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feat: Starlark package arguments will be parsed as a deep Struct when…
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… `"_kurtosis_parser": "struct"` is passed in the arguments JSON (#884)

## Description:
Running `kurtosis run '{"_kurtosis_parser":
"struct", "arg1": "val1", "arg2": "val2", ...}'` will parse the
arguments as a Starlark struct, rather than a simple dictionary.

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Guillaume Bouvignies committed Jul 13, 2023
1 parent 1eb2f3b commit 39ec8c2
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Expand Up @@ -5,20 +5,26 @@ import (

const (
decoderKey = "decode"
encoderKey = "encode"
indenterKey = "indent"

kurtosisParserKey = "_kurtosis_parser"
kurtosisParserStruct = "struct"
kurtosisParserDict = "dict"

var (
noKwargs []starlark.Tuple

// DeserializeArgs deserializes the Kurtosis package args, which should be serialized JSON, into a *starlark.Dict type.
func DeserializeArgs(thread *starlark.Thread, serializedJsonArgs string) (*starlark.Dict, *startosis_errors.InterpretationError) {
func DeserializeArgs(thread *starlark.Thread, serializedJsonArgs string) (starlark.Value, *startosis_errors.InterpretationError) {
if !starlarkjson.Module.Members.Has(decoderKey) {
return nil, startosis_errors.NewInterpretationError("Unable to deserialize package input because Starlark deserializer was not found.")
Expand All @@ -39,7 +45,28 @@ func DeserializeArgs(thread *starlark.Thread, serializedJsonArgs string) (*starl
// TODO: we could easily support any kind of starlark.Value here
return nil, startosis_errors.NewInterpretationError("Unable to parse package input '%v' into a dictionary. JSON other than dictionaries aren't support right now.", deserializedInputValue)
return parsedDeserializedInputValue, nil

kurtosisParserValueMaybe, found, err := parsedDeserializedInputValue.Get(starlark.String(kurtosisParserKey))
if err != nil {
return nil, startosis_errors.WrapWithInterpretationError(err, "Unable to parse package input '%v' into a valid dictionary. JSON other than dictionaries aren't support right now.", deserializedInputValue)
if !found || kurtosisParserValueMaybe == starlark.String(kurtosisParserDict) {
// we default to dict to not break back-compat
return parsedDeserializedInputValue, nil
if kurtosisParserValueMaybe != starlark.String(kurtosisParserStruct) {
return nil, startosis_errors.NewInterpretationError("Kurtosis parser instruction not recognized in package JSON input. The only valid values right now are '%s' and '%s', found '%s'", kurtosisParserDict, kurtosisParserStruct, kurtosisParserValueMaybe)

convertedDeserializedInputValue, interpretationErr := convertValueToStructIfPossible(parsedDeserializedInputValue)
if err != nil {
return nil, interpretationErr
deserializedInputValueAsStruct, ok := convertedDeserializedInputValue.(*starlarkstruct.Struct)
if !ok {
return nil, startosis_errors.NewInterpretationError("Unable to parse the package JSON input as a Starlark struct as indicated by the '%s:%s' key-value in the JSON. It has been parsed as a '%s'", kurtosisParserKey, kurtosisParserStruct, reflect.TypeOf(deserializedInputValueAsStruct))
return deserializedInputValueAsStruct, nil

func SerializeOutputObject(thread *starlark.Thread, outputObject starlark.Value) (string, *startosis_errors.InterpretationError) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,3 +118,46 @@ func tryIndentJson(thread *starlark.Thread, unindentedJson starlark.Value) starl
return indentedJson

// convertValueToStructIfPossible tries to convert a starlark.Value type to a starlarkstruct.Struct.
// It no-ops for most Starlark "simple" types, like string, integer, even iterables.
// It is expected to successfully convert starlark.Dict to starlarkstruct.Struct. Note however that there are certain
// cases where this is not possible, like when the dictionary contain non-string keys for example. In this case, this
// function throws an error. This error should never be hit here because what is being passed comes from serialized
// JSON, which cannot contain non-string keys.
func convertValueToStructIfPossible(genericValue starlark.Value) (starlark.Value, *startosis_errors.InterpretationError) {
switch value := genericValue.(type) {
case starlark.NoneType, starlark.Bool, starlark.String, starlark.Bytes, starlark.Int, starlark.Float:
return value, nil
case *starlark.List, *starlark.Set, starlark.Tuple:
return value, nil
case *starlark.Dict:
// Dictionaries returned by JSON deserialization should have strings as keys. We therefore convert them to struct to facilitate reading from them in Starlark
stringDict := starlark.StringDict{}
for _, key := range value.Keys() {
stringKey, ok := key.(starlark.String)
if !ok {
return nil, startosis_errors.NewInterpretationError("JSON input was deserialized in an unexpected manner. It seems some JSON keys were not string, which is currently not supported in Kurtosis (key: '%s', type: '%s')", key, reflect.TypeOf(key))
genericDictValue, found, err := value.Get(key)
if !found {
return nil, startosis_errors.NewInterpretationError("Unexpected error postprocessing JSON input. No value associated with key '%s'", key)
if err != nil {
return nil, startosis_errors.NewInterpretationError("Unexpected error postprocessing JSON input (key: '%s')", key)

postProcessedValue, interpretationError := convertValueToStructIfPossible(genericDictValue)
if err != nil {
// do not wrap the interpretation error here as it's coming from a recursive call.
return nil, interpretationError
stringDict[stringKey.GoString()] = postProcessedValue
return starlarkstruct.FromStringDict(starlarkstruct.Default, stringDict), nil
case *starlarkstruct.Struct:
return value, nil
return nil, startosis_errors.NewInterpretationError("Unexpected type when trying to deserialize module input. Data will be passed to the module with no processing (unsupported type was: '%s').", reflect.TypeOf(genericValue))
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
package package_io

import (

Expand All @@ -29,9 +31,43 @@ func createDict(t *testing.T) *starlark.Dict {

func TestPackageIo_DeserializeArgs(t *testing.T) {
expectedResultDict := createDict(t)

result, interpretationErr := DeserializeArgs(&starlark.Thread{}, complexInputJson) //nolint:exhaustruct
require.Nil(t, interpretationErr)
equal, err := starlark.Equal(createDict(t), result)
equal, err := starlark.Equal(expectedResultDict, result)
require.Nil(t, err)
require.True(t, equal)

func TestPackageIo_DeserializeArgsToStruct(t *testing.T) {
complexInputJsonAsStruct := fmt.Sprintf(`{
%q: %q,
"struct": {},
"float": 3.4,
"int": 1,
"list": [
"string": "Hello World!"
}`, kurtosisParserKey, kurtosisParserStruct)

expectedResultStringDict := starlark.StringDict{
kurtosisParserKey: starlark.String(kurtosisParserStruct),
"string": starlark.String("Hello World!"),
"int": starlark.MakeInt(1),
"float": starlark.Float(3.4),
"struct": starlarkstruct.FromStringDict(starlarkstruct.Default, starlark.StringDict{}),
"list": starlark.NewList([]starlark.Value{starlark.String("a"), starlark.MakeInt(1), starlark.NewDict(1)}),
expectedResultStruct := starlarkstruct.FromStringDict(starlarkstruct.Default, expectedResultStringDict)

result, interpretationErr := DeserializeArgs(&starlark.Thread{}, complexInputJsonAsStruct) //nolint:exhaustruct
require.Nil(t, interpretationErr)

equal, err := starlark.Equal(expectedResultStruct, result)
require.Nil(t, err)
require.True(t, equal)
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