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Version License: MIT

Modern chrome extension development with ESM

  • Transform all chrome extension APIs into Promise-style.
  • Hot reloader for development installation.
  • Load content script programmatically.
  • Helper to convert callback-style function to Promise-style.


yarn add krome


Recommand using create-krome-app to start your project.


import 'krome';


<script type="module" src="background.js"></script>


"background": {
  "page": "background.html",
  "persistent": false
"browser_action": {
  "default_title": "Click to launch",
  "name": "Click to launch"
"permissions": ["activeTab"],
"content_scripts": [
    "matches": ["https://*/*"],
    "js": ["content.js"]


  • krome

A singleton object with promise-style chrome extension APIs and script loading feature.

Promise version chrome extension APIs

All chrome.*.* APIs are traversed and transformed programmatically by toPromise. Just repalce chrome with krome to use it, e.g.

import { krome } from 'krome';
krome.tabs.query<chrome.tabs.Tab[]>({}).then(() => {
  // do something

If you found some API not working correctly, please publish an issue.

krome.contentScript (default: 'content.js')
krome.injectOnClicked (default: true)
krome.injectOnCommands (default: [])

Sometimes we don't want to load the content script automatically for the matches. Use this setting to load content script manually. Require browser_action or commands in manifest.json.

krome.hotReload: Setter

Setter to enable/disable hot reloader. Default enabled.

Note: this will not take effect for production installation.

import { krome } from 'krome';
// To disable hot reloader
krome.hotReload = false;
  • toPromise

Convert the legacy callback-based APIs to Promise-based.

See this introductory article: A simple technique to promisify Chrome extension API.

import { toPromise } from 'krome';
toPromise(chrome.tabs.query)({}).then(() => {
  // do something


yarn start
yarn bump
yarn build
yarn pub

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