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kumarhk committed May 19, 2021
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230 changes: 171 additions & 59 deletions Teaching R slides.Rmd
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
```{r packages, include=FALSE}
if(!require(pacman)) {install.packages("pacman")}
if(!require(memer)) {devtools::install_github("sctyner/memer")}
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, lubridate, gapminder, coefplot, memer)
if(!require(emo)) {devtools::install_github("hadley/emo")}
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, lubridate, gapminder, coefplot, memer, emo)

## Warm up
Expand All @@ -37,84 +38,84 @@ Let's do some polling! Go to [](

## Outline

- Preparing to teach
- Determining the scope of your lesson
- Building your lesson (nuts-and-bolts)
- Structuring your lesson (what goes after what?)
- Examples and Exercises
- Preparing to teach
- Determining the scope of your lesson
- Building your lesson (nuts-and-bolts)
- Structuring your lesson (what goes after what?)
- Examples and Exercises

# Preparing to teach

## Why should you learn to teach R?

> - Teaching is the best way to learn 🤓
> - Lots of opportunities to teach R workshops/etc at Northwestern 💸
> - Build your teaching portfolio 🗂
> - Training for certain non-academic career paths 👩‍💻
> - Teaching is the best way to learn `r emo::ji("nerd")`
> - Lots of opportunities to teach R workshops/etc at Northwestern `r emo::ji("teacher")`
> - Build your teaching portfolio `r emo::ji("folder")`
> - Training for certain non-academic career paths `r emo::ji("money with wings")`
## Questions to ask yourself

> - What are your **learning objectives** for the course/session/workshop?
> - What are the opportunities and constraints you'll have in your **teaching environment**?
> - How much **background** do your students have? How much do they need?
> - What are your **learning objectives** for the course/session/workshop?
> - What are the opportunities and constraints you'll have in your **teaching environment**?
> - How much **background** do your students have? How much do they need?
## Learning objectives

> - Much of this will be determined by context: the students may need specific skills (e.g. regression, data viz) for a class, you may be teaching general-purpose skills for data analysis, etc.
> - I believe every R workshop should share these learning objectives: **Articulate questions about the [technique/method taught]** and **Identify resources to address those questions**.
> - In simpler language: you want students to walk away knowing how to ask for help when they run into problems.
> - Much of this will be determined by context: the students may need specific skills (e.g. regression, data viz) for a class, you may be teaching general-purpose skills for data analysis, etc.
> - I suggest that every R workshop should share two objectives: **Articulate questions about the [technique/method taught]** and **Identify resources to address those questions**.
> - In simpler language: you want students to walk away knowing how to ask for help when they run into problems.
## Teaching environment

> - One-off workshop vs. series
> - Virtual vs. in-person
> - Solo teaching vs. group teaching
> - One-off workshop vs. series
> - Virtual vs. in-person
> - Solo teaching vs. group teaching
# Determining the scope of your lesson

## Background knowledge

- What do the students already know? You may be able to answer this from program structure, or through a survey.
- What do the students already know? You may be able to answer this from program structure, or through a survey.

- Sometimes students will be coming in with different levels of background knowledge. You can try to address this before the session and/or adjust your teaching accordingly.
- Sometimes students will be coming in with different levels of background knowledge. You can try to address this before the session and/or adjust your teaching accordingly.

- Where can students get background knowledge before the session?
- Where can students get background knowledge before the session?

- Pre-session videos
- DataQuest
- `learnr` tutorials
- Pre-session videos
- DataQuest
- `learnr` tutorials

## Do you need to cover the basics? What *are* the basics?

> - Installing R and RStudio
> - Navigating RStudio
> - "code", "comments", "objects"
> - Syntax and data types
> - Data structures
> - Reading and writing files
> - Installing R and RStudio
> - Navigating RStudio
> - "code", "comments", "objects"
> - Syntax and data types
> - Data structures
> - Reading and writing files
# Building your lesson

## Building your lesson

> - Befriend `RMarkdown` (and `RProjects`)
> - Consider how to store and share materials: Github, Box folder, something else, none of the above
> - Other types of tools: RStudio Cloud
> - Connect to other course materials, pre-workshop assignments, etc.
> - Befriend `RMarkdown` (and `RProjects`)
> - Consider how to store and share materials: Github, Box folder, something else, none of the above
> - Other types of tools: RStudio Cloud
> - Connect to other course materials, pre-workshop assignments, etc.
# Structuring your lesson

## Where to start


- Use the end point as motivation: show them what they will learn!
- Pick some real data that the students are likely to be interested in
- Use the end point as motivation: show them what they will learn!
- Pick some real data that the students are likely to be interested in

Help students feel comfortable

- Remind them that they are learning a skill, which only comes with practice
- Encourage your students to learn from *each other*
- Remind them that they are learning a skill, which only comes with practice
- Encourage your students to learn from *each other*

## Core content

Expand All @@ -127,9 +128,9 @@ I strongly suggest an **examples and exercises** approach to teaching skills in

## Building flexibility into your lesson

- Plan for a little bit more material than you can teach
- Provide data files that students can play around with
- For complex skills, give yourself wiggle room to skip over exercises based on timing/interest
- Plan for a little bit more material than you can teach
- Provide data files that students can play around with
- For complex skills, give yourself wiggle room to skip over exercises based on timing/interest

## Ending with encouragement

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,10 +161,10 @@ The following lesson snippets all use `.R` code files for the exercises. You can

## Components of a basic plot

- **data**: a data frame, provided to the `ggplot()` function
- **geometric objects**: the objects/shapes that you want to plot, indicated through one of the many available `geom` functions, such as `geom_point()` or `geom_hist()`
- **aesthetic mapping**: the mapping from the data to the geometric objects, provided in an `aes()` function nested within `ggplot()` or a `geom` function
- connected with the `+` operator
- **data**: a data frame, provided to the `ggplot()` function
- **geometric objects**: the objects/shapes that you want to plot, indicated through one of the many available `geom` functions, such as `geom_point()` or `geom_hist()`
- **aesthetic mapping**: the mapping from the data to the geometric objects, provided in an `aes()` function nested within `ggplot()` or a `geom` function
- connected with the `+` operator

```{r ggplot structure, eval=F}
ggplot(data = <DATA FRAME>) +
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -223,9 +224,9 @@ ggplot(gapminder) +

Plot life expectancy as a function of GDP per capita for the year 2007, and add labels.

> - Step 1: Supply the data `gapminder07` to `ggplot()`
> - Step 2: Choose `geom_point()` + Supply `x=gdpPercap` and `y=lifeExp` to `aes()`
> - Step 3: Add `title`, `x`, and `y` in `labs()`
> - Step 1: Supply the data `gapminder07` to `ggplot()`
> - Step 2: Choose `geom_point()` + Supply `x=gdpPercap` and `y=lifeExp` to `aes()`
> - Step 3: Add `title`, `x`, and `y` in `labs()`
## Your turn!

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -283,6 +284,10 @@ Plot the **life expectancy** of each **continent** in 2007.

Look at the [ggplot cheatsheet]( and decide which kind of geom to use.

> - Step 1: Supply `gapminder07` to `ggplot()`
> - Step 2: Choose a `geom` (e.g. `geom_boxplot()`) and supply appropriate aesthetics in nested `aes()` (e.g. `x=continent, y=lifeExp`)
> - Step 3: Add some labels in `labs()`
## Life expectancy in each continent

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -365,9 +370,116 @@ Choose your own adventure!

Create a plot that includes **two geoms** and **facets**

## Lesson snippet 2: working with dates
# Lesson snippet 2: working with dates

## Prepare libraries and data

# Load tidyverse and lubridate
# Import vaccine data
vaccines <- read_csv("data/chicago_vaccines_daily.csv")

# Let's glimpse the data

## Working with dates

In your exercise file, check the class of the date variable.

## Working with dates

Check the class of the date variable:


This is just a character string. And it's not even ordered correctly!


## Working with dates

It looks like `as_date()` might be a helpful function from `lubridate`. But what happens when we use it?


Whoops! Let's turn to the `lubridate` [cheatsheet]( for help. What function should we use?

## Converting dates

![From lubridate cheatsheet](figures/help_mdy.png)

## Converting dates

We can use the tailored `mdy()` function:

mdy(vaccines$date) %>% head()
Or we can speficy the format of the values in the character string using the `format=` argument in `as_date()`. See the help file for `strptime()` for how to define formats.

as_date(vaccines$date, format="%m/%d/%y") %>% head()

## Converting dates

# Replace the date variable in the dataset with the converted version
vaccines$date <- mdy(vaccines$date)
# Check the class of our converted variable

## Utility of the Date format

ggplot(vaccines, aes(x=date, y=doses)) + geom_col()

## Converting dates

Now, let's try to convert the `date` variable, which is in `Date` class, into a numeric value for month.

## Converting dates

# Create a new variable for month. Refer to the cheatsheet for guidance.
vaccines$month <- month(vaccines$date)
# Repeat the plot, using month as the x-axis
ggplot(vaccines, aes(x=month, y=doses)) + geom_col()

## Converting dates

How about if we want to get the *day of the week*? Identify the right function using the `lubridate` cheatsheet. Check the help file to see if there are any useful arguments.

# Create a new variable for day of the week, with label=TRUE
vaccines$wday <- wday(vaccines$date, label=TRUE)
# Repeat the plot, using day of the week as the x-axis
ggplot(vaccines, aes(x=wday, y=doses)) + geom_col()

## Working with dates

Bonus exercise if time permits: Can you calculate the number of days it took for Chicago to fully vaccinate 1 million people?

## [under construction -- answers/exercise2_answers.R shows what will be covered]
<small>Hint: You may need to ue the function `cumsum()`</small>

# Lesson snippet 3: regression and coefplot

Expand All @@ -386,20 +498,20 @@ Create a plot that includes **two geoms** and **facets**

Examples from NU:

- [NUIT Research Computing Services workshops](
- [Masters of Science in Analytics boot camps](
- [Amanda d'Urso's tutorials and workshops](
- [NUIT Research Computing Services workshops](
- [Masters of Science in Analytics boot camps](
- [Amanda d'Urso's tutorials and workshops](

Other resources:

- [Library of free learning resources](, from NUIT RCS
- [Compilation of resources often used by social scientists](, from Emily Farris
- [`learnr` interactive tutorials](, from RStudio
- [Dataquest]( (coursework license available from NUIT)
- [Library of free learning resources](, from NUIT RCS
- [Compilation of resources often used by social scientists](, from Emily Farris
- [`learnr` interactive tutorials](, from RStudio
- [Dataquest]( (coursework license available from NUIT)

Take it to the next level (suggestions from Christina Maimone):

- ["Teaching Tech Together"]( + [Carpentries Instructor Training](
- ["Teaching Tech Together"]( + [Carpentries Instructor Training](

## You can do it!

Expand Down
81 changes: 54 additions & 27 deletions Teaching-R-slides.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

25 changes: 23 additions & 2 deletions answers/exercise2_answers.R
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ vaccines <- read_csv("data/chicago_vaccines_daily.csv")
# Let's glimpse the data

# What happens if we try to plot the
# What happens if we try to plot the doses administered over time?
ggplot(vaccines, aes(x=date, y=doses)) + geom_col()

#### Working with dates ####
Expand All @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class(vaccines$date)
# Does it work?

# Whoops! Not quite. Let's take a look at the cheatsheet for help:
# Whoops! Not quite. Let's take a look at the cheatsheet for help:

# Try to use a different function to convert the date variable
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,28 @@ class(vaccines$month)
ggplot(vaccines, aes(x=month, y=doses)) + geom_col()

# Create a new variable for day of the week
# Note: Look at the help file for the function. Are there any arguments you want to use?
# I used label=TRUE here, to create a factor variable (Mon, Tue, etc.) rather than a numeric one (1, 2, etc.)
vaccines$wday <- wday(vaccines$date, label=TRUE)

# Repeat the plot, using day of the week as the x-axis
ggplot(vaccines, aes(x=wday, y=doses)) + geom_col()

#### Bonus ####

# Bonus question: Can you calculate the number of days it took for Chicago to fully vaccinate 1 million people?
# Hint: You may need to use the function cumsum()

# Step 1: Create a cumulative sum of the final doses variable
vaccines$final_doses_cumulative <- cumsum(vaccines$final_dose)

# Step 2: Identify the first date when the cumulative final doses variable reaches 1,000,000
date_million <- min(vaccines$date[vaccines$final_doses_cumulative>=1000000])

# Step 3: Identify first date of vaccines being administered
date_first <- min(vaccines$date)

# Calculate difference

# Lubridate helpfully informs us: "Time difference of 149 days"!

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