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kinzhi committed Apr 30, 2022
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title: 获取正在运行容器的 Shell
content_type: task

<!-- overview -->

This page shows how to use `kubectl exec` to get a shell to a
running Container.
本文介绍怎样使用 `kubectl exec` 命令获取正在运行容器的 Shell。

## {{% heading "prerequisites" %}}

{{< include "" >}} {{< version-check >}}

<!-- steps -->

## Getting a shell to a Container

## 获取容器的 Shell

In this exercise, you create a Pod that has one Container. The Container
runs the nginx image. Here is the configuration file for the Pod:

在本练习中,你将创建包含一个容器的 Pod。容器运行 nginx 镜像。下面是 Pod 的配置文件:

{{< codenew file="application/shell-demo.yaml" >}}

Create the Pod:

创建 Pod:

kubectl create -f

Verify that the Container is running:


kubectl get pod shell-demo

Get a shell to the running Container:

获取正在运行容器的 Shell:

kubectl exec -it shell-demo -- /bin/bash
{{< note >}}

The double dash symbol "--" is used to separate the arguments you want to pass to the command from the kubectl arguments.
双破折号 "--" 用于将要传递给命令的参数与 kubectl 的参数分开。
{{< /note >}}

In your shell, list the root directory:

在 shell 中,打印根目录:

root@shell-demo:/# ls /

In your shell, experiment with other commands. Here are
some examples:

在 shell 中,实验其他命令。下面是一些示例:

root@shell-demo:/# ls /
root@shell-demo:/# cat /proc/mounts
root@shell-demo:/# cat /proc/1/maps
root@shell-demo:/# apt-get update
root@shell-demo:/# apt-get install -y tcpdump
root@shell-demo:/# tcpdump
root@shell-demo:/# apt-get install -y lsof
root@shell-demo:/# lsof
root@shell-demo:/# apt-get install -y procps
root@shell-demo:/# ps aux
root@shell-demo:/# ps aux | grep nginx

## Writing the root page for nginx

## 编写 nginx 的根页面

Look again at the configuration file for your Pod. The Pod
has an `emptyDir` volume, and the Container mounts the volume
at `/usr/share/nginx/html`.

在看一下 Pod 的配置文件。该 Pod 有个 `emptyDir` 卷,容器将该卷挂载到了 `/usr/share/nginx/html`

In your shell, create an `index.html` file in the `/usr/share/nginx/html`

在 shell 中,在 `/usr/share/nginx/html` 目录创建一个 `index.html` 文件:

root@shell-demo:/# echo Hello shell demo > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html

In your shell, send a GET request to the nginx server:

在 shell 中,向 nginx 服务器发送 GET 请求:

root@shell-demo:/# apt-get update
root@shell-demo:/# apt-get install curl
root@shell-demo:/# curl localhost

The output shows the text that you wrote to the `index.html` file:

输出结果显示了你在 `index.html` 中写入的文本。

Hello shell demo

When you are finished with your shell, enter `exit`.

当用完 shell 后,输入 `exit` 退出。

## Running individual commands in a Container

## 在容器中运行单个命令

In an ordinary command window, not your shell, list the environment
variables in the running Container:

在普通的命令窗口(而不是 shell)中,打印环境运行容器中的变量:

kubectl exec shell-demo env

Experiment running other commands. Here are some examples:


kubectl exec shell-demo ps aux
kubectl exec shell-demo ls /
kubectl exec shell-demo cat /proc/1/mounts

<!-- discussion -->

## Opening a shell when a Pod has more than one Container

## 当 Pod 包含多个容器时打开 shell

If a Pod has more than one Container, use `--container` or `-c` to
specify a Container in the `kubectl exec` command. For example,
suppose you have a Pod named my-pod, and the Pod has two containers
named main-app and helper-app. The following command would open a
shell to the main-app Container.

如果 Pod 有多个容器,`--container` 或者 `-c` 可以在 `kubectl exec` 命令中指定容器。
例如,您有个名为 my-pod 的容器,该 Pod 有两个容器分别为 main-app 和 healper-app。
下面的命令将会打开一个 shell 访问 main-app 容器。

kubectl exec -it my-pod --container main-app -- /bin/bash

## {{% heading "whatsnext" %}}

* [kubectl exec](/docs/reference/generated/kubectl/kubectl-commands/#exec)

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