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lexip edited this page Mar 31, 2024 · 1 revision


The Magic stat also has very intricate effects that improve your enchantments.w


The Magic stat uses rolls in order to determine the exact effects. Those rolls are based on your magic stat.
First you will need to enchant an item. Once you hold an enchanted item in your hand, you need to toss it on top the enchanting table. There it will be nicely displayed with a simple animation. Once you right click the item, the magic happens (Pun intended): For every 100 levels in magic you will be granted one roll. The first of which holding a chance equal to your magic stat modulo 100 divided by 2 in percent, giving u a range of 0%-49.5% for "magic%100={0..99}". Now every subsequent roll from here on, will be calculated by 0.5^k + old_roll.
What those rolls do is determine, whether one level will be added to any enchantments on your enchanted item.

Example: for a magic stat of 275, the first roll chance will be 75/2%=37.5%. The second roll chance will then be 0.5^2+37.5%=62.5%, and the third will be 0.5^3+62.5%=75%.

The effect does not work as soon as an item has been used in an anvil for tracking purposes. Similarly it does not work another time even if grindstoned.


  • Magic takes effect immediately as soon as points are assigned.
  • Magic increases all XP gained through magical means, the only current one being enchanting items.