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                       Ellié Computing Merge v 2.2
                      (c) Ellié Computing 2006-2009

o Required environment

Translating ECMerge is not platform-dependant. All the tools you need can be
run on Windows and all Unix distributions.
These tools are:
- gettext: you can download it from GNU website
	(, or from the GNU Win32
	project hosted on SourceForge (
	Once installed, you may add the path to gettext\bin to your PATH
	environment variable.
- any text editor supporting UTF-8 with/without signature edition.
	Some use poEdit ( to edit .po files.
	You can use ECMerge itself to edit .po files.

- beware that gettext system DOES NOT support UTF8 signature at file start, 
	thus your editor may not realize the files are in UTF8. If it the case, be
	sure to enforce UTF8 loading/saving in your editor.

o Translating ECMerge

- ECMerge automatically builds a list of UI languages from directories found 
	in the application installation path. A UI language directory must follow
	the following rules:
    - its name corresponds to the language "identifier"
		A language "identifier"  is the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code (in
		lower case), e.g., fr for French. If there is really a need for more
		than one translation effort per language then the folder may also be
		named language_region where region is the ISO 3166-1 two-letter 
		country code (in upper case), e.g., pt_BR for Portuguese in Brazil.
	- it contains the following files
		* a "lg.xml" file with a specific content
		* a "report.xsl" file
		* some .mo files
		(These are compiled translation files used by ECMerge)
		* some .po files
		(There are several .po files because Ellié Computing organized the
		source code in layers: SDK, custom framework, domain classes)

- lg.xml file
	This file contains a single node "language" with 2 attributes
		* code: the same language "identifier" as the folder name
		* label: the label of the language in this language followed by
		a representative country name.
	It must be saved in UTF-8 encoding with Unicode signature.
- .xsl file
	This file contains some strings to translate. The reference strings are
	given in English. It must be saved in UTF-8 encoding with Unicode

- .po files
	.po files use the gettext extraction system. They must be saved in UTF-8
	encoding without Unicode signature.

- .mo files
	.mo files are compilation results obtained from .po files and 'msgfmt' command.

o Format of the PO files

- Original format
	The full format of PO files is described in the following page:

The format can be simplified with the following representation:
msgid "original string"
msgstr "translated string"

msgid "original string with no translation"
msgstr ""

msgid "long original string"
msgstr "translated string "
"can be broken up like this"

#, fuzzy
msgid "original string"
msgstr "unused translation"

Other data contained in the template .po files are not relevant.

The msgid lines are extracted from the program source. The msgstr lines are
initially empty and are filled in with useful strings by the translator. The
strings can contain C-style escape characters and can be continued across
lines as illustrated. (The next line must start at the beginning of the line.) 

Comments with a fuzzy flag mean the message has possibly been outdated because
of changes in the program source. The translator can then verify this and
possibly remove the fuzzy flag. Note that fuzzy messages are not made
available to the end user. The other flag is c-format, which indicates that
the message is a printf-style format template. This means that the translation
should also be a format string with the same number and type of placeholders.
There are tools that can verify this, which key off the c-format flag. 

You may find already translated strings in the enclosed .po template files.
They correspond to strings containing accented letters (e.g, Ellié). When
translating these string, please take care of the accents in the msgstr

- Specific format introduced by Ellié Computing
	In some cases, it can be useful to have a context in the original string,
	to provide accurate translations. Contexts are written in braces, they
	must appear in the original only.
msgid "{context}original string with context"
msgstr "corresponding translated string"

o Editing the PO files

- You can edit the .po files with any text editor supporting UTF-8 files. You 
should only edit the quoted string after the msgstr directive and remove the 
fuzzy flag if any.

- You do not need to fully translate the .po files to use them. Untranslated
strings will be use with no attempt to translate them.

- You should try to remove all the fuzzy flags, by checking the given
translation is correct, and fix it if necessary. Remember that fuzzy entries
will be ignored, and the corresponding strings will be considered as

- Few details before editing .po files:
	- if the original string ends with a new line character, the translation
	must also have one.
	- if the original string is a printf-like pattern, the translation needs
	to have the same format.
	- if you see an error (typo or grammatical) in the original string, do not
	fix it in the msgid line. The corresponding string would not be
	translated. Contact us and give us the following information:
		* file name,
		* original string with error,
		* fixed original string.
	- keep the style of the original string. Some messages are not full
	sentences. If they do not start with a capital letter or end with a
	period, the translated string must not contain it either.

o Compiling the PO files

- To compile a .po file into .mo file (gettext binary format), use the
following command:
	msgfmt <file>.po -o<file>.mo

The following is optional but we advise to do it to have a fully translated
- ECMerge also uses for each language a .po file delivered with wxWidgets.
	- Download wxWidgets 2.6.3 package (wxMSW/wxGTK regarding your operating
	system, or wxALL)
	- Expand it, or extract the "locale" directory
	- Compile the .po file corresponding to your language with the following
	msgfmt wxWidgets_directory\locale\<lg>.po

o Using the newly translated files

- Before running ECMerge, please ensure you have organized the new language
directory correctly:
	- its name corresponds to the language "identifier"
	- it contains the following files
		* lg.xml
		* report.xsl
		* some .mo files

o Miscellaneous

- Known issues:
	- Due to a small bug in the reports generation, only 2-characters
	language "identifiers" can be used. This problem will be fixed in the
	next ECMerge version.
	NB: if you do not plan to use the reports generation feature, or if you
	don't mind getting your reports in English, you can use 5-characters
	language "identifiers".

- If you have problems translating ECMerge,
	please contact us:, or


Translating ecmerge programm






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