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Vallet iOS


  • Xcode 10.0 or later
  • Homebrew 1.8.2 or later
  • carthage 0.30.1 or later

Initial Setup

Make sure that the machine has the necessary certificates (and private keys) installed in the keychain.

  1. Install Carthage using Homebrew:

     brew install carthage
  2. Build the Carthage dependencies using:

     carthage bootstrap --use-ssh --use-submodules --platform ios
  3. Install Cocoapods dependencies:

     pod install

Running the Project

  1. Select the target in Xcode and run.

Known Issues

  • The client app does not allow purchases in quick succession. The web3swift library does not allow this at the moment, because the nonce value is not updated until the previous transaction is completed.
  • Currently the faucet request is triggered every time the app is launched.
  • The pricelist still uses the API server.
  • The shop name is limited to 10 characters. This limitation is enforced by the form in the app as well as the API server.


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