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Route53 txt-prefix does not create registry heritage records #1416

masterkain opened this issue Feb 11, 2020 · 14 comments

Route53 txt-prefix does not create registry heritage records #1416

masterkain opened this issue Feb 11, 2020 · 14 comments
kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. kind/documentation Categorizes issue or PR as related to documentation. lifecycle/rotten Denotes an issue or PR that has aged beyond stale and will be auto-closed. provider/aws


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masterkain commented Feb 11, 2020

I had to make a root CNAME (ALIAS) co exists with a TXT record for external domain verification.

Given the TXT record was already taken by external-dns I tried to reach for the --txt-prefix flag.

What happened:

I deploy external dns with Helm, so I changed txtPrefix: k8s, deployed and verified that indeed the external dns image starts up with this new parameter.

I went on, deleted the current CNAME and TXT and waited for external dns to sync again.

external dns created the CNAME correctly, however there's no TXT record as I expected.

In all the existing entries I have this as TXT content:


but those are not being created anymore.

With --txt-prefix

I wiped existing records before this test, there were no related records leftover in console.

│ time="2020-02-11T09:50:45Z" level=info msg="Instantiating new Kubernetes client"
│ time="2020-02-11T09:50:45Z" level=info msg="Using inCluster-config based on serviceaccount-token"
│ time="2020-02-11T09:50:45Z" level=info msg="Created Kubernetes client"
│ time="2020-02-11T09:50:47Z" level=info msg="All records are already up to date, there are no changes for the matching hosted zones"
│ time="2020-02-11T09:51:47Z" level=info msg="Desired change: CREATE A [Id: /hostedzone/Z1KM8PR0TJR5XX]"
│ time="2020-02-11T09:51:47Z" level=info msg="1 record(s) in zone [Id: /hostedzone/Z1KM8PR0TJR5XX] were successfully updated"

Without --txt-prefix

Wiped the record again (only CNAME from previous creation) and this time without specifying a --txt-prefix the registry record TXT gets created.

│ time="2020-02-11T10:00:46Z" level=info msg="Instantiating new Kubernetes client"
│ time="2020-02-11T10:00:46Z" level=info msg="Using inCluster-config based on serviceaccount-token"
│ time="2020-02-11T10:00:46Z" level=info msg="Created Kubernetes client"
│ time="2020-02-11T10:00:48Z" level=info msg="All records are already up to date, there are no changes for the matching hosted zones"
│ time="2020-02-11T10:01:49Z" level=info msg="Desired change: CREATE A [Id: /hostedzone/Z1KM8PR0TJR5XX]"
│ time="2020-02-11T10:01:49Z" level=info msg="Desired change: CREATE TXT [Id: /hostedzone/Z1KM8PR0TJR5XX]"
│ time="2020-02-11T10:01:49Z" level=info msg="2 record(s) in zone [Id: /hostedzone/Z1KM8PR0TJR5XX] were successfully updated"
  releaseName: external-dns
    name: external-dns
    version: 2.16.1
    policy: upsert-only
    replicas: 1
    sources: [ingress]
    provider: aws
      zoneType: public
      region: eu-west-1
        accessKey: xxx
        secretKey: xxx
    txtOwnerId: my-kubernetes
    # txtPrefix: k8s
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vutny commented Apr 13, 2020

I cannot reproduce this issue. Using --txt-prefix=prefix- parameter with ExternalDNS 0.6.0.

time="2020-04-13T16:36:50Z" level=info msg="Desired change: CREATE CNAME [Id: /hostedzone/ZXXXXXXXXXXXXX]"
time="2020-04-13T16:36:50Z" level=info msg="Desired change: CREATE TXT [Id: /hostedzone/ZXXXXXXXXXXXXX]"
time="2020-04-13T16:36:51Z" level=info msg="2 record(s) in zone [Id: /hostedzone/ZXXXXXXXXXXXXX] were successfully updated"

Got both CNAME and prefixed TXT record in Route53.

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jgreat commented Jun 17, 2020

I'm seeing the same behavior.

Bitnami helm chart: external-dns-3.2.1 app version 0.7.2


provider: aws
policy: sync
txtOwnerId: production-u1-a
txtPrefix: externaldns
  - .com
  zoneType: public
  evaluateTargetHealth: "true"
  - ingress


time="2020-06-17T19:57:20Z" level=info msg="config: {Master: KubeConfig: RequestTimeout:30s IstioIngressGatewayServices:[] ContourLoadBalancerService:heptio-contour/contour Sources:[ingress] Namespace: AnnotationFilter: FQDNTemplate: CombineFQDNAndAnnotation:false IgnoreHostnameAnnotation:false Compatibility: PublishInternal:false PublishHostIP:false AlwaysPublishNotReadyAddresses:false ConnectorSourceServer:localhost:8080 Provider:aws GoogleProject: GoogleBatchChangeSize:1000 GoogleBatchChangeInterval:1s DomainFilter:[.com] ExcludeDomains:[] ZoneIDFilter:[] AlibabaCloudConfigFile:/etc/kubernetes/alibaba-cloud.json AlibabaCloudZoneType: AWSZoneType:public AWSZoneTagFilter:[] AWSAssumeRole: AWSBatchChangeSize:1000 AWSBatchChangeInterval:1s AWSEvaluateTargetHealth:true AWSAPIRetries:3 AWSPreferCNAME:false AzureConfigFile:/etc/kubernetes/azure.json AzureResourceGroup: AzureSubscriptionID: AzureUserAssignedIdentityClientID: CloudflareProxied:false CloudflareZonesPerPage:50 CoreDNSPrefix:/skydns/ RcodezeroTXTEncrypt:false AkamaiServiceConsumerDomain: AkamaiClientToken: AkamaiClientSecret: AkamaiAccessToken: InfobloxGridHost: InfobloxWapiPort:443 InfobloxWapiUsername:admin InfobloxWapiPassword: InfobloxWapiVersion:2.3.1 InfobloxSSLVerify:true InfobloxView: InfobloxMaxResults:0 DynCustomerName: DynUsername: DynPassword: DynMinTTLSeconds:0 OCIConfigFile:/etc/kubernetes/oci.yaml InMemoryZones:[] OVHEndpoint:ovh-eu PDNSServer:http://localhost:8081 PDNSAPIKey: PDNSTLSEnabled:false TLSCA: TLSClientCert: TLSClientCertKey: Policy:sync Registry:txt TXTOwnerID:production-u1-a TXTPrefix:externaldns TXTSuffix: Interval:1m0s Once:false DryRun:false UpdateEvents:false LogFormat:text MetricsAddress::7979 LogLevel:info TXTCacheInterval:0s ExoscaleEndpoint: ExoscaleAPIKey: ExoscaleAPISecret: CRDSourceKind:DNSEndpoint ServiceTypeFilter:[] CFAPIEndpoint: CFUsername: CFPassword: RFC2136Host: RFC2136Port:0 RFC2136Zone: RFC2136Insecure:false RFC2136TSIGKeyName: RFC2136TSIGSecret: RFC2136TSIGSecretAlg: RFC2136TAXFR:false RFC2136MinTTL:0s NS1Endpoint: NS1IgnoreSSL:false TransIPAccountName: TransIPPrivateKeyFile:}"
time="2020-06-17T19:57:20Z" level=info msg="Instantiating new Kubernetes client"
time="2020-06-17T19:57:20Z" level=info msg="Using inCluster-config based on serviceaccount-token"
time="2020-06-17T19:57:20Z" level=info msg="Created Kubernetes client"
time="2020-06-17T19:59:30Z" level=info msg="Desired change: CREATE .com A [Id: /hostedzone/ZX]"
time="2020-06-17T19:59:30Z" level=info msg="1 record(s) in zone .com. [Id: /hostedzone/ZX] were successfully updated"

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Also seeing this on 0.7.3 using raw yaml install

relevant container config:

       - name: external-dns
          image: ""
            - --log-level=info
            - --log-format=text
            - --policy=upsert-only
            - --provider=$(PROVIDER)
            - --txt-owner-id=$(TXT_OWNER_ID)
            - --txt-prefix=external-dns-
            - --registry=txt
            - --interval=1m
            - --source=service
            - --source=ingress
            - --aws-batch-change-size=1000


external-dns-7dccf489ff-h4tvp external-dns time="2020-08-11T06:24:27Z" level=info msg="Desired change: CREATE <redacted> A [Id: /hostedzone/<redacted>]"
external-dns-7dccf489ff-h4tvp external-dns time="2020-08-11T06:24:27Z" level=info msg="1 record(s) in zone <redacted> [Id: /hostedzone/<redacted>] were successfully updated"

(note the lack of logs for creating the TXT record)

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Ahh actually i believe this is more useful:

external-dns-6d95f8c8b5-mcph5 external-dns time="2020-08-11T06:37:47Z" level=debug msg="Adding <redacted> to zone <redacted> [Id: /hostedzone/<zoneid>]"
external-dns-6d95f8c8b5-mcph5 external-dns time="2020-08-11T06:37:47Z" level=debug msg="Skipping record {\n  Action: \"CREATE\",\n  ResourceRecordSet: {\n    Name: \"external-dns-<redacted>\",\n    ResourceRecords: [{\n        Value: \"\\\"heritage=external-dns,external-dns/owner=<ownerString>,external-dns/resource=ingress/<namespace>/<ingress>\\\"\"\n      }],\n    TTL: 300,\n    Type: \"TXT\"\n  }\n} because no hosted zone matching record DNS Name was detected"

Apologies for all the redaction, if you take all the domains as being the same it should make sense.

So it would appear that once the prefix is added it doesn't match the record it's signalling heritage for anymore. I'll try to take a look at the code tonight and figure out where this is happening.

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Ok, I believe I've found the issue: without a trailing . in the txt-prefix value, attempts to attach the prefix to a root domain will fail.
So in my case, I'm using --txt-prefix=external-dns- and the resulting txt record for is, which throws this error:

DEBU[0046] Skipping record {
  Action: "CREATE",
  ResourceRecordSet: {
    Name: "",
    ResourceRecords: [{
        Value: "\"heritage=external-dns,external-dns/owner=foobar\""
    TTL: 300,
    Type: "TXT"
} because no hosted zone matching record DNS Name was detected

Which is perfectly reasonable, because I have no zone in my aws account.

I believe this will also be the issue for the previous two posts as well - both prefixes lack the trailing dot and at least the first is against a root domain. It looks to me like the domain has been stripped from the second example but my guess is it would also be a root.
I think a safe assumption would be that @masterkain 's example would result in

This also explains why @vutny 's test could not reproduce the issue as it was not against but

Changing to --txt-prefix=external-dns. produced the following:

DEBU[0047] Adding to zone [Id: /hostedzone/<zoneid>]
DEBU[0047] Adding to zone [Id: /hostedzone/<zoneid>]
INFO[0047] Desired change: CREATE TXT [Id: /hostedzone/<zoneid>]
INFO[0047] Desired change: CREATE A [Id: /hostedzone/<zoneid>]

So in summary, I think it's functioning as intended and either a documentation update is needed to note the trailing dot requirement or perhaps some validation of the flag value (or both).
It doesn't really make sense to accept a prefix without the trailing dot, as without it any root domain registry record would always fail.

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@k8s-ci-robot k8s-ci-robot added kind/documentation Categorizes issue or PR as related to documentation. kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. labels Aug 17, 2020
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Same with root domain on GoDaddy, but with TXT Postfix

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@nefelim4ag: You can't reopen an issue/PR unless you authored it or you are a collaborator.

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Same with root domain on GoDaddy, but with TXT Postfix

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