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test cases for match/exclude GVK (#1851)
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* Fix Dev setup

* add test_cases for GVK

Co-authored-by: vyankatesh <>
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vyankyGH and vyankd committed Apr 29, 2021
1 parent d3e4fed commit a0193e1
Showing 1 changed file with 45 additions and 0 deletions.
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions pkg/engine/utils_test.go
Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,51 @@ func TestMatchesResourceDescription(t *testing.T) {
Policy: []byte(`{"apiVersion":"","kind":"ClusterPolicy","metadata":{"name":"hello-world-policy"},"spec":{"background":false,"rules":[{"name":"hello-world-policy","match":{"resources":{"kinds":["Pod"]}},"exclude":{"resources":{"name":"hello-world"},"clusterRoles":["system:node"]},"mutate":{"overlay":{"spec":{"containers":[{"(image)":"*","imagePullPolicy":"IfNotPresent"}]}}}}]}}`),
areErrorsExpected: false,
Description: "Should pass since group, version, kind match",
AdmissionInfo: kyverno.RequestInfo{
ClusterRoles: []string{"admin"},
Resource: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "apps/v1", "kind": "Deployment", "metadata": { "creationTimestamp": "2020-09-21T12:56:35Z", "name": "qos-demo", "labels": { "test": "qos" } }, "spec": { "replicas": 1, "selector": { "matchLabels": { "app": "nginx" } }, "template": { "metadata": { "creationTimestamp": "2020-09-21T12:56:35Z", "labels": { "app": "nginx" } }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "nginx", "image": "nginx:latest", "resources": { "limits": { "cpu": "50m" } } } ]}}}}`),
Policy: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "ClusterPolicy", "metadata": { "name": "policy-qos" }, "spec": { "validationFailureAction": "enforce", "rules": [ { "name": "add-memory-limit", "match": { "resources": { "kinds": [ "apps/v1/Deployment" ], "selector": { "matchLabels": { "test": "qos" } } } }, "mutate": { "overlay": { "spec": { "template": { "spec": { "containers": [ { "(name)": "*", "resources": { "limits": { "+(memory)": "300Mi", "+(cpu)": "100" } } } ] } } } } } }, { "name": "check-cpu-memory-limits", "match": { "resources": { "kinds": [ "apps/v1/Deployment" ], "selector": { "matchLabels": { "test": "qos" } } } }, "validate": { "message": "Resource limits are required for CPU and memory", "pattern": { "spec": { "template": { "spec": { "containers": [ { "(name)": "*", "resources": { "limits": { "memory": "?*", "cpu": "?*" } } } ] } } } } } } ] } }`),
areErrorsExpected: false,
Description: "Should pass since version and kind match",
AdmissionInfo: kyverno.RequestInfo{
ClusterRoles: []string{"admin"},
Resource: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "name": "myapp-pod2", "labels": { "app": "myapp2" } }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "nginx", "image": "nginx" } ] } }`),
Policy: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "ClusterPolicy", "metadata": { "name": "disallow-latest-tag", "annotations": { "": "Workload Isolation", "": "The ':latest' tag is mutable and can lead to unexpected errors if the image changes. A best practice is to use an immutable tag that maps to a specific version of an application pod." } }, "spec": { "validationFailureAction": "enforce", "rules": [ { "name": "require-image-tag", "match": { "resources": { "kinds": [ "v1/Pod" ] } }, "validate": { "message": "An image tag is required", "pattern": { "spec": { "containers": [ { "image": "*:*" } ] } } } } ] } }`),
areErrorsExpected: false,
Description: "Should fail since resource does not match ",
AdmissionInfo: kyverno.RequestInfo{
ClusterRoles: []string{"admin"},
Resource: []byte(`{"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"Service","metadata":{"name":"hello-world","labels":{"name":"hello-world"}},"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"hello-world","image":"hello-world","ports":[{"containerPort":81}],"resources":{"limits":{"memory":"30Mi","cpu":"0.2"},"requests":{"memory":"20Mi","cpu":"0.1"}}}]}}`),
Policy: []byte(`{"apiVersion":"","kind":"ClusterPolicy","metadata":{"name":"hello-world-policy"},"spec":{"background":false,"rules":[{"name":"hello-world-policy","match":{"resources":{"kinds":["Pod"]}},"exclude":{"resources":{"name":"hello-world"},"clusterRoles":["system:node"]},"mutate":{"overlay":{"spec":{"containers":[{"(image)":"*","imagePullPolicy":"IfNotPresent"}]}}}}]}}`),
areErrorsExpected: true,
Description: "Should fail since version not match",
AdmissionInfo: kyverno.RequestInfo{
ClusterRoles: []string{"admin"},
Resource: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "apps/v1beta1", "kind": "Deployment", "metadata": { "creationTimestamp": "2020-09-21T12:56:35Z", "name": "qos-demo", "labels": { "test": "qos" } }, "spec": { "replicas": 1, "selector": { "matchLabels": { "app": "nginx" } }, "template": { "metadata": { "creationTimestamp": "2020-09-21T12:56:35Z", "labels": { "app": "nginx" } }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "nginx", "image": "nginx:latest", "resources": { "limits": { "cpu": "50m" } } } ]}}}}`),
Policy: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "ClusterPolicy", "metadata": { "name": "policy-qos" }, "spec": { "validationFailureAction": "enforce", "rules": [ { "name": "add-memory-limit", "match": { "resources": { "kinds": [ "apps/v1/Deployment" ], "selector": { "matchLabels": { "test": "qos" } } } }, "mutate": { "overlay": { "spec": { "template": { "spec": { "containers": [ { "(name)": "*", "resources": { "limits": { "+(memory)": "300Mi", "+(cpu)": "100" } } } ] } } } } } }, { "name": "check-cpu-memory-limits", "match": { "resources": { "kinds": [ "apps/v1/Deployment" ], "selector": { "matchLabels": { "test": "qos" } } } }, "validate": { "message": "Resource limits are required for CPU and memory", "pattern": { "spec": { "template": { "spec": { "containers": [ { "(name)": "*", "resources": { "limits": { "memory": "?*", "cpu": "?*" } } } ] } } } } } } ] } }`),
areErrorsExpected: true,
Description: "Should fail since cluster role version not match",
AdmissionInfo: kyverno.RequestInfo{
ClusterRoles: []string{"admin"},
Resource: []byte(`{ "kind": "ClusterRole", "apiVersion": "", "metadata": { "name": "secret-reader-demo", "namespace": "default" }, "rules": [ { "apiGroups": [ "" ], "resources": [ "secrets" ], "verbs": [ "get", "watch", "list" ] } ] }`),
Policy: []byte(`{ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "ClusterPolicy", "metadata": { "name": "check-host-path" }, "spec": { "validationFailureAction": "enforce", "background": true, "rules": [ { "name": "check-host-path", "match": { "resources": { "kinds": [ "" ] } }, "validate": { "message": "Host path is not allowed", "pattern": { "spec": { "volumes": [ { "name": "*", "hostPath": { "path": "" } } ] } } } } ] } }`),
areErrorsExpected: true,

for i, tc := range tcs {
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