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Data edited this page Jun 20, 2017 · 6 revisions

img-construction denote new commands since after version 4.2 in bold or some icon marker.

Table of contents



  • about.kvirc Shows the About KVIrc dialog
  • action.create Defines a new action
  • action.destroy Destroy an action
  • action.disable Disables an action
  • action.enable Enables an action
  • action.list Lists the available actions
  • action.trigger Triggers an action
  • Shows the action editor
  • addon.configure Executes an addon's configuration callback
  • addon.dialog Shows the addon management editor
  • Executes an addon's help callback
  • addon.install Installs the addon
  • addon.installfiles Installs a set of files for an addon
  • addon.list Lists the installed addons
  • addon.pack Creates a kva package containing an addon
  • addon.register Registers a script-based addon
  • addon.setconfigurecallback Sets an addon's configuration callback
  • addon.sethelpcallback Sets an addon's help callback
  • addon.uninstall Uninstalls an addon
  • admin Requests the admin info from a server
  • ahost DNS lookup
  • alias Adds a new alias or modifies an existing one
  • Shows the alias editor
  • avatar.notify Notifies the current avatar to a remote target
  • avatar.query Queries the avatar of a remote target
  • avatar.set Sets the local user's avatar
  • avatar.unset Unsets the local user's avatar
  • away Puts you into 'away' state
  • awhois Asynchronous WHOIS


  • back Allows you to return from being away
  • ban Sets ban masks for the channel
  • beep Beep beep!
  • break Interrupts an iteration loop
  • button Adds/removes/changes user definable buttons
  • buttonctl changes user definable buttons


  • CTCP Sends a CTCP message
  • cap Sends a CAP command
  • chanadmin Sets chan admin status from the specified users
  • Opens a window to join channels
  • chanowner Sets chan owner status from the specified users
  • class Defines a new object class
  • Shows the class editor
  • codepage Tries to set the codepage on server
  • Shows the code tester window
  • config.clear Clears a config file
  • config.clearsection Clears a section in a config file
  • config.close Closes a config file
  • config.flush Flushes a config file
  • config.setsection Changes the current section of a config file
  • config.write Writes a data field to a config file
  • context.clearqueue Removes messages from the socked output queue.
  • continue Continues an iteration loop


  • dcc.abort Aborts a DCC session
  • Starts a DCC chat connection
  • dcc.get Requests a file
  • dcc.recv Sets up a file receiving connection
  • dcc.rsend Sends a file by using the Reverse DCC SEND protocol
  • dcc.send Sends a file
  • dcc.setBandwidthLimit Set the bandwidthlimit of a dcc.send session.
  • dcc.voice Starts a DCC Voice connection
  • debug Outputs text to the debug window
  • dechanadmin Removes chan admin status from the specified users
  • dechanowner Removes chan owner status from the specified users
  • defpopup Defines a popup menu
  • dehalfop Removes half op status from the specified users
  • delete Destroys an object
  • delpopupitem Deletes an item from a popup
  • deop Removes chanop status from the specified users
  • destroy Destroys an object
  • deuserop Removes user op status from the specified users
  • devoice Removes voice flag for the specified users
  • dialog.file Shows a file dialog
  • dialog.image Shows a image dialog
  • dialog.message Shows a message box
  • dialog.textinput Shows a dialog that accepts user input as text
  • die Prints an error message and stops the script
  • do Iteration command


  • echo Outputs text to a KVIrc window
  • echoprivmsg Outputs text to a KVIrc window
  • error Prints an error message and stops the script
  • eval Change the behaviour of a set of commands
  • event Adds a new event handler
  • eventctl Controls the execution of event handlers
  • Shows the event editor
  • exec Asynchronous execution of external programs
  • exit Closes KVIrc


  • file.addimagepath Adds a path to the image search path list
  • file.copy Makes a copy of a file
  • file.delimagepath Removes a path from the image search path list
  • file.mkdir Creates a directory
  • file.remove Removes a file
  • file.rename Renames a file
  • file.rmdir Removes a directory
  • file.write Writes a character data string to a file
  • file.writeBytes Writes binary data to a file
  • file.writeLines Writes an array of lines to a file
  • filetransferwindow.clear Clears the list of transfers
  • Opens the file transfer window
  • fish.keyx sets up a blowfish-cbc encryption key for both users, keyx = key exchange (using DH1080)
  • for Iteration control command
  • foreach Iteration command
  • function A synonym for alias


  • global Explicitly declares global variables


  • halfop Sets halfop status to the specified users
  • halt Stops the execution of the current script
  • Shows a help document
  • help Shows a help document
  • host DNS lookup
  • http.asyncGet Retrieves a file via HTTP GET and triggers a callback
  • http.get Retrieves a file via HTTP GET


  • ident.start Starts the builtin Ident service
  • ident.stop Stops the Ident service
  • if Flow control command
  • include A builtin alias for parse
  • info Requests the server daemon info from a server
  • inject Injects to the socket
  • invite Invites a user to a channel
  • Opens the I/O Traffic Graph chart
  • ison Checks if a user is online


  • join Joins the specified channels


  • kick Kicks a user from a channel
  • killtimer Stops a timer


  • leave Alias for part
  • Opens a links window
  • links Lists server links
  • Opens a list window
  • list Lists channels
  • listtimers Lists the active timers
  • log.flush Flushes the log file for a specified window
  • log.start Starts logging in a specified window
  • log.stop Stops logging in a specified window
  • Opens the log viewer window
  • lusers Requests statistics about users on IRC


  • map Displays a map of connected servers
  • me Sends a CTCP ACTION
  • mediaplayer.detect Detects the media player interface to use
  • mediaplayer.hide Hide the mediaplayer [-q]
  • mediaplayer.jumpTo Sets the position in seconds of the current song.
  • mediaplayer.minimize Minimize the mediaplayer.
  • mediaplayer.mute Mute the volume selected media player
  • Starts playback of the next song (mediaplayer interface module)
  • mediaplayer.pause Pauses playback (mediaplayer interface module)
  • Starts media playback in the selected media player
  • mediaplayer.playMrl Plays the specified media on the selected media player
  • mediaplayer.prev Starts playback of the previous song (mediaplayer interface module)
  • mediaplayer.quit Quits the remote media player (mediaplayer interface module)
  • mediaplayer.setEqData Return the equalizer value.
  • mediaplayer.setPlayListPos Set the position for the current song.
  • mediaplayer.setPlayer Sets the media player interface
  • mediaplayer.setRepeat Set the repeat flag.
  • mediaplayer.setShuffle Set the repeat flag.
  • mediaplayer.setVol Set the media player volume to (from 0-255)
  • Show the mediaplayer.
  • mediaplayer.stop Stops media playback in the selected media player
  • mode Sends a MODE IRC message
  • motd Requests the Message of the day
  • msg Alias for privmsg
  • my.startIdleTimer Starts a global idle hook
  • my.stopIdleTimer Stops a global idle hook


  • nick Changes your nickname
  • notice Sends a private notice
  • notifier.hide Hides the notifier window
  • notifier.message Adds a message to the notifier window
  • Shows the notifier window


  • objects.clear Removes all the user class definitions
  • objects.connect Connects a signal to a slot
  • objects.disconnect Disconnects a signal from a slot
  • objects.killclass Removes a class definition
  • op Sets op status to the specified users
  • openurl Opens an URL
  • oper Requests IRC operator status
  • operwall Broadcasts an OPERWALL message
  • option Sets an internal option
  • options.close Close an options dialog
  • options.dialog Shows the preferences dialog
  • options.edit [-n] Shows a single options page
  • options.pages Lists the option pages
  • Saves the configuration to disk


  • package.extractfield Extract a package binary field and save it to a file.
  • parse Executes commands from a file
  • part Leaves the specified channels
  • pass Sends a password to the server
  • perl.begin Starts a Perl code snippet
  • perl.destroy Destroys a Perl execution context
  • perl.end Ends a Perl code snippet
  • play DEPRECATED: Use $ instead!
  • popup.addEpilogue Adds an epilogue to a popup
  • popup.addExtPopup Adds an external popup to a popup
  • popup.addItem Adds an item to a popup
  • popup.addLabel Adds a label to a popup
  • popup.addPrologue Adds a prologue to a popup
  • popup.addSeparator Adds a separator to a popup
  • popup.addSubPopup Adds a nested popup to a popup
  • popup.clear Clears all the items of a popup
  • popup.create Creates a popup
  • popup.delitem Deletes an item from a popup
  • popup.destroy Destroies a popup
  • Shows a popup menu
  • popup Shows a popup menu
  • Shows the popup editor
  • privateimpl Adds a private implementation of a function
  • privmsg Sends a private message
  • proxydb.addProxy Adds a server
  • proxydb.setHostname Sets the hostname for a proxy
  • proxydb.setIPv6 Sets the port for a proxy
  • proxydb.setIp Sets the IP for a proxy
  • proxydb.setPass Sets the password for a proxy
  • proxydb.setPort Sets the port for a proxy
  • proxydb.setProtocol Sets the protocol for a proxy
  • proxydb.setUser Sets the username for a proxy
  • python.begin Starts a Python code snippet
  • python.destroy Destroys a Python execution context
  • python.end Ends a Python code snippet


  • query Opens one or more query windows
  • quit Terminates the current IRC connection or the entire application
  • quote Builtin alias for RAW


  • raise Raises the KVIrc frame window
  • raw Sends RAW data to the server
  • Shows the RAW events editor
  • rebind Rebinds a command sequence to a specified window
  • regchan.add Registers a channel
  • regchan.remove Unregisters a channel
  • regchan.setproperty Sets a property for a registered channel
  • regchan.showlist Lists the registered channels
  • reguser.add Registers a user
  • reguser.addmask Adds a mask to a registered user
  • reguser.delmask Removes a mask from the regusers database
  • reguser.edit Opens the registeredusers dialog
  • reguser.remove Removes an entry from the regusers database
  • reguser.setIgnoreEnabled Enable/disable ignoring of this user
  • reguser.setIgnoreFlags Sets ignore flags for registered user
  • reguser.setproperty Sets a property of a registered user
  • reguser.showlist Lists the registered users
  • reguser.wizard Shows a registration wizard dialog
  • return Returns from the current command sequence and sets it return value
  • run Runs an external process


  • say Type text in a window
  • server Connects to the specified server
  • serverdb.addNetwork Adds a network
  • serverdb.addServer Adds a server
  • serverdb.setNetworkConnectCommand Sets the connect command
  • serverdb.setNetworkDescription Sets the description
  • serverdb.setNetworkEncoding Sets the encoding
  • serverdb.setNetworkJoinChannels Sets the autojoin channels list
  • serverdb.setNetworkLoginCommand Sets the login command
  • serverdb.setNetworkNickName Sets the nickname
  • serverdb.setNetworkRealName Sets the realn ame
  • serverdb.setNetworkTextEncoding Sets the encoding
  • serverdb.setNetworkUserName Sets the username
  • serverdb.setServerConnectCommand Sets the connect command
  • serverdb.setServerDescription Sets the description
  • serverdb.setServerEncoding Sets the encoding
  • serverdb.setServerJoinChannels Sets the autojoin channels list
  • serverdb.setServerLoginCommand Sets the login command
  • serverdb.setServerNickName Sets the nickname
  • serverdb.setServerRealName Sets the real name
  • serverdb.setServerTextEncoding Sets the text encoding
  • serverdb.setServerUserName Sets the username
  • service Registers a new service
  • setmenu Adds a popup menu to the menu bar
  • setreturn Sets the return value of the current command sequence
  • sharedfile.add Adds a file sharedfile
  • sharedfile.clear Clears the shared files list
  • sharedfile.list Lists the active file sharedfile
  • sharedfile.remove Removes a shared file
  • Opens the shared files window
  • snd.mute Mute all sounds
  • Play a sound file from the disk
  • snd.unmute UnMute all sounds
  • sockets Requests the sockets info from a server
  • Opens a Socket Spy window
  • spaste.clipboard Sends the contents of the clipboard to a window, pausing between each line
  • spaste.file Sends the contents of a file to a window, with a delay between each line
  • spaste.list Lists all the running spaste processes.
  • spaste.setdelay Sets the delay time in milliseconds for the spaste module command delay
  • spaste.stop Stops one or more slow-paste process.
  • spellchecker.reloadDictionaries Reload spell checker dictionaries
  • squery Sends a message to a service
  • squit Disconnects a server socket (ircops only)
  • srand Initializes the random number generator
  • stats Requests the stats info from a server
  • str.toClipboard Sets the OS clipboard contents
  • switch Another flow control command
  • system.runcmd Runs the specified command in a terminal
  • system.setClipboard Sets the current system clipboard contents
  • system.setSelection Sets the current system selection contents
  • system.setenv Sets an environment variable


  • Shows a terminal emulator
  • texticons.set Sets texticon data
  • theme.apply Apply a theme.
  • theme.dialog Shows the theme theme management editor
  • theme.install Shows the theme management editor
  • theme.pack Creates a kvt package containing a set of themes
  • theme.screenshot Makes a screenshot of the KVIrc window
  • time Requests the current local time info from a server
  • timer Starts a timer
  • Opens the "Did You Know..." tip window
  • tmphighlight.addChannel Adds a channel to the IRC context temporary highlight list
  • tmphighlight.addNick Adds a user to the channel temporary highlight list
  • tmphighlight.removeChannel Remove a channel from the IRC context temporary highlight list
  • tmphighlight.removeNick Remove a user from the channel temporary highlight list
  • toolbar.additem Adds a new item to a toolbar
  • toolbar.clear Clears a toolbar
  • toolbar.create Creates a toolbar
  • toolbar.destroy Destroys a toolbar
  • toolbar.hide Hides a toolbar
  • toolbar.remove Removes a toolbar item
  • Shows a toolbar
  • Shows the script toolbar editor
  • topic Changes topic for the specified channel
  • torrent.announce Manually announces torrent to tracker
  • torrent.detect Detects the torrent client interface to use
  • torrent.setClient Sets the torrent client interface
  • torrent.setFilePriority Sets the priority of a file in a torrent.
  • torrent.setMaxDownloadSpeed Sets maximum download speed
  • torrent.setMaxUploadSpeed Sets maximum upload speed
  • torrent.start Starts downloading of torrent <torrent_number>
  • torrent.startAll Starts downloading of all torrents
  • torrent.stop Stops downloading of torrent <torrent_number>
  • torrent.stopAll Stops downloading of all torrents
  • trace Requests trace information about a specified machine in the network
  • trayicon.hide Hides the tray icon for the current frame window
  • trayicon.hidewindow Hides the window, associated with trayicon
  • Shows the tray icon (dock widget)
  • trload Loads a translation catalogue
  • trunload Unloads a translation catalogue


  • unban Unsets ban masks for the channel
  • unset Unsets a set of variables
  • upnp.addPortMapping Add a port mapping to gateway using UPnP
  • upnp.delPortMapping Delete a port mapping on the gateway using UPnP
  • upnp.refresh Rescan the local network for a gateway using UPnP
  • url.config Loads URL list module
  • url.list Opens URL list
  • userop Sets userop flag for the specified users


  • version Requests the version of a server
  • voice Sets voice flag for the specified users


  • wallops Broadcasts a WALLOPS message
  • warning Prints a warning message
  • while Iteration command
  • who Requests WHO information
  • whois Requests user information
  • whowas Requests user information
  • window.activate Activates a window
  • window.clearOutput Clears the output a window
  • window.close Closes a window
  • window.demandAttention Flashes a window's system taskbar entry
  • window.dock Docks a window
  • window.highlight Sets the highlight (alert) level of a window
  • window.insertInInputText Sets the window input text to
  • window.listtypes Lists available types of windows
  • window.savePropertiesAsDefault Saves the window properties as default
  • window.setBackground Sets the background image of a window
  • window.setCryptEngine Sets the crypt engine for a window that supports it
  • window.setInputText Sets the window input text to
  • window.setWindowTitle Sets the caption of a user window
  • window.splitView Splits the view of a channel window
  • window.undock Undocks a window
  • window.unsplitView Unsplits the view of a channel window