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Samuel edited this page Mar 9, 2024 · 55 revisions

Installing hardware accelerated chromium

Rockchip SoC requires a patched version of chromium to support hardware video acceleration.

Install using arch-rock-config

arch-rock-config install chromium

For Wayland, if chromium does not launch after installation, this can be fixed by logout the system and login again.

Alternatively, you can install it manually with the package chromium-mpp from 7Ji repo (requires additional configuration).

Arch Linux ARM (ALARM) Official Pacman Repository issues

For some reason, Arch Linux ARM (ALARM) Official Pacman Repository can break sometimes when you install or update anything with pacman at a good timing (e.g. when they are updating packages).

If you see an error message like invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature), run the following command:

sudo pacman-key --populate

Known Issues

RTL8852BE (Radxa A8 Module) Bluetooth

Note: it seems like there may be issues with bluetooth on linux-radxa-rkbsp5-git (5.10.160), consider using linux-rockchip-joshua (5.10.160) if you need bluetooth.

AP6275P WiFi + BT Module (Khadas Edge 2 & Orange Pi 5 Series)

Notes for GUI WiFi settings

There seems to be issues with NetworkManager on wpa_supplicant, therefore we are using iwd by default, (notes iwd is pre-installed since b05-2)

Connect to WiFi using wifi-menu

In case GUI WiFi Settings doesn’t work, you can connect to a WiFi using the following command:

sudo wifi-menu wlan0


Bluetooth issues has been fixed in b05-1, if it doesn't work, start bluetooth manually using the following command:

sudo /usr/local/bin/

Orange Pi 5 bootloader issues

This is due to u-boot not being packed with the older images, fixed in b06-dev



Here are some commands that may help you with troubleshooting:


print system diagnostic messages

sudo dmesg

save system diagnostic messages to dmesg.txt

sudo dmesg > dmesg.txt

print system log entries

sudo journalctl

save system log entries to log.txt

sudo journalctl > log.txt

Network / WiFi

list all available network interface

ls /sys/class/net/

print status of NetworkManager

sudo systemctl status NetworkManager

print configuration of NetworkManager

NetworkManager --print-config


print status of Bluetooth

sudo systemctl status bluetooth

print status of AP6275P bluetooth script

sudo systemctl status bt_ap6275p.service