rendered (DOM) form element

const form = {
  state: personForm.state,
  rendered: render(<personForm.Component {...props} />)

We now want to simulate entering the following values into the form and perhaps test submit of the form as well

const values = {
  name: "Kristian",
  age: 32

We want to test:

  • change event handler to if state is changed to reflect input value change
  • submit of the form (ie. clicking submit button)

We start with a few helper functions and factories for added convenience and efficiency

const createTesterApi = (api, {name, value}) => {
  return {
    change() => api.changeValue(name, value),
    set() => api.setValue(name, value)

const createInputTester = (field) => ({name, value, type = 'change'}) => {
  const api = apiFor(field)
  const testerApi = createTesterApi(api, {name, value})
  // changes or sets value for the input

const submitForm = (form, opts = {}) => {
  const api = apiFor(form)

const testInputs = ({inputs, form, type = 'change'}) => {
  .map(key => {
    const testInput = createInputTester(inputs[key])
    testInput({name: key, value: values[key], type})

  const api = apiFor(form.element)
  // submit the form is we are using set
  type === 'set' && submitForm(form.element)

Testing the form and fields, we use apiFor to provide a convenient API for working efficiently with the DOM. We extract container from the form.rendered object returned by the render method of react-testing-library

const { container } = form.rendered;
const formApi = apiFor(container);

We have all the usual getByXYZ methods available as usual if we need them.

const { container, getByTestId, getByLabelText, getByText } = form.rendered;

We use elementsBy provided by the api returned to get a map of the fields (DOM elements) in the form

We could also extract the api methods we want to use directly as follows

const { elementsFor, setValues, changeValues } = apiFor(container);

We then use elementsFor to retieve a map of DOM elements of the fields we want to put under test.

// retrieve the DOM elements for each field in the form, using name selector
const inputs = formApi.elementsFor({
  name: { name: "name" },
  age: { name: "age" }

We can then pass these field referenced to our helper testInputs to simulate firing change in each of the fields.

Note: For simplicity we here assume each field is a simple <input> element (why we call the helper method testInputs).

// use the helper to test each input (field) value change handler
testInputs({ inputs, form, type: "change" });
// TODO: iterate values

After having tested the effect of change value events on the form state, we then test what happens when we set the input values and click submit.

We use type: 'set' to test to tell our test helper testInputs to use setValue instead of changeValue.

testInputs({ inputs, form, type: "set" });

// TODO: test that state is submitted somehow...

Please note that we could optimize this testing further using the setValues and changeValues methods, but this scenario walk-through was meant to illustrate most of the core methods exposed. You can always add extra higher level methods as needed.

select element

See react-select examples and repo

Multi select

Could be done something like this:

  handleChange({target}) {
      selected: [].map({value} => value)});

  render() {
    const { selected } = this.state
    return (
      <select multiple value={this.props.multiValue} onChange={this.handleChange}>
        { => {
          <option value={option.value} selected={selected[option.value]}>{option.value}</option>

Pre-fabricated select components

react-select-multiple to display as list of checkboxes that syncs with a multi select.

See react-select v2 demo with fixed options

export default class FixedOptions extends Component<*, State> {
  onChange(value, { action, removedValue }) {
    this.setState({ value: value });

  render() {
    return (
        isClearable={this.state.value.some(v => !v.isFixed)}


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2018 Kristian Mandrup


Extensions for react-testing-library






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