This repository contains KubeRig DSL generator projects for Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions.
Please note: this repo is in early stage development and will change a lot. At this point the DSLs are not yet published to JCenter.
It can serve as a starting point for finding ready to go KubeRig DSL dependencies. It can also show you how to generate a KubeRig DSL when the CRDs you want to consume have not been added yet.
Read about how we do this here.
The modules are deployed to bintray in the following repository. They are not available on JCenter at the moment.
repositories {
If you want to give a CRD DSL a try add an implementation dependency to one of the available packages.
module | dependency |
cert-manager | io.kuberig.crd.dsl:cert-manager:0.1.0 |
knative-eventing | io.kuberig.crd.dsl:knative-eventing:0.1.0 |
knative-serving | io.kuberig.crd.dsl:knative-serving:0.1.0 |
tektoncd-pipeline | io.kuberig.crd.dsl:tektoncd-pipeline:0.1.0 |