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KuKuPl team's contribution to the shared task at Dialogue Evaluation 2020: Taxonomy Enrichment for the Russian Language

The root folder has the code for the most successful approach -- a classifier trained on the customised word embeddings (which provide extended support for ruWordNet MWE) to predict synset ids.

Training the classifier

To train a classifier, run

python3 --path DATA --w2v EMBED --run_name TITLE

where PATH_TO_DATA is a tab-separated training file, where the first column (with the 'word' header) has words, and the second column (with the 'synsets' header) has lists of synset identifiers, one word per line, for example:

урок_NOUN ["106723-N", "6718-N"]

EMBED must be a file containing pre-trained word embeddings in pretty much any standard format (plain text word2vec, binary word2vec, Gensim, NLPL zip archives...) Make sure the words in the training data match the word forms in the embeddings!

The script will train the classifier and save it as an .h5 file along with a JSON file containing an ordered list of synset identifiers. Their names are determined by the TITLE parameter. Both files are required to make predictions with the trained classifier.

Making predictions

Given a trained classifier predict hypernyms for words with:

python3 --test DATA --w2v EMBED --run_name TITLE

where DATA is a plain text file with one word per line, and EMBED and TITLE have the same meaning

This will produce the pred.json file with 10 most probable hypernym synsets for each test word, and the file ready to be submitted to the shared task Codalab.

Specially tailored embeddings we used


Trained on lemmatised and UD-tagged:

  • Araneum Russicum Maximum
  • Russian Wikipedia
  • Russian National Corpus (both the main and newspaper parts)
  • Russian news corpus

In all the corpora, multi-word entities from ruWordNet were represented as one token. For example, ящик_NOUN::из_ADP::картон_NOUN and давать_VERB::возможность_NOUN

Other stuff

The code for other, less successful approaches and their various settings, described in our paper (to be linked) and including

  • projection learning,
  • use of co-occurence statistics and
  • Hearst patterns

has been moved to trial_error folder.


taxonomy enrichment for russian






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