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@weierophinney weierophinney tagged this 07 May 14:55
Based on (commit 0831d39f2fe58f984e0aa76db2d98440fb93f795 in this repo)

- [7361: Missing parameter annotation in PHPDoc in Laminas\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request](
- [7376: Fixes DocBlock for BasePath helper in PhpRenderer](
- [7378: Change year on comment](
- [7380: Remove unused code](
- [7383: Fixes typos](
- [7391: update composer's branch-alias](
- [7392: improvments for Laminas\InputFilter](
- [7393: implements @todo write more tests for Laminas\Ldap\Converter::toLdap()](
- [7394: fixed return type on disconnect method in pgsql connection](
- [7396: added connection type to allow force new connection](
- [7397: [travis\ Remove some old hacks](
- [7398: [travis\ Enable memcache and redis services](
- [7406: Update AutoDiscover.php](
- [7407: Sql-query breaks on 2.4.0 compare to 2.3.7](
- [7408: Laminas\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator can not generate final classes](
- [7412: Use === and !== in null checks instead of == and !=](
- [7413: increase loop performance by assign count() to variable](
- [7415: XMLRPC Incompatibility with HHVM](
- [7417: replace self::EOL with PHP_EOL as AbstractHtmlElement::EOL is deprecated](
- [7419: Updated the CA language pack](
- [7420: implements tests's @todo of LaminasTest\Http\Header\AuthorizationTest](
- [7422: Get correct expression string when Laminas\Db\Sql\Expression is used](
- [7423: Test for percentage sign in Laminas\Db\Sql\Expression](
- [7425: update variable name : $myParams to $pageParams](
- [7426: Fixed form collections with nested fieldsets that implements InputfilterProviderInterface](
- [7431: laminas7428 fixed issue with inconsistent getTrait() behaviour zendframework/zend-servicemanager#7428](
- [7432: update Laminas_Validate.php resource file for 2.4](
- [7433: Update Laminas_Validate.php for "id" for 2.4](
- [7436: remove version_compare check for PHP >=5.3.7](
- [7446: bugfix removing multiple fieldsets does't work](
- [7451: partialLoop notice zendframework/zend-servicemanager#7450](
- [7453: update url to 'current' at](
- [7460: Update PHP CS Fixer to v1.7](
- [7461: CS: The PHP constants true, false, and null MUST be in lower case.](
- [7462: CS: single_line_after_imports](
- [7468: Replace whitespace in the parameter prefix option passed to AbstractSql::processExpression](
- [7474: Implement expected Input::isValid workflow](
- [7476: [test\ Replace assert(True|False) with more appropriate assertions where possible](
- [7477: [travis\ Colorize PHPUnit output (requires PHPUnit ~4.6)](
- [7478: [memory\ isLocked sometimes return integer instead bool](
- [7480: [travis-ci\ HHVM nightly is not supported](
- [7481: CS remove unused uses](
- [7482: Fix undefined PGSQL_CONNECT_ASYNC only present in PHP 5.6](
- [7483: [zendframework/zend-servicemanager#7396\ Functionality only works in PHP >= 5.6](
- [7485: [config\[test\ Fix assertContains should be assertArrayHasKey](
- [7489: Updated phpDoc and removed duplicates](
- [7490: mongo: mentions of redis removed](
- [7492: [stdlib\[test\ Fix Deprecated notice for Non-static method called static](
- [7493: [travis-ci\ Print list of PEAR packages installed and their versions](
- [7494: [db\[pgsql\[test\ Fix testDisconnect](
- [7495: [console\ Assert only int error levels are set](


- **ZF2015-04**: `Laminas\Mail` and `Laminas\Http` were both susceptible to CRLF
  Injection Attack vectors (for HTTP, this is often referred to as HTTP Response
  Splitting). Both components were updated to perform header value validations
  to ensure no values contain characters not detailed in their corresponding
  specifications, and will raise exceptions on detection. Each also provides new
  facilities for both validating and filtering header values prior to injecting
  them into header classes.

  If you use either `Laminas\Mail` or `Laminas\Http` (which includes users of
  `Laminas\Mvc`), we recommend upgrading immediately.
Assets 2