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rapyuta is a Python package for manipulating, cleaning, processing, analyzing, and visualizing astronomical data. rapyuta compiles several software/libraries/scripts in various programming languages (Python, IDL, Fortran, C, etc.) used in astronomy/astrophysics and provides a consistent Python interface.

Castle in the Sky: Laputa

Castle in the Sky: Laputa (Japanese: 天空の城ラピュタ, Hepburn: Tenkū no Shiro Rapyuta) is a 1986 Japanese animated fantasy adventure film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. We also refer to the flying island in Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, whose inhabitants, the Laputans, are characterized by a neglect of useful occupations and a devotion to visionary projects.

./arx/laputa.png ./arx/rapyuta.png

De-Acronyms (Vote link)

  • Regular AstroPY UTility Assemblage
  • libraRy of Astronomical PYthon UTilities for Astrophysics nerds
  • Ready-to-use AstroPhysicists’ Yon-jigen poketto UlTimAte edition
  • Real AstroPY UTopiAn


Level 0

  • utbox (utility box)

Level 1

  • latte (list, array, tuple, table, etc.) ← utbox
  • maths (mathematics): utbox

Level 2

  • inout (input & output) ← utbox, latte
  • plots (viualization) ← utbox, latte

Level 3

  • impro (image processing) ← utbox, latte, maths, inout

Level 4

  • instr (instruments) ← utbox, inout, latte, maths, impro, plots



## Python env control via conda (recommanded)
conda create --name py310 python=3.10
## Under the RAPYUTA root path (optional)
pip install -r pip-requirements

## Install/Update
pip install rapyuta --upgrade

## Boost

## Uninstall
pip uninstall rapyuta


## Under the RAPYUTA root path (optional)
git clone
## Or only the latest commit
git clone --depth=1


The current release of rapyuta library was developed under Python 3.10 and has been tested for Python >=3.8 versions. We constantly update the Python environment in order to have access to the latest features.

The well-justified image convolution module was originally written in IDL. A pure Python convolving function as an alternative is under the test.

The official download links of SWarp are currently dead. For MacOS users, check here to download the latest version 2.38.0

Required by the synthetic photometry module.

User guides


Known issues


Open access with the 3-Clause BSD License


v2.2.2 (20220822)

This version contains significant changes throughout the whole library. Programs using former versions are very likely to encounter compatibility issues.

  • JWST data support (ongoing)
    • JWST Data Formats
      • FITS
      • ASDF (not concerned yet)
      • ECSV (not concerned yet)
    • Added instr kw for inout.read_fits
      • Auto-detect format via specutils func
      • Supported JWST spectral 3D cubes (~’JWST s3d’~)
    • Wrapping specutils and photutils
  • Renamed utilities to utbox
    • Added the French strike module (© F. Galliano)
  • Renamed arrays to latte
    • Merged pix2sup and sup2pix to zoom
  • Renamed calib to instr/: utils, instr, akari, spitzer & jwst
  • Splitted astrom
    • inout: get_cd, get_pc and patch_wcs_3D (former fixwcs)
    • maths: others
  • Splitted imaging
    • Created impro/: utils, impro & idlastro
    • instr/: akari.cupid
    • Updated impro.improve IO & instances (important changes!)
  • Splitted plots
    • Created plots/: utils & plots
    • Renamed plotool to plotutils
      • Fixed issue in append_handles when adding legend for the same axis
  • Splitted tests/
    • Moved tests/use_cases/ to cas/
    • Created IPython Notebook user manual (man/)
      • Added utbox.codefold (© Damian Kao)
    • Removed tests/
    • Created rapyuta/tests/ for pytest
  • Package managements
    • Created setup.cfg and moved to arx/
    • Created pyproject.toml
    • Created
    • Updated dependencies
      • python: >=3.6 → >=3.8
      • astropy: >=5.1
      • photutils, specutils, colorama
      • [Optional] ipython, jupyter
    • Updated version control
  • Updated the acronym

v2.2.1 (20220616)

  • plots.plotool
    • Fixed labels for reset_handles
    • Added transData2Axes series
    • Added extra loc (locext) for set_legend
  • Added maths.icorr2ij and maths.ij2icorr
  • Updated tests/use_cases/

v2.2 (20220220)

  • plots.plotool
    • Added tick label formatter ‘mylog’ (opitimized for <1 case)
  • Added tests/use_cases/