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Meet Lookup Chrome Extension for GMeet

This extension automates joining, muting microphone, blocking video, and monitoring for keywords if:

  • someone calls out your name
  • teacher mentions some surprise test
  • or any secret keyword to warn you put in chat by your friend 😉

Keywords are picked up from chat window and captions, and then checked against the list of words provided by you.

Note: This implies that if someone talks or types about for eg. test, then you are instantly notified about it.

** Works for only them whose organizations have bought the GSuite

How to use it

Load the extension

  1. Clone this repo or download zip and extract it
  2. Go to chrome://extensions and turn the Developer mode ON
  3. Click on "Load Unpacked" and select the cloned or extracted folder named meet_lookup

Use it

  1. You set the meet link, start time, and duration of the meet
  2. Add it to schedule
  3. Set authuser and keywords once
  4. When you're set, press "Okay" button.

That's it! Now sit back and relax.

Note: Sometimes you may have input a wrong authuser number, in this case you would be prompted to correct it when the meeting starts via an alert.

What's authuser?

"authuser" is the index number of the google account from among the signed in accounts on that particular browser, i.e. chrome

Simpler explanation: Go to Google and then you can find your authuser for your account like this:

How it works (Good to know)

Application flow is as follows:

  • Timers are set for your meets and also for ending the meet
  • If its time, extension fires up a new tab for that meeting/class
  • And the tab is muted instantly (speaker muted)
  • Now the mic is muted if not already, same with video, and then meet is joined
  • After two seconds app starts to look for the captions button and chat box button, and opens them
  • Then the most important step: start comparing words with the provided list
  • If match is found
    • Alert the user using alert function of browser and show a notification
    • Unmute the meet tab (unmute speakers)
    • And disable all observers for words comparison
    • Essentially the app stops working for that meet and you are in control for the rest of the duration of the meet

If your internet connection is too slow like a page is not loaded in 20 seconds tops, I don't think it would be nice to join the meet and yeah the extension won't work as expected or told.

Contributing guide

Read for further information.


  1. failsafe for wrong authuser doesn't work quite well, so double check your authuser value before dozing off 🙂
  2. compatibility with non-gsuite users
  3. option to keep the mic and/or video on from the start of the meet (may turn out to be disastrous, but can be useful for some folks)
  4. A nice little logo
