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Installation Overview

ZhangxiJesseFeng edited this page Jul 18, 2023 · 9 revisions


Operating system specific installation instructions.

MILK dependencies

  • MILK requires MAUD versions greater than 2.995. The most recent MAUD release is currently (6/3/2023) hosted in the MAUD website.
  • Python requirements are packaged in the conda environement.yml.

Using the Docker

It is possible to avoid installing MILK on your system and simply use the Docker container instead. See the main README for details. Note that Docker is currently very slow when used on Windows and Mac with M1 chip due to architecture mismatches and MAUD speed issues.

Tips and Tricks

Some users have had issues getting conda to solve dependencies quickly. Mamba has been a useful tool when this happens.

If you have an old anaconda installation might be necessary to anaconda update.

If you are behind proxies you will need to configure on MAC or LINUX:

conda config --set proxy_servers.http http://myproxy:port
conda config --set proxy_servers.https https://myproxy:port
git config --global http.proxy http://myproxy:port
python -m pip config set global.proxy http://myproxy:port

On Windows you will need to set the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables.

If you want to pull the latest from the master branch, then on the command line navigate to the clone MILK directory and type

git pull

If there are local changes and you don't want to keep them, then on the command line type

git fetch
git reset --hard HEAD
git pull

If the bin files have been modified, you will need to reinstall them in the MILK conda bin

python -m pip install -e .\

Things about Maud

Most Maud settings are saved in ~/Documents/Maud after Maud is opened for the first time. But Maud preferences are saved as Java preferences that are in different folders depending on the operating system.