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vaultify - hexagon of secrets


Vaultify is secret provisioning method. It can be used to read/write from/to resources and pass environment values to spawned processes.

Originally a simple bash script fetching from HashiCorp Vault and writing as dotenv file, it quickly became an API for providing secrets from any arbitrary URI to consume the secrets via another arbitrary URI


This section explains different installation methods.


  • python3.6, python3.7
  • pip
  • docker (obsoletes the above)

from pypi

Most implementers will fetch the package from pypi and build their own things on another layer.

pip3 install vaultify

from git

Alternatively fetch the sources from github to develop your own adapter classes.

git clone

os dependencies

These tools can greatly speed up local development, when used in conjunction via make, so install them. They can overwhelm you with output, too.


apt-get install make entr yamllint pylint bandit 
pip3 install black