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File metadata and controls

239 lines (183 loc) · 4.98 KB

Kernel Management

Creating a kernel session

  • URI: /v1/kernel/create
  • Method: POST

Creates a kernel session to run user-input code snippets.


Parameter Description
lang The kernel type, usually the name of one of our supported programming languages.
clientSessionToken Client session token. Should be unique for continuous execution (for REPL).

An optional argument to specify resource requirements. Additional charges may apply on the public API service. If the requested limits exceeds our internal hard-limits, the API may return HTTP 406 "Not acceptable".

Fields Values
maxMem Maximum memory to use in KBytes.
timeout Maximum execution timeout in milliseconds.


  "lang": "python3",
  "clientSessionToken": "EXAMPLE:STRING",
  "resourceLimits": {
    "maxMem": 51240,
    "timeout": 5000


HTTP Status Code Description
201 Created The kernel is successfully created.
406 Not acceptable The requested resource limits exceed the server's own limits.
Fields Values
kernelId The kernel ID used for later API calls.


  "kernelId": "TSSJT2Z4SnmQhxjWMnJljg"

Getting kernel information

  • URI: /v1/kernel/:id
  • Method: GET

Retrieves information about a kernel session. For performance reasons, the returned information may not be real-time; usually they are updated every a few seconds in the server-side.


Parameter Description
:id The kernel ID.


HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK The information is successfully returned.
404 Not Found There is no such kernel.
Fields Values
lang The kernel type.
age The time elapsed since the kernel has started in milliseconds.
idle The time elapsed since the kernel has generated any output in milliseconds.
queryTimeout The timeout for executing each query (the time between accepting a query and receiving the output) in milliseconds. If exceeded, the kernel is automatically destroyed.
idleTimeout The maximum duration between queries in milliseconds. If exceeded, the kernel is automatically destroyed.
maxCpuCredit The maximum amount of CPU time that this kernel can use in milliseconds. If exceeded, the kernel is automatically destroyed. If zero, there is no limit imposed.
numQueriesExecuted The total number of queries executed after start-up.
memoryUsed The amount of memory that this kernel is using now in KB.
cpuCreditUsed The amount of CPU time that this kernel has used so far in milliseconds.


  "lang": "python3",
  "age": 30220,
  "idle": 1204,
  "queryTimeout": 15000,
  "idleTimeout": 3600000,
  "maxCpuCredit": 0,
  "numQueriesExecuted": 12,
  "memoryUsed": 6531,
  "cpuCreditUsed": 102

Destroying a kernel session

  • URI: /v1/kernel/:id
  • Method: DELETE

Terminates a kernel session.


Parameter Description
:id The kernel ID.


HTTP Status Code Description
204 No Content The kernel is successfully destroyed.
404 Not Found There is no such kernel.

Restarting a kernel session

  • URI: /v1/kernel/:id
  • Method: PATCH

Restarts a kernel session. The idle time of the kernel will be reset, but other properties such as the age and CPU credit will continue to accumulate. All global states such as global variables and modules imports are also reset.


Parameter Description
:id The kernel ID.


HTTP Status Code Description
204 No Content The kernel is successfully restarted.
404 Not Found There is no such kernel.