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2021 Annual Report: SIG Contributor Experience

Current initiatives

  1. What work did the SIG do this year that should be highlighted?

    • Continuing to provide critical services to enable the work of over 75,000+ contributors
    • Migrating K-Dev to a managed account
      • We encountered a problem with the k-dev mailing list where we couldn't send out community-wide meeting invites, due to restrictions on public google groups.
      • In order to overcome this issue, we migrated to Google Workspace.
      • It took over 80+ hours across the Contribex team to complete this migration.
    • Steering Election with Elekto
      • Elekto was created by Manish Sahani as part of an LFX internship. It allows us to run Elections on our own infrastructure.
      • Voters can login using their github credentials and vote from the election site.
      • The previous method of holding elections was prone to issues when it came to the following:
        • Obtaining the list of elegible voters from 75,000+ contributors
        • Sending ballots out via email
      • Elekto automated the process of obtaining the list of elegible voters
      • Ballots are no longer sent out via email, and instead contributors log in to the elections site to submit their ballots.
      • More information can be found in community issue #5096
    • Community meeting overhaul and reboot
    • EasyCLA migration
      • The CLA service provided to us by the Linux Foundation was being deprecated.
      • We needed to migrate to EasyCLA2 to ensure continuity of service for our 75,000+ active committers.
    • Contributor Summit North America
    • Contributor Celebration
    • Restaffed teams
      • Moderation
      • Youtube Admin
    • Ran three group mentoring cohorts to grow contributors in named roles (50% graduation rate) for contribex, docs, and a 'chair' cohort for multiple SIGs
    • Grew @k8scontributors twitter account to 5,700 followers
    • Created documentation geared towards Chairs and Tech Leads to help grow and support their roles and groups operations
    • Curated and ran 8 months of Leads meetings (16 meetings total)
  2. What initiatives are you working on that aren't being tracked in KEPs?

Contribex is a service and program orientated SIG. Most of our initiatives cover long term services for the Kubernetes project.

Subproject Initiative / Program
Community Community Repo Stewardship
Community Management Calendar Admin
Community Management Leadership Operations
Community Management End User Forum Admin
Community Management Mailing List Admin
Community Management Slack Admin
Community Management Zoom / YouTube Admin
Contributor Documentation Contributor Guide Stewardship
Contributor Documentation Contributor Site
Contributor Documentation Developer Guide Audit
Contributor Documentation Developer Guide Stewardship
Contributor Comms Contributor / SIG Profiling
Contributor Comms SIG Outreach and Support
Contributor Comms Contributor Events Outreach
Contributor Comms Stewardship of k8scontributors twitter
Devstats Devstats Dashboard Update
Events Monthly Community Meeting
Events Office Hours
Events Elections
Events Contributor Summits
GitHub Management GitHub Admin / Moderation
GitHub Management GitHub Master -> Main rename
GitHub Management GitHub New Membership Coordinator
Mentoring Group Mentoring
Mentoring LFX Mentor Program
Slack Infra slack-infra

We put the following initiatives on hold, and will be revisiting these at a later date.

Subproject Initiative / Program
Mentoring Meet our Contributors
Mentoring Outreachy
Mentoring New Contributor Workshop
Mentoring Google Summer of Code

Project health

  1. What areas and/or subprojects does your group need the most help with? Any areas with 2 or fewer OWNERs? (link to more details)

  2. What metrics/community health stats does your group care about and/or measure?

  3. Does your help new contributors engage with your group specifically by pointing to activities or programs that provide useful context or allow easy participation?

    • We don't have a as our SIG's contributing process does not differ from the process in the Contributor Guide.
  4. If your group has special training, requirements for reviewers/approvers, or processes beyond the general contributor guide, does your document those to help existing contributors grow throughout the contributor ladder?

    • N/A
  5. Does the group have contributors from multiple companies/affiliations?

  6. Are there ways end users/companies can contribute that they currently are not? If one of those ways is more full time support, what would they work on and why?

    • A full time community manager who can maintain several subprojects and help with the overall direction of the group
    • More full time support for the items under bullet point 1.
    • This work will reduce toil for contributor experience and all groups in the project.


Statistics were retrieved on 2022-01-30

  • Primary slack channel member count: 1895
  • Primary mailing list member count: 366
  • Primary meeting attendee count (estimated, if needed): 10-15
  • Primary meeting participant count (estimated, if needed): 5
  • Unique reviewers for SIG-owned packages: 20
  • Unique approvers for SIG-owned packages: 28

Include any other ways you measure group membership


New in 2021: N/A Retired in 2021: N/A


  • community Owns and manages overall community repo, including community group documentation and operations.
  • community-management Manages operations and policy for upstream community group communication platforms.
  • contributor-comms Contributor Communications focuses on amplifying the success of Kubernetes contributors through marketing.
  • contributors-documentation writes and maintains documentation around contributing to Kubernetes, including the Contributor's Guide, Developer's Guide, and contributor website.
  • devstats Maintains and updates, including taking requests for new charts.
  • events Creates and runs contributor-focused events, such as the Contributor Summit. Event Teams are part of this subproject.
  • github-management Manages and controls Github permissions, repos, and groups, including Org Membership.
  • mentoring Oversees and develops programs for helping contributors ascend the contributor ladder, including the New Contributor Workshops, Meet Our Contributors, and other programs.
  • slack-infra Creates and maintains tools and automation for Kubernetes Slack.

Working groups

New in 2021: N/A

Retired in 2021:

Continuing: N/A


Operational tasks in