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Functional Typelevel Programming in Scala

This is a working draft document for discussing language constructs in support of typelevel programming in Scala 3.

State of the Art

Currently, typelevel programming in Scala is mainly done using implicits. Proof search for finding implicit arguments can be used to compute new, interesting types. This results in a programming style much like Prolog. Amazing feats have been achieved using this scheme, but things are certainly far from ideal. In particular:

  • The logic programming style requires a shift of mindset compared to the usual functional programming style in Scala.
  • The ways to control implicit search are underdeveloped, leading to complicated schemes, requiring rule prioritization or other hacks.
  • Because of their conceptual complexity the resulting typelevel programs are often fragile.
  • Error diagnostics are usually very bad, making programming with implicits somewhat of a black art. Dotty has greatly improved error dignostics for recursive implicits, but the fundamental problem remains.

The Core Idea

A simple principle underlies the new design: Typelevel programming in Scala 3 means reducing terms and taking their types afterwards. Specifically, if f is a transparent function applied to some arguments es then the type of the application f(es) is the type of the term to which f(es) reduces. Since reduction can specialize types, that type can be more specific than f's declared result type. Type-level programming in Scala 3 is thus a form of partial evaluation or type specialization.

Transparent Functions

Consider the standard definition of typelevel Peano numbers:

trait Nat
case object Z extends Nat
case class S[N <: Nat](n: N) extends Nat

A function that maps non-negative integers to Peano numbers can be defined as follows:

transparent def toNat(n: Int): Nat = n match {
  case 0 => Z
  case n if n > 0 => S(toNat(n - 1))

Without the transparent modifier, an application of toNat(3) would have type Nat, as this is the method's declared return type. But with transparent, the call to toNat(3) gets reduced at compile time as follows:

    3 match {
      case 0 => Z
      case n if n > 0 => S(toNat(n - 1))
    S(2 match {
        case 0 => Z
        case n if n > 0 => S(toNat(n - 1))
-> ->
    S(S(S(0 match {
            case 0 => Z
            case n if n > 0 => S(toNat(n - 1))

The type of toNat(3) is the type of its result, S[S[S[Z]]], which is a subtype of the declared result type Nat.

A transparent modifier on a method definition indicates that any application of the defined method outside a transparent method definition will be expanded to its right hand side, where formal parameters get bound to actual arguments. The right side will be further simplified using a set of rewrite rules given below.

Top-level match expressions in transparent methods are treated specially. An expression is considered top-level if it appears

  • as the right hand side of the transparent function, or
  • as the final expression of a top-level block, or
  • as a branch of a top-level match expression.

A top-level match expression in a transparent must be rewritten at compile-time. That is, if there is enough static information to unambiguously pick one of its branches, the expression is rewritten to that branch. Otherwise a compile-time error is signalled indicating that the match is ambiguous. If one wants to have a transparent function expand to a match expression that cannot be evaluated statically in this fashion, one can always enclose the expression in a

locally { ... }

block, which de-classifies it as a top-level expression. (locally is a function in Predef which simply returns its argument.)

Transparent methods are effectively final; they may not be overwritten. If a transparent method has a top-level match expression then it can itself override no other method and it must always be fully applied.

As another example, consider the following two functions over tuples:

transparent def concat(xs: Tuple, ys: Tuple): Tuple = xs match {
  case ()       => ys
  case (x, xs1) => (x, concat(xs1, ys))

transparent def nth(xs: Tuple, n: Int): Any = xs match {
  case (x, _)   if n == 0 => x
  case (_, xs1) if n > 0  => nth(xs1, n - 1)


as: (Int, String)
bs: (Boolean, List[Int])
tp: Tuple

Then we get the following typings:

concat(as, bs) : (Int, String, Boolean, List[Int])
concat(as, ()) : (Int, String)
concat((), as) : (Int, String)
concat(as, tp) : (Int, (String, Tuple))

nth(as, 0)     : Int
nth(as, 1)     : String
nth(as, 2)     : Nothing
nth(as, -1)    : Nothing
nth(concat(as, bs), 3) : List[Int]

In each of these cases, the result is obtained by expanding the transparent function(s), simplifying (reducing) their right hand sides, and taking the type of the result. As an example, the applications concat(as, bs) and nth(as, 1) would produce expressions like these:

concat(as, bs)  -->  (as._1, { val a$1 = as._2; (a$1._1, bs) }
nth(as, 1)      -->  { val a$1 = as._2; a$1._1 }

If tuples get large, so do the expansions. For instance, the size of the expansion of a valid selection nth(xs, n) is proportional to n. We will show later a scheme to avoid this code blowup using erased values.

The following expressions would all give compile-time errors since a toplevel match could not be reduced:

concat(tp, bs)
nth(tp, 0)
nth(as, 2)
nth(as -1)

It's possible to add more cases to a toplevel match, thereby moving an error from compile-time to runtime. For instance, here is a version of nth that throws a runtime error in case the index is out of bounds:

transparent def nthDynamic(xs: Tuple, n: Int): Any = xs match {
  case (x, _)   if n == 0 => x
  case (_, xs1) => nthDynamic(xs1, n - 1)
  case () => throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException

Here is an expansion of nthDynamic applied to a tuple as: (Int, String) and a negative index. For clarity we have added the computed types of the intermediate values as$i.

        nthDynamic(as, -1)
        { val as$0: (String, ()) = as._1
          nthDynamic(as$0, -2)
        { val as$0: (String, ()) = as._1
          { val as$1: () = as$0._1
            nthDynamic(as$1, -3)
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException

So the end result of the expansion is the expression throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException, which has type Nothing. It is important to note that programs are treated as data in this process, so the exception will not be thrown at compile time, but only if the program is run after it compiles without errors.

Rewrite Rules The following rewrite rules are performed when simplifying inlined bodies:

  • constant folding
  • evaluation of pattern matches in toplevel match expressions
  • reduction of projections
  • evaluation of if-then-else with constant expressions

(to be expanded)

Matching on Types

We have seen so far transparent functions that take terms (tuples and integers) as parameters. What if we want to base case distinctions on types instead? For instance, one would like to be able to write a function defaultValue, that, given a type T returns optionally the default value of T, if it exists. In fact, we can already express this using ordinary match expressions and a simple helper function, scala.typelevel.anyValue, which is defined as follows:

def anyValue[T]: T = ???

The anyValue function pretends to return a value of its type argument T. In fact, it will always raise a NotImplementedError exception instead. This is OK, since the function is intended to be used only on the type-level; it should never be executed at run-time.

Using anyValue, we can then define defaultValue as follows:

transparent def defaultValue[T]: Option[T] = anyValue[T] match {
  case _: Byte => Some(0: Byte)
  case _: Char => Some(0: Char)
  case _: Short => Some(0: Short)
  case _: Int => Some(0)
  case _: Long => Some(0L)
  case _: Float => Some(0.0f)
  case _: Double => Some(0.0d)
  case _: Boolean => Some(false)
  case _: Unit => Some(())
  case _: t >: Null => Some(null)
  case _ => None


defaultValue[Int] = Some(0)
defaultValue[Boolean] = Some(false)
defaultValue[String | Null] = Some(null)
defaultValue[AnyVal] = None

As another example, consider the type-level inverse of toNat: given a type representing a Peano number, return the integer value corresponding to it. Here's how this can be defined:

transparent def toInt[N <: Nat]: Int = anyValue[N] match {
  case _: Z => 0
  case _: S[n] => toInt[n] + 1

Computing New Types

The examples so far all computed terms that have interesting new types. Since in Scala terms can contain types it is equally easy to compute the types of these terms directly as well. To this purpose, it is helpful to base oneself on the helper class scala.typelevel.Typed, defined as follows:

class Typed[T](val value: T) { type Type = T }

Here is a version of concat that computes at the same time a result and its type:

transparent def concatTyped(xs: Tuple, ys: Tuple): Typed[_ <: Tuple] = xs match {
  case ()       => Typed(ys)
  case (x, xs1) => Typed((x, concatTyped(xs1, ys).value))

Avoiding Code Explosion

Recursive transparent functions implement a form of loop unrolling through inlining. This can lead to very large generated expressions. The code explosion can be avoided by calling typed versions of the transparent functions to define erased values, of which just the typed part is used afterwards. Here is how this can be done for concat:

def concatImpl(xs: Tuple, ys: Tuple): Tuple = xs match {
  case ()       => ys
  case (x, xs1) => (x, concatImpl(xs1, ys))

transparent def concat(xs: Tuple, ys: Tuple): Tuple = {
  erased val r = concatTyped(xs, ys)
  concatImpl(xs, ys).asInstanceOf[r.Type]

The transparent concat method makes use of two helper functions, concatTyped (described in the last section) and concatImpl. concatTyped is called as the right hand side of an erased value r. Since r is erased, no code is generated for its definition. concatImpl is a regular, non-transparent function that implements concat on generic tuples. It is not inlineable, and its result type is always Tuple. The actual code for concat calls concatImpl and casts its result to type r.Type, the computed result type of the concatenation. This gives the best of both worlds: Compact code and expressive types.

One might criticize that this scheme involves code duplication. In the example above, the recursive concat algorithm had to be implemented twice, once as a regular function, the other time as a transparent function. However, in practice it is is quite likely that the regular function would use optimized data representatons and algortihms that do not lend themselves easily to a typelevel interpretation. In these cases a dual implementation is required anyway.

Code Specialization

Transparent functions are a convenient means to achieve code specialization. As an example, consider implementing a math library that implements (among others) a dotProduct method. Here is a possible implementation of MathLib with some user code.

abstract class MathLib[N : Numeric] {
  def dotProduct(xs: Array[N], ys: Array[N]): N
object MathLib {

  transparent def apply[N](implicit n: Numeric[N]) = new MathLib[N] {
    import n._
    def dotProduct(xs: Array[N], ys: Array[N]): N = {
      require(xs.length == ys.length)
      var i = 0
      var s: N =
      while (i < xs.length) {
        s = s + xs(i) * ys(i)
        i += 1

MathLib is intentionally kept very abstract - it works for any element type N for which a math.Numeric implementation exists. Here is some code that uses MathLib:

val mlib = MathLib[Double]

val xs = Array(1.0, 1.0)
val ys = Array(2.0, -3.0)
mlib.dotProduct(xs, ys)

The implementation code for a given numeric type N is produced by the apply method of MathLib. Even though the dotProduct code looks simple, there is a lot of hidden complexity in the generic code:

  • It uses unbounded generic arrays, which means code on the JVM needs reflection to access their elements
  • All operations on array elements forward to generic operations in class Numeric.

It would be quite hard for even a good optimizer to undo the generic abstractions and replace them with something simpler if N is specialized to a primitive type like Double. But since apply is marked transparent, the specialization happens automatically as a result of inlining the body of apply with the new types. Indeed, the specialized version of dotProduct looks like this:

def dotProduct(xs: Array[Double], ys: Array[Double]): Double = {
  require(xs.length == ys.length)
  var i = 0
  var s: Double =
  while (i < xs.length) {
    s = s + xs(i) * ys(i)
    i += 1

In other words, specialization with transparent functions allows "abstraction without regret". The price to pay for this is the increase of code size through inlining. That price is often worth paying, but inlining decisions need to be considered carefully.

Implicit Matches

It is foreseen that many areas of typelevel programming can be done with transparent functions instead of implicits. But sometimes implicits are unavoidable. The problem so far was that the Prolog-like programming style of implicit search becomes viral: Once some construct depends on implicit search it has to be written as a logic program itself. Consider for instance the problem of creating a TreeSet[T] or a HashSet[T] depending on whether T has an Ordering or not. We can create a set of implicit definitions like this:

trait SetFor[T, S <: Set[T]]
class LowPriority {
  implicit def hashSetFor[T]: SetFor[T, HashSet[T]] = ...
object SetsFor extends LowPriority {
  implicit def treeSetFor[T: Ordering]: SetFor[T, TreeSet[T]] = ...

Clearly, this is not pretty. Besides all the usual indirection of implicit search, we face the problem of rule prioritization where we have to ensure that treeSetFor takes priority over hashSetFor if the element type has an ordering. This is solved (clumsily) by putting hashSetFor in a superclass LowPriority of the object SetsFor where treeSetFor is defined. Maybe the boilerplate would still be acceptable if the crufty code could be contained. However, this is not the case. Every user of the abstraction has to be parameterized itself with a SetFor implicit. Considering the simple task "I want a TreeSet[T] if T has an ordering and a HashSet[T] otherwise", this seems like a lot of ceremony.

There are some proposals to improve the situation in specific areas, for instance by allowing more elaborate schemes to specify priorities. But they all keep the viral nature of implicit search programs based on logic programming.

By contrast, the new implicit match construct makes implicit search available in a functional context. To solve the problem of creating the right set, one would use it as follows:

transparent def setFor[T]: Set[T] = implicit match {
  case Ordering[T] => new TreeSet[T]
  case _           => new HashSet[T]

An implicit match uses the implicit keyword in the place of the scrutinee. Its patterns are types. Patterns are tried in sequence. The first case with a pattern for which an implicit can be summoned is chosen.

Implicit matches can only occur as toplevel match expressions of transparent methods. This ensures that all implicit searches are done at compile-time.

There may be several patterns in a case of an implicit match, separated by commas. Patterns may bind type variables. For instance the case

  case Convertible[T, u], Printable[`u`] => ...

matches any type T that is Convertible to another type u such that u is Printable.

New Syntax for Type Variables in Patterns

This last example exhibits some awkwardness in the way type variables are currently handled in patterns. To bind a type variable, it needs to start with a lower case letter, then to refer to the bound variable itself, the variable has to be put in backticks. This is doable, but feels a bit unnatural. To improve on the syntax, we allow an alternative syntax that prefixes type variables by type:

  case Convertible[T, type U], Printable[U] => ...

Transparent Values

Value definitions can also be marked transparent. Examples:

transparent val label      = "url"
transparent val pi: Double = 3.14159265359

The right hand side of a transparent value definition must be a pure expression of constant type. The type of the value is then the type of its right hand side, without any widenings. For instance, the type of label above is the singleton type "url" instead of String and the type of pi is 3.14159265359 instead of Double.

Transparent values are effectively final; they may not be overridden. In Scala-2, constant values had to be expressed using final, which gave an unfortunate double meaning to the modifier. The final syntax is still supported in Scala 3 for a limited time to support cross-building.

The transparent modifier can also be used for value parameters of transparent methods. Example

transparent def power(x: Double, transparent n: Int) = ...

If a transparent modifier is given, corresponding arguments must be pure expressions of constant type.

However, the restrictions on right-hand sides or arguments mentioned in this section do not apply in code that is itself in a transparent method. In other words, constantness checking is performed only when a transparent method is expanded, not when it is defined.

Transparent and Inline

Dotty up to version 0.9 also supports an inline modifier. inline is similar to transparent in that inlining happens during type-checking. However, inline does not change the types of the inlined expressions. The expressions are instead inlined in the form of trees that are already typed.

Since there is very large overlap between transparent and inline, we propose to drop inline as a separate modifier. The current @inline annotation, which represents a hint to the optimizer that inlining might be advisable, will remain unaffected.

Relationship to "TypeOf"

This document describes one particular way to conceptualize and implement transparent methods. An implementation is under way in #4616. An alternative approach is explored in #4671. The main difference is that the present proposal uses the machinery of partial evaluation (PE) whereas #4671 uses the machinery of (term-) dependent types (DT).

The PE approach reduces the original right-hand side of a transparent function via term rewriting. The right hand side is conceptually the term as it is written down, closed over the environment where the transparent function was defined. This is implemented by rewriting and then re-type-checking the original untyped tree, but with typed leaves that refer to the tree's free variables. The re-type-checking with more specific argument types can lead to a type derivation that is quite different than the original typing of the transparent method's right hand side. Types might be inferred to be more specific, overloading resolution could pick different alternatives, and implicit searches might yield different results or might be elided altogether. This flexibility is what makes code specialization work smoothly.

By constrast, the DT approach typechecks the right hand side of a transparent function in a special way. Instead of computing types as usual, it "lifts" every term into a type that mirrors it. To do this, it needs to create type equivalents of all relevant term forms including applications, conditionals, match expressions, and the various forms of pattern matches. The end result of the DT approach is then a type {t} that represents essentially the right-hand side term t itself, or at least all portions that might contribute to that type. The type has to be constructed in such a way that the result type of every application of a transparent function can be read off from it. An application of a transparent function then needs to just instantiate that type, whereas the term is not affected at all, and the function is called as usual. This means there is a guarantee that the semantics of a transparent call is the same as a normal call, only the type is better. On the other hand, one cannot play tricks such as code specialization, since there is nothing to specialize. Also, implicit matches would not fit into this scheme, as they require term rewritings. Another concern is how much additional complexity would be caused by mirroring the necessary term forms in types and tweaking type inference to work with the new types.

To summarize, here are some advantages of DT over PE:

  • It avoids code explosion by design (can be solved in PE but requires extra work).
  • Expansion only works on types, so this might well be faster at compile-time than PE's term rewriting.
  • It gives a guarantee that transparent is semantics preserving.
  • The typeof {t} operator is interesting in its own right.

By contrast, here are some advantages of PE over DT:

  • It uses the standard type checker and typing rules with no need to go to full dependent types (only path dependent types instead of full term-dependencies).
  • It can do code specialization.
  • It can do implicit matches.
  • It can also serve as the inlining mechanism for implementing macros with staging (see next section).

Relationship To Meta Programming

Transparent functions are a safer alternative to the whitebox macros in Scala 2. Both share the principle that some function applications get expanded such that the types of these applications are the types of their expansions. But the way the expansions are performed is completely different: For transparent functions, expansions are simply beta reduction (aka inlining) and a set of rewrite rules that are sound wrt the language semantics. All rewritings are performed by the compiler itself. It is really as if some parts of the program reduction are performed early, which is the essence of partial evaluation.

By contrast, Scala 2 macros mean that user-defined code is invoked to process program fragments as data. The result of this computation is then embedded instead of the macro call. Macros are thus a lot more powerful than transparent functions, but also a lot less safe.

Functionality analogous to blackbox macros in Scala-2 is available in Scala-3 through its principled meta programming system: Code can be turned into data using quotes ('). Code-returning computations can be inserted into quotes using splices (~). A splice outside quotes means that the spliced computation is run, which is the analogue of invoking a macro. Quoted code can be inspected using reflection on Tasty trees.

To compare: here's the scheme used in Scala-2 to define a macro:

def m(x: T) = macro mImpl
def mImpl(x: Tree) = ...

Here's analogous functionality in Scala-3:

transparent def m(x: T) = ~mImpl('x)
def mImpl(x: Expr[T]) = ...

The new scheme is more explicit and orthogonal: The usual way to define a macro is as a transparent function that invokes with ~ a macro library method, passing it quoted arguments as data. The role of the transparent function is simply to avoid to have to write the splices and quotes in user code.

One important difference between the two schemes is that the reflective call implied by ~ is performed after the program is typechecked. Besides a better separation of concerns, this also provides a more predictable environment for macro code to run in.


Many of the ideas in this proposal resulted from discussions with @gsps and @OlivierBlanvillain, the authors of the "TypeOf" approach (PR #4671). @gsps suggested the use of the transparent keyword. @OlivierBlanvillain suggested techniques like anyValue and Typed to lift term computations to types. The present proposal also benefited from feedback from @milessabin, @adriaanm, @sjrd, Andrei Alexandrescu, John Hughes, Conor McBride and Stephanie Weirich on earlier designs. The relationship with meta programming has a lot in common with the original inline and meta proposals in SIP 28 and SIP 29.