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xing-yang committed Jul 31, 2023
1 parent 140f0d0 commit 932ff33
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layout: blog
title: "Kubernetes 1.28: Non-Graceful Node Shutdown Moves to GA"
date: 2023-08-15T10:00:00-08:00
slug: kubernetes-1-28-non-graceful-node-shutdown-GA

**Authors:** Xing Yang (VMware) and Ashutosh Kumar (Elastic)

The Kubernetes Non-Graceful Node Shutdown feature is now GA in Kubernetes v1.28. It was introduced as [alpha]( in Kubernetes v1.24, and promoted to [beta]( in Kubernetes v1.26. This feature allows stateful workloads to restart on a different node if the original node is shutdown unexpectedly or ends up in a non-recoverable state such as the hardware failure or unresponsive OS.

## What is a Non-Graceful Node Shutdown

In a Kubernetes cluster, it is possible for a node to shutdown. This could happen either in a planned way or it could happen unexpectedly. A node shutdown could lead to workload failure if the node is not drained before the shutdown. A node shutdown can be either graceful or non-graceful.

The [Graceful Node Shutdown]( feature allows Kubelet to detect a node shutdown event, properly terminate the pods, and release resources, before the actual shutdown.

When a node is shutdown but not detected by Kubelet's Node Shutdown Manager, this becomes a non-graceful node shutdown. Non-graceful node shutdown is usually not a problem for stateless apps, however, it is a problem for stateful apps. The stateful application cannot function properly if the pods are stuck on the shutdown node and are not restarting on a running node.

## What’s new in stable

With the promotion of the Non-Graceful Node Shutdown feature to stable, the feature gate `NodeOutOfServiceVolumeDetach` is locked to true on `kube-controller-manager` and cannot be disabled.

Metrics `force_delete_pods_total` and `force_delete_pod_errors_total` in the Pod GC Controller are enhanced to account for all forceful pods deletion. A reason is added to the metric to indicate whether the pod is forcefully deleted because it is terminated, orphaned, terminating with the `out-of-service` taint, or terminating and unscheduled.

A “reason” is also added to the metric `attachdetach_controller_forced_detaches` in the Attach Detach Controller to indicate whether the force detach is caused by the `out-of-service` taint or a timeout.

## How does it work

In the case of a node shutdown, if graceful shutdown is not working or node is in non-recoverable state due to hardware failure or unresponsive OS, the user can manually add a `out-of-service’ taint on the Node. See document [here]( for details.

## What’s next?

This feature requires a user to manually add a taint to the node to trigger workloads failover and remove the taint after the node is recovered. In the future, we plan to find ways to automatically detect and fence nodes that are shutdown/failed and automatically failover workloads to another node.

## How can I learn more?

Check out additional documentation on this feature [here](

## How to get involved?

We offer a huge thank you to all the contributors who helped with design, implementation, and review of this feature and helped move it from alpha, beta, to stable:

* Michelle Au ([msau42](
* Derek Carr ([derekwaynecarr](
* Danielle Endocrimes ([endocrimes](
* Baofa Fan ([carlory](
* Tim Hockin ([thockin](
* Ashutosh Kumar ([sonasingh46](
* Hemant Kumar ([gnufied](
* Yuiko Mouri ([YuikoTakada](
* Mrunal Patel ([mrunalp](
* David Porter ([bobbypage](
* Yassine Tijani ([yastij](
* Jing Xu ([jingxu97](
* Xing Yang ([xing-yang](

This feature is a collaboration between SIG Storage and SIG Node. For those interested in getting involved with the design and development of any part of the Kubernetes Storage system, join the Kubernetes Storage Special Interest Group (SIG). For those interested in getting involved with the design and development of the components that support the controlled interactions between pods and host resources, join the Kubernetes Node SIG.

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