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Object mapper with a focus on Entity Framework SQL projections to domain types

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The purpose of enmap is to provide a mapping framework that allows for easy composibility between entity types and flexible translation of database properties into domain properties. In particular there are several key areas that are difficult to implement with other mapping frameworks and/or awkward to implement without a mapping framework in the first place:

  • Translating database values to model values with a step that requires unencumbered leveraging of normal C# syntax without having to worry about expression tree limitations.
  • Batching up relationships into separate queries. Unfortunately, when you project container properties into your entity framework projections, the default implementation forces an implementation that only requires one SQL query. While this notion is admirable in the abstract, in practice it produces queries with an enormous amount of wasted replication. If a person has 10 addresses, then each row in the result set will include all the properties of person and all the properties of address. This produces gigantic queries that are both difficult to parse and more expensive to ultimately run.

Getting Started

All mappers must be contained in a registry. There are two ways to do this:

  • Subclass MapperRegistry and override Register
  • Instantiate MapperRegistry and pass to the constructor a delegate Action<MapperRegistry<TContext>>

Either way you are responsible for registering new mappers using this protocol. For simplicity the following examples will assume you are subclassing and overriding Register, but everything that follows applies to either technique. To register a mapper without defining any properties, you'd use:

Map<TEntityFrameworkType, TDomainType>();

But unlike some mappers such as Automapper, we deliberately do not offer any conventinon-based implementations. Enmap -- by default -- requires you to specify each translation explicitly. This is because it's a better long-term solution as it forces you to declare each translation in a way that can be caught by refactoring tools. If your rename one property or another, proper refactoring tools will take care of this for you; but if you try to refactor by hand in these scenarios, you'll get compiler errors in these mapping definitions.

Therefore, to map any property, you have to explicitly define the mapping. Say you want to say the Id property of the entity type maps to the Id property of the domain type. To do so, you must declare the translation:

Map<TEntityFrameworkType, TDomainType>()
    .For(x => x.Id).From(x => x.Id);

Here we define a simple mapping translation that copies the value Id from the database type to the property Id of the domain type. These translations are extremely typical. And if this were the only sort of translation offered by the mapping framework it would not be terribly useful.

The key aspect in which a framework such as this is useful is that it can handle sub-relationship in a simple and concise way that encourages you to define mappings using this framework, rather than making you feel this is just a chore. Aside from the aforementioned simple mapping, there are five other types:

  • Inline single entity relationships (i.e. a FK to another table)
  • Inline container entity relationships (you have a collection property representing a relationship)
  • Fetch single entity relationships, meaning that a separate query will be run to pull all the entities of that particular type that were referenced from the containing query.
  • Fetch container entity relationships, with the same separate-query meaning as defined above.
  • Ad-hoc fetching of batches of objects of a particular type based on an id. This is similar to the fetch based techniques outlined above except may apply to getting objects from any data source at all.

By default, a fetch based approach is used for containers, since inlining container relationships usually produces wildly inefficient queries, since all the columns from the parent must be duplicated for each row of the child. Similarly, single entity relationships are by default mapped using the inline technique, since reducing the number of queries is beneficial and inlining the relationship usually has little extra cost.

Finally, let's look at some examples of each of those techniques.

Inline Single Entity Relationships

For an inline single entity relationship, consider a DbPerson entity with a reference to a DbAddress entity:

public class DbPerson 
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int AddressId { get; set; }
    public DbAddress Address { get; set; }

public class DbAddress 
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Street { get; set; }

And with corresponding model types:

public class Person
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public Address Address { get; set; }

public class Address 
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Street { get; set; }

The mapping for this would look like:

Map<DbPerson, Person>()
    .For(x => x.Id).From(x => x.Id)
    .For(x => x.Address).From(x => x.Address);
Map<DbAddress, Address>()
    .For(x => x.Id).From(x => x.Id)
    .For(x => x.Street).From(x => x.Street);

The actual Entity Framework projection might look a bit like:

dbContext.Persons.Select(x => new Person 
    Id = x.Id,
    Address = new Address 
        Id = x.Address.Id,
        Street = x.Address.Street

Importantly, the mapping for Address is composable in a way the raw Entity Framework projection is not. Without dynamically generating these expression trees, it's not possible to reuse projections for relationships like Address.

Fetch Based Single Entity Relationship

To continue with our previous example, let's change the mapping for DbPerson to:

Map<DbPerson, Person>()
    .For(x => x.Id).From(x => x.Id)
    .For(x => x.Address).From(x => x.Address).Fetch();

Since the default behavior is inline for this type of relationship, we need to explicitly indicate we want to use the fetch-based behavior. Doing this changes the projection above to something like:

var persons = dbContext.Persons.Select(x => new Person 
    Id = x.Id,
    AddressId = x.AddressId
var addresses = dbContext.Addresses.Select(x => new Address
    Id = x.Id,
    Street = x.Street

Without going into too much detail, the addresses are interleaved back into the Person model type after both queries have been executed. There are a variety of situations -- particularly with especially complicated mappings -- where using a fetch based approach (and therefore multiple queries) will actually improve performance.

Inline and Fetch Based Container Relationships

The two container-based approaches are very similar to the single entity approaches. However, as mentioned earlier, inlining container relationships is almost always very inefficient. Therefore, the default is to use a fetch-based approach. To force it to use the inline behavior, you must override the mapping with .Inline() in an analogous way that you had forced it to use .Fetch() for the single entity scenario.

Batch Based Behavior

Sometimes you may have an id in your tables that represent an entity or object that does not actually exist in the database. Perhaps it's a key to a key/value store and all you have in the database is a GUID string. To facilitate these scenarios, you can provide your own batch processing that works in a similar fashion to the fetch-based approaches outlined above. To accomplish this, you must create a class that is responsible for fetching the external data. This should be an implementation of IBatchProcessor and implement its one method:

Task Apply(IEnumerable<IBatchFetcherItem> items, MapperContext context);

The items parameter contains a sequence of IBatchFetcherItem, which is just a contract for an object that specifies:

  1. The object implementing IBatchProcessor. (i.e. the class you are in the process of implementing)
  2. The id representing the object you are trying to fetch (the value in the key/value store, say)
  3. A callback named ApplyFetchedValue that is invoked when the fetched item has been obtained.

So to implement this method, you would grab all the entity ids (items.Select(x => x.EntityId)) and make a call to your key/value store to obtain the values for all those keys. Then for each value returned, you need to find the corresponding IBatchFetcherItem and call its ApplyFetchedValue method with the value.

Once you have set up the your batch processor, you can use it in your mapping configurations. For example, suppose you have an entity such as:

public class DbNotification
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string PostId { get; set; }

And model types such as:

public class Notification 
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public Post Post { get; set; }

public class Post
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }

To set up a mapper for this using your batch processor, you'd have something like:

var batchProcessor = new PostsBatchProcessor();
Map<DbNotification, Notification>()
    .For(x => x.Id).From(x => x.Id)
    .For(x => x.Post).Batch(batchProcessor).Collect(x => x.PostId);

This will set up a mapper that collects all the PostIds and then, via your implementation of IBatchProcessor, fetches all the posts at once from the key/value store and subsequently interleaves the results into the Post property of Notification.

Adhoc Translations of Database Values to Model Values

One of the most common problems with other mappers is they don't provide any straightforward way to further transform the database value into the type expected in the model. For example, you might store a TimeSpan value in the database as an int that represents seconds. However, your model type might choose to surface this value as a TimeSpan. If you want to do this, you need to ensure that the TimeSpan transformation only happens after the projected value has been resolved. With Enmap, this is trivial. Supposing you have the following types:

public class DbJob
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int Period { get; set; }

public class Job 
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public TimeSpan Period { get; set; }

Here it's not straightforward to build a SQL projection that honors this mapping. For example, this is illegal:

var jobs = db.Jobs.Select(x => new Job 
    Id = x.Id,
    Period = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(x.Period)

The reason is that TimeSpan.FromSeconds is not "translatable to SQL". However, all you really want from the database is the Period in seconds. Once the query is complete, you just want to perform a translation that converts the int value in seconds to a TimeSpan value. With Enmap, you simply need to use the .To(...) operator. The contents of the function passed to .To is executed after the query has been executed -- meaning no SQL translation errors will happen. Here's an example of what that mapping might look like:

Map<DbJob, Job>()
    .For(x => x.Id).From(x => x.Id)
    .For(x => x.Period).From(x => x.Period).To(x => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(x));

The .From(...) clause is responsible for managing the SQL projection, and thus must be fairly simple, such as the aforementioned property reference. In contrast, the .To(...) method is run in a normal C# context, and thus calling TimeSpan.FromSeconds(...) is perfectly valid.

The final result is that you get to define all these translations in a clean way that fully encapsulates various translations at the precise place where the mapping is declared in the first place.


  • You are guaranteed that the your .After operator is invoked after the normal SQL projection has occurred. However, there is no guarantee that your particular .After operator has been invoked before or after any others. Furthermore, any fetch-based results are only reified after all the .After operators for every entity has been executed. So bear in mind this is only useful for immediate values -- those values that are immediately obtained from the result of the EF query.


Object mapper with a focus on Entity Framework SQL projections to domain types






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