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Advanced Graphics

MSBuild-Debug   MSBuild-Release   CodeQL  

A graphics framework created using DirectX 11 that implements a range of advanced of graphics like complex texture mapping techniques and screen-space effects.

DirectX Framework Thumbnail

List of Features

Semester 1 Semester 2
Normal Mapping Shadow Mapping
Parallax Mapping Terrain Generation
Occlusion Mapping Voxel Terrain Generation
Self-Shadowing Model Animations
Render-To-Texture Bezier Curve Splines
Post-Processing ImGui File Dialog
Motion Blur ImGuizmo Manipulator
FXAA ImGuizmo View Cube
SSAO Tessellation LODs
Deferred Shading Skinned Mesh

Getting Started

The advanced graphics framework provides numerous tools for interacting with the graphics features that have been implemented. Refer to the following information on how to install and use the application.


To use the framework, the following prerequisites must be met.

  • Windows 10+
  • Visual Studio
  • Git Version Control

The framework relies on the following libraries and APIs to function.

  • DirectX 11
  • ImGui
  • ImGuizmo
  • ImGuiFileDialog
  • M3d Loader
  • Assimp
  • Rapid Json
  • Fast Noise Lite


To download a copy of the framework, select "Download ZIP" from the main code repository page, or create a fork of the project. More information on forking a GitHub respository can be found here.

Executing program

As the project settings have been modified to support the addition of the aforementioned libraries and APIs, there are no additional steps required to execute the application.


model-animaiton.gif terrain-generation.gif
Model Animation Terrain Generation
imguizmo-manipulator.gif voxel-terrain-generation.gif
ImGuizmo Manipulator Voxel Terrain Generation


Code Reference
    Luna, F., (2011). Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11, Mercury Learning & Information.
    Available at:

    "Mathematics for 3D Game Programmming and Computer Graphics" by Eric Lengyel

Model Animations

Perlin Noise

Shadow Mapping