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Flux Editor logo

Flux Editor

(NOTE! This project is still WIP. Expect bugs and unfinished features)


Welcome Screen Editing screen

Table of Contents


  • Syntax highlighting
  • Built-in file browser
  • Built-in terminal
  • Code suggestions (soon)
  • Git integration (partially complete)
  • Incredibly lightweight
  • Minimalist UI
  • Tiny binary
  • No bloat
  • and many more!


You can find built binaries in the Releases page. (NOTE: since I don't have a code-signing certificate yet, you may encounter a "unidentified developer" or "Windows protected your PC" popup. If you don't trust the builds, you can always build Flux Editor from source. See for instructions)

Known Issues

  • Caret height is not correct on the first line in the editor (probably webview issue)
  • Terminal will reset when closing all tabs or opening first tab




  • Syntax highlighting is powered by PrismJS
  • The search bar was inspired by VSCode and Zed

Copyright and Licenses

Copyright © 2024 The Flux Editor Contributors. Licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0.

The original designer of the Flux Editor Logo is kyteidev.

The Flux Editor Logo and its color variants are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.