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@PeterWithers PeterWithers released this 26 May 16:17
· 165 commits to master since this release

Completed the construction of stimuli sequences for Discrimination Words and added unit tests.
Updated the confidence controller to provide self links.
Updated the stimulus provider to better supply random distinct words as stimulus.
Modified the structure of Vowel and its qualities so that there is only ever one Vowel record for each Vowel and it can have any number of Vowel Properties, for instance a diphthong.
Added a unique constraint to various fields in vowel and consonant.
Added more content to the simulus provider unit tests.
Renamed the index.html page to demonstration.html so that the application JSON links are accessible.
Added annotations so that more endpoints are visible in the application links.
Moved the index.html page into resources public to fit the spring boot paradigm.
Added task specific stimuli provider REST end points.
Updated the storage of users responses.
Completed the unit test for confidence that includes the CRUD repositories.
Updated the storage of users responses.
Added a test of confidence that includes the CRUD repositories.
Modified the settings data to use list rather than arraylist.