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migrate kubelet custom metrics to stability framework part 2 #84987

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pkg/kubelet/apis/resourcemetrics/v1alpha1/BUILD
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ go_library(
deps = [

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111 changes: 75 additions & 36 deletions pkg/kubelet/apis/resourcemetrics/v1alpha1/config.go
Expand Up @@ -19,62 +19,101 @@ package v1alpha1
import (

summary ""

// Version is the string representation of the version of this configuration
const Version = "v1alpha1"

var (
nodeCPUUsageDesc = metrics.NewDesc("node_cpu_usage_seconds_total",
"Cumulative cpu time consumed by the node in core-seconds",

nodeMemoryUsageDesc = metrics.NewDesc("node_memory_working_set_bytes",
"Current working set of the node in bytes",

containerCPUUsageDesc = metrics.NewDesc("container_cpu_usage_seconds_total",
"Cumulative cpu time consumed by the container in core-seconds",
[]string{"container", "pod", "namespace"},

containerMemoryUsageDesc = metrics.NewDesc("container_memory_working_set_bytes",
"Current working set of the container in bytes",
[]string{"container", "pod", "namespace"},

// getNodeCPUMetrics returns CPU utilization of a node.
func getNodeCPUMetrics(s summary.NodeStats) (*float64, time.Time) {
if s.CPU == nil {
return nil, time.Time{}
v := float64(*s.CPU.UsageCoreNanoSeconds) / float64(time.Second)
return &v, s.CPU.Time.Time

// getNodeMemoryMetrics returns memory utilization of a node.
func getNodeMemoryMetrics(s summary.NodeStats) (*float64, time.Time) {
if s.Memory == nil {
return nil, time.Time{}
v := float64(*s.Memory.WorkingSetBytes)
return &v, s.Memory.Time.Time

// getContainerCPUMetrics returns CPU utilization of a container.
func getContainerCPUMetrics(s summary.ContainerStats) (*float64, time.Time) {
if s.CPU == nil {
return nil, time.Time{}
v := float64(*s.CPU.UsageCoreNanoSeconds) / float64(time.Second)
return &v, s.CPU.Time.Time

// getContainerMemoryMetrics returns memory utilization of a container.
func getContainerMemoryMetrics(s summary.ContainerStats) (*float64, time.Time) {
if s.Memory == nil {
return nil, time.Time{}
v := float64(*s.Memory.WorkingSetBytes)
return &v, s.Memory.Time.Time

// Config is the v1alpha1 resource metrics definition
func Config() stats.ResourceMetricsConfig {
return stats.ResourceMetricsConfig{
NodeMetrics: []stats.NodeResourceMetric{
Name: "node_cpu_usage_seconds_total",
Description: "Cumulative cpu time consumed by the node in core-seconds",
ValueFn: func(s summary.NodeStats) (*float64, time.Time) {
if s.CPU == nil {
return nil, time.Time{}
v := float64(*s.CPU.UsageCoreNanoSeconds) / float64(time.Second)
return &v, s.CPU.Time.Time
Desc: nodeCPUUsageDesc,
ValueFn: getNodeCPUMetrics,
Name: "node_memory_working_set_bytes",
Description: "Current working set of the node in bytes",
ValueFn: func(s summary.NodeStats) (*float64, time.Time) {
if s.Memory == nil {
return nil, time.Time{}
v := float64(*s.Memory.WorkingSetBytes)
return &v, s.Memory.Time.Time
Desc: nodeMemoryUsageDesc,
ValueFn: getNodeMemoryMetrics,
ContainerMetrics: []stats.ContainerResourceMetric{
Name: "container_cpu_usage_seconds_total",
Description: "Cumulative cpu time consumed by the container in core-seconds",
ValueFn: func(s summary.ContainerStats) (*float64, time.Time) {
if s.CPU == nil {
return nil, time.Time{}
v := float64(*s.CPU.UsageCoreNanoSeconds) / float64(time.Second)
return &v, s.CPU.Time.Time
Desc: containerCPUUsageDesc,
ValueFn: getContainerCPUMetrics,
Name: "container_memory_working_set_bytes",
Description: "Current working set of the container in bytes",
ValueFn: func(s summary.ContainerStats) (*float64, time.Time) {
if s.Memory == nil {
return nil, time.Time{}
v := float64(*s.Memory.WorkingSetBytes)
return &v, s.Memory.Time.Time
Desc: containerMemoryUsageDesc,
ValueFn: getContainerMemoryMetrics,
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion pkg/kubelet/server/BUILD
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ go_library(
Expand Down
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions pkg/kubelet/server/server.go
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ import (
cadvisormetrics ""
cadvisorapi ""

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,7 +301,7 @@ func (s *Server) InstallDefaultHandlers(enableCAdvisorJSONEndpoints bool) {
s.restfulCont.Handle(metricsPath, legacyregistry.Handler())

// cAdvisor metrics are exposed under the secured handler as well
r := prometheus.NewRegistry()
r := compbasemetrics.NewKubeRegistry()

includedMetrics := cadvisormetrics.MetricSet{
cadvisormetrics.CpuUsageMetrics: struct{}{},
Expand All @@ -315,13 +314,13 @@ func (s *Server) InstallDefaultHandlers(enableCAdvisorJSONEndpoints bool) {
cadvisormetrics.AppMetrics: struct{}{},
cadvisormetrics.ProcessMetrics: struct{}{},
r.MustRegister(metrics.NewPrometheusCollector(prometheusHostAdapter{}, containerPrometheusLabelsFunc(, includedMetrics))
r.RawMustRegister(metrics.NewPrometheusCollector(prometheusHostAdapter{}, containerPrometheusLabelsFunc(, includedMetrics))
compbasemetrics.HandlerFor(r, compbasemetrics.HandlerOpts{ErrorHandling: compbasemetrics.ContinueOnError}),

v1alpha1ResourceRegistry := prometheus.NewRegistry()
v1alpha1ResourceRegistry.MustRegister(stats.NewPrometheusResourceMetricCollector(s.resourceAnalyzer, v1alpha1.Config()))
v1alpha1ResourceRegistry := compbasemetrics.NewKubeRegistry()
v1alpha1ResourceRegistry.CustomMustRegister(stats.NewPrometheusResourceMetricCollector(s.resourceAnalyzer, v1alpha1.Config()))
s.restfulCont.Handle(path.Join(resourceMetricsPathPrefix, v1alpha1.Version),
compbasemetrics.HandlerFor(v1alpha1ResourceRegistry, compbasemetrics.HandlerOpts{ErrorHandling: compbasemetrics.ContinueOnError}),
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions pkg/kubelet/server/stats/BUILD
Expand Up @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ go_library(
Expand All @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ go_test(
] + select({
Expand Down
72 changes: 38 additions & 34 deletions pkg/kubelet/server/stats/prometheus_resource_metrics.go
Expand Up @@ -19,32 +19,29 @@ package stats
import (

stats ""


// NodeResourceMetric describes a metric for the node
type NodeResourceMetric struct {
Name string
Description string
ValueFn func(stats.NodeStats) (*float64, time.Time)
Desc *metrics.Desc
ValueFn func(stats.NodeStats) (*float64, time.Time)

func (n *NodeResourceMetric) desc() *prometheus.Desc {
return prometheus.NewDesc(n.Name, n.Description, []string{}, nil)
func (n *NodeResourceMetric) desc() *metrics.Desc {
return n.Desc

// ContainerResourceMetric describes a metric for containers
type ContainerResourceMetric struct {
Name string
Description string
ValueFn func(stats.ContainerStats) (*float64, time.Time)
Desc *metrics.Desc
ValueFn func(stats.ContainerStats) (*float64, time.Time)

func (n *ContainerResourceMetric) desc() *prometheus.Desc {
return prometheus.NewDesc(n.Name, n.Description, []string{"container", "pod", "namespace"}, nil)
func (n *ContainerResourceMetric) desc() *metrics.Desc {
return n.Desc

// ResourceMetricsConfig specifies which metrics to collect and export
Expand All @@ -53,29 +50,34 @@ type ResourceMetricsConfig struct {
ContainerMetrics []ContainerResourceMetric

// NewPrometheusResourceMetricCollector returns a prometheus.Collector which exports resource metrics
func NewPrometheusResourceMetricCollector(provider SummaryProvider, config ResourceMetricsConfig) prometheus.Collector {
// NewPrometheusResourceMetricCollector returns a metrics.StableCollector which exports resource metrics
func NewPrometheusResourceMetricCollector(provider SummaryProvider, config ResourceMetricsConfig) metrics.StableCollector {
return &resourceMetricCollector{
provider: provider,
config: config,
errors: prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "scrape_error",
Help: "1 if there was an error while getting container metrics, 0 otherwise",
errors: metrics.NewDesc("scrape_error",
"1 if there was an error while getting container metrics, 0 otherwise",

type resourceMetricCollector struct {

provider SummaryProvider
config ResourceMetricsConfig
errors prometheus.Gauge
errors *metrics.Desc

var _ prometheus.Collector = &resourceMetricCollector{}
var _ metrics.StableCollector = &resourceMetricCollector{}

// DescribeWithStability implements metrics.StableCollector
func (rc *resourceMetricCollector) DescribeWithStability(ch chan<- *metrics.Desc) {
ch <- rc.errors

// Describe implements prometheus.Collector
func (rc *resourceMetricCollector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
for _, metric := range rc.config.NodeMetrics {
ch <- metric.desc()
Expand All @@ -84,33 +86,35 @@ func (rc *resourceMetricCollector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {

// Collect implements prometheus.Collector
// Since new containers are frequently created and removed, using the prometheus.Gauge Collector would
// CollectWithStability implements metrics.StableCollector
// Since new containers are frequently created and removed, using the Gauge would
// leak metric collectors for containers or pods that no longer exist. Instead, implement
// prometheus.Collector in a way that only collects metrics for active containers.
func (rc *resourceMetricCollector) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
defer rc.errors.Collect(ch)
// custom collector in a way that only collects metrics for active containers.
func (rc *resourceMetricCollector) CollectWithStability(ch chan<- metrics.Metric) {
var errorCount float64
defer func() {
ch <- metrics.NewLazyConstMetric(rc.errors, metrics.GaugeValue, errorCount)
summary, err := rc.provider.GetCPUAndMemoryStats()
if err != nil {
errorCount = 1
klog.Warningf("Error getting summary for resourceMetric prometheus endpoint: %v", err)

for _, metric := range rc.config.NodeMetrics {
if value, timestamp := metric.ValueFn(summary.Node); value != nil {
ch <- prometheus.NewMetricWithTimestamp(timestamp,
prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(metric.desc(), prometheus.GaugeValue, *value))
ch <- metrics.NewLazyMetricWithTimestamp(timestamp,
metrics.NewLazyConstMetric(metric.desc(), metrics.GaugeValue, *value))

for _, pod := range summary.Pods {
for _, container := range pod.Containers {
for _, metric := range rc.config.ContainerMetrics {
if value, timestamp := metric.ValueFn(container); value != nil {
ch <- prometheus.NewMetricWithTimestamp(timestamp,
prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(metric.desc(), prometheus.GaugeValue, *value, container.Name, pod.PodRef.Name, pod.PodRef.Namespace))
ch <- metrics.NewLazyMetricWithTimestamp(timestamp,
metrics.NewLazyConstMetric(metric.desc(), metrics.GaugeValue, *value, container.Name, pod.PodRef.Name, pod.PodRef.Namespace))
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