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  • Automate release when merged to master
  • Add and deploy sample project

Node.js micro lib starter


Folder Structure

├── package.lock // Locked Dependencies
├── test // basic setup and utils etc for test should go here
├── package.json // Contains build scripts like how to run test
├── lib // Contains code that can be reused
├── index.test.js // Add module test here
├── index.js // Add module code here
├── example // An example of how to use module
├── scripts/env.encrpted // Contains env for Github and Npm 
├── config // Config Folder for module
├── codeship-steps.yml  // Steps for ci to run in services
├── codeship-services.yml // Services for ci
├── // Some info about module can go in here
└── Dockerfile

Getting Started

Commiting Your Code

npm run commit

Releasing your code

npm run release

Git clone

git clone