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Samuel edited this page Feb 24, 2024 · 2 revisions



  1. Power ON your Rock 5 / RK3588 Device with the Storage Device and Ethernet Cable (or WiFi Card) plugged in .


    1. If your first boot shows a user login screen instead, login to root/root and run installer.

    Notes for using WiFi:

    1. WiFi support is experimental. This is only tested on RTL8852BE, other WiFi Card (like Intel AX200) may not be supported.
    2. The installer will first check a few times for internet connections, you will get an option to connect to WiFi after the check.
    3. After the inital setup, the device will reboot, and you will need to connect to WiFi again after the reboot.
    4. After the installation, you will need to connect to WiFi again.
  2. The installer will run some setups and you should be prompted to create a user account. Follow the instructions and it should automatically reboot and login to the newly created user account.


    1. If you get stuck while rebooting, you may unplug the power and power it on manually.
    2. If it does not log in automatically, log in to your newly created user account.
    3. If the installer does not start automatically, run installer to start it.
  3. At this point, you should be able to install Arch Linux with your desired Settings, Desktop Environment, and Software with the Installer, Enjoy!

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