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veyepar - Video Eyeball Processor and Review

Video metadata manager - given file names of raw footage, construct cut list (with human intervention), transcode, upload, announce.

based on DebConf system

authors: Carl Karsten <>  

Install and usage:

1. install dependancies:
This installs all of the python modules in a virtualenv sandbox using virtualenvwrapper.  So before running any python apps, you must activate the virtualenv with:
workon veyepar.
This has been added to ~/.bashrc so it should be setup.
Then you must run everything with 
python <script name>.py
Running ./<script>.py won't work.
Using virtualenv makes develoment easier and reduces the amount of things that require root/sudo privs.  

1.1 create the database calls (run tests) which will create the db 
and an admin username: test, password abc.
For production you should use a secure set of credentials
so delete veyepar.db and run:
veyepar/dj$ python ./ syncdb
This will prompt for an admin username and password.

2. create a location, client, show, and episode records in the db
browse to http://localhost:8080 
log in
a. click "Locations"
b. enter Location Name, hit save. 
c. click "Clients"
d. enter Client Name, hit save.
f. enter Show Name, select Location(s) from step b, hit Save.
g. click on show link

If you have many Episodes it might be worth the effort to import locaion and episodes from a json or .csv file using   Otherwise, continue to use the browser:

h. enter Episode Name, start/duration - hit Save.
i. repeat for each Episode

3. veyepar.cfg: set client and show to the client and show slugs.  
review settings,  pal/ntsc is one of the more important ones.

4. create the dirs for the .dv files:
veyepar/dj/scripts$ python  # Makes the dir tree to put files into

4.1. copy the bling into the show's bling dir.
veyepar/dj/scripts$ cp -r bling/ ~/Videos/veyepar/test_client/test_show/bling/
This creates a title.svg for this show.  So edit the show copy:
~/Videos/veyepar/test_client/test_show/bling$ inkscape title.svg

Do some sanity checks:
browse to the show page:
check "overlapping episodes" - there shouldn't be any.
show stats: grid of days by room.  should look like your show
schedule: crude grid of events in a room and time slot. 
meeting announcement: meant for usergroup meetings, doesn't scale well to a large event.

recording sheets: pdf to be printed and put next to each recoreding station runing DVswitch.  

use DVswitch to record talks.  Note the actual start/end time on the recoding sheet.

4.2. put the dv files into the dirs
Use your mad file copy skilz to rsync, mv, whatever.  

5. for all dv files, add records into the db:
veyepar/dj/scripts$ python
Adds the .dv filenames to the raw files table

6.0 collect dv metadata  
6.1 start/end
veyepar/dj/scripts$ python - timestamp dv
Gets start from one of:
the file name (assumes hh:mm:ss.dv format)
There is code to read the time stamp from the .dv file frames, but that doesn't work well at all.  

6.2 ocr/thumbnail
use ocr to find some text, which makes for a good thumnail.
veyepar/dj/scripts$ python - find thumbs, ocr untill we find some text, saves png.

7. Associte dv files with Episodes.
(This now happens automatically when you browse to an Episode that does not have a cutlist.  I am leaving this here because their may be a performance hit for larger 100+ Episode shows.)
Create cutlist records for each intersection of a dv file and episodes start/end time and location.
veyepar/dj/scripts$ python # creates cutlist items for dv files that might belong to an episode
        eps = Episode.objects.filter(
            location=dv.location).exclude(slug='orphans' )

8. make low quality versions of all the dv files so you can preview each file in a browser using <video> (not necessary, didn't work too well, I used mplayer.)
veyepar/dj/scripts$ python makes .ogg for all dv in a show

9. Post production editing

9.1 for each episode, look at what .dv files have been assigned to it.  


If there are ones missing, either use to fix batches, or use django's admin UI to add one by one.  

If it belongs to some other event, mark "Cut List - Delete [x]"  This deletes the cutlist entry in the db, not the file.  Nothing deletes the file.

If a dv needs junk trimmed from the start or end, put the time offset in "Cut List - Start/End" 
1 or 0:0:1 means trim 1 second from start.  1:2:3 means the clip ends 1 hour 2 min 3 seconds from the start of the file, so in this case 1h 2m 3 seconds would be used.

Set Episode.state to Encode (2)

10. encode files to upload encodes to ogg, flv, m4v
adds titles too.

11. post em: posts to, holds user/passwords, not checked in, make one from

12. tweet


Video Eyeball Processor and Review






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  • JavaScript 67.3%
  • Python 25.4%
  • Shell 5.2%
  • PHP 2.1%