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A simple CMS for social media website where every post can have geolocation attached.


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A simple CMS for social media website where every post can have geolocation attached.

Images in Docker Hub repository:

Created by Kamil Wyżgoł



  • A simple CMS for social media website where every post can have geolocation attached.
  • Personal data, including login information, login history, and messages, are stored in a MySQL database.
  • Social media data such as posts, likes, and dislikes are managed through the Neo4j database.
  • The mobile app is capable of sending authentication SMS messages to users, enhancing security with two-factor authentication.
  • DevOps with GitHub Actions:
    • CI/CT/CD pipeline,
    • installation on Debian-based Linux systems via SSH,
    • SSL certificate renewal,
    • Nginx server configuration.
  • The entire system uses Docker containers for seamless component communication.

Main technologies used:

  • .NET 6,
  • Blazor (Server and Hybrid),
  • NUnit,
  • SignalR,
  • BCrypt.Net-Next,
  • Blazored.Modal,
  • MySQL database,
  • Neo4j database,
  • Leaflet,
  • Docker.


  • User and Content Management

    • Stores information on users, posts, tags, comments, account blocks, content reports, verification codes, verified information, and system settings.
  • Posts and Interactions

    • Allows adding and displaying posts, comments, and messages.
    • Enables attaching images to posts and changing user avatars.
  • Content Filtering

    • Allows filtering post visibility in two modes: newest or the best in the last 24 hours.
    • Offers post visibility filtering based on selected location and distance.
  • Content Searching

    • Enables displaying posts by a specific user or containing certain tags.
    • Offers content searching (posts, tags, users).
  • Authentication and Security

    • Allows user registration and login.
    • Generates and verifies the correctness of authorization codes.
    • Sends verification codes via email or the mobile application.
    • Maintains a connection between the web and mobile applications.
    • Verifies human user authenticity (reCAPTCHA integration).
  • Content Moderation

    • Allows users with proper permissions to delete created content.
    • Provides the ability to add verified information to posts.
    • Allows reporting inappropriate content or manipulation.
  • Privacy and Reputation Management

    • Prevents indexing of content created by users with a specified reputation.
    • Automatically reports posts from users with a certain reputation.

Installation (web app)

docker run [--env=VAR_NAME=VAR_VALUE] -p <PORT>:80 -d kwyzgol/pd-webapp:latest

The command by default pulls the image from the Docker Hub repository (if it cannot find it locally) and creates and runs a container containing the web application. The phrase <PORT> should be replaced with the port number on which access to the web application is to be provided. VAR_NAME and VAR_VALUE respectively denote the name and value of the environmental variable. The section [--env=VAR_NAME=VAR_VALUE] should be repeated (without the square brackets) for each required environmental variable. These variables, along with explanations, are presented below:

Variable Meaning
ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT The environment type where the app is running. Use Production for live and Development for testing.
MYSQL_HOSTNAME Address of the MySQL database server.
MYSQL_DATABASE Name of the MySQL database to use.
MYSQL_USER Username for the MySQL database.
MYSQL_PASSWORD Password for the MySQL database.
NEO4J_HOSTNAME Address of the Neo4j database server.
NEO4J_USER Username for the Neo4j database.
NEO4J_PASSWORD Password for the Neo4j database.

Installation (mobile app) (optional)

To install the mobile app, first download it from the project's repository. For this purpose, go to the address. After loading the repository page, select the Actions tab from the top navigation menu.


Next, from the list of all workflows, select the one named Test, build, and deploy. This workflow is responsible for creating an installation file with the .apk extension.


After choosing the appropriate workflow, a list of its past runs is displayed. Each record has on the left side a graphic representation of the outcome. Only a successfully completed workflow results in the creation of an installation file. It is recommended to select the first record from the top that ended successfully (this will be the latest version).


After selecting a specific record, you are taken to the details of its execution. At the bottom of the page, there should be a panel titled Artifacts, containing the archive with the .apk file. It should be downloaded, extracted, and transferred to the mobile device.


Once the appropriate installation file is on the mobile device, proceed to try to install the mobile app. During this step, there may be issues related to the automatic blocking of the installation process due to the potential risk posed by an unknown .apk file.


After successful installation and launch of the app, a dialog box may appear requesting permissions related to sending and displaying SMS messages. This should be allowed. Failure to grant such permission will prevent the app from functioning correctly.


GitHub Actions configuration


Action Description Invocation
Configure nginx Enables the creation and configuration of an nginx server container and requests an SSL certificate for the specified domain. On demand.
Delete nginx Removes the nginx container and any data left by it. On demand.
Renew SSL certificate Renews the SSL certificate. Automatically (every Monday at 03:00) and on demand.
Run tests Creates database containers, then performs unit and integration tests. Use in another workflow or on demand.
Create images Creates an image of the web application, then publishes it to Docker Hub and GitHub Packages. Use in another workflow or on demand.
Create .apk file Creates the mobile application's installation file and places it as a result of the workflow. Use in another workflow or on demand.
Deploy Creates or updates web application and database containers. Use in another workflow or on demand.
Test, build and deploy Triggers the Run tests, Create .apk file, Create images, and Deploy workflows. Pushing changes to the main branch, submitting a tag starting with v, or on demand.

Used repository secrets:

Variable Meaning
PLACEHOLDER_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD The password that must be set for the user named root, who is the administrator of the MySQL database.
PLACEHOLDER_NEO4J_AUTH The password that must be set for the user named neo4j, who is the administrator of the Neo4j database.
VPS_HOST The network address of the computer (or VPS type service) on which the system is to be installed.
VPS_PASSWORD The password for the computer's user.
VPS_PORT The connection port for the SSH protocol.
VPS_USERNAME The username of the computer's user.

Example diagrams of the Test, build and deploy executions (CI-CT-CD pipeline)


Sample screenshots

Main page:


Color variations:


Settings page


Comments panel


Two-factor authentication form


Location select form


Sample project architecture diagrams

UML deployment diagram:


UML state diagram (for registration process):


UML use case diagram (for an unauthenticated user):


ERD diagram for relational database structure:


Real structure of the relational database:


Graph database (Neo4j) schema:
